321 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Multilevel Secure Database in Website

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    Multi-tier web server systems are used in many importantcontexts and their security is a major cause of concern.Such systems can exploit strategies. In this paper, a model was present based onthree-tier architecture (Client tier, Server tier and Database tier) and applying multilevel security on it. The database server tier consists of the DBMS or the database management system and the database and we built it off-line to reduce unauthorized access to sensitive data. The Client tier, which is usually a web browser, processes and displays HTML resources, issues HTML requests and processes the responses. These web browsers are HTTP clients that interact with the Web servers using standard protocols. The Middle or application server tier consists most of the application logic. Inputs receives from the clients and interacts with the database but only the results sent to application server then to client. This achieved by using multilevel of security to protect database, using Authorization, Password Encryption. The process of authorization done by allowing the access to proposed system pages depending on authorized level; Password encrypted using bcrypt with fallbacks on sha-256/512 with key stretching to protect it from cracking by any types of attack. Client-to-Application Server Protocol (CAP) uses the RC4A algorithm to provide data confidentiality to secure transmitted information from application server to client. Keywords: Authentication, Multi-tier model, Multi-Tier Security, Security, Data protection, Internet security

    Why Do Developers Get Password Storage Wrong? A Qualitative Usability Study

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    Passwords are still a mainstay of various security systems, as well as the cause of many usability issues. For end-users, many of these issues have been studied extensively, highlighting problems and informing design decisions for better policies and motivating research into alternatives. However, end-users are not the only ones who have usability problems with passwords! Developers who are tasked with writing the code by which passwords are stored must do so securely. Yet history has shown that this complex task often fails due to human error with catastrophic results. While an end-user who selects a bad password can have dire consequences, the consequences of a developer who forgets to hash and salt a password database can lead to far larger problems. In this paper we present a first qualitative usability study with 20 computer science students to discover how developers deal with password storage and to inform research into aiding developers in the creation of secure password systems

    Authentication Methods and Password Cracking

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    Na začátku této práce porovnáváme dnes běžně používané metody autentizace a také mluvíme o historii, současnosti a budoucnosti zabezpečení hesel. Později využíváme nástroj Hashcat k experimentům s útoky hrubou silou a slovníkovými útoky, které zrychlujeme s pomocí Markovových modelů a pravidel pro manipulaci se slovy. Porovnáváme také dva hardwarové přístupy --- běžný počítač a cloud computing. Nakonec na základě našich poznatků práci uzavíráme souborem doporučení na prolamování hesel s důrazem na hardware, velikost datové sady a použitou hašovací funkci.In the beginning of this thesis, we compare authentication methods commonly used today and dive into the history, state of the art as well as the future of password security. Later on, we use the tool Hashcat to experiment with brute-force and dictionary attacks accelerated with Markov models and word mangling rules. We also compare two hardware approaches --- regular computer and cloud computing. Based on our findings, we finally conclude with a set of password-cracking recommendations with focus on hardware, dataset size and used hash function

    "Do this! Do that!, And Nothing will happen":Do specifications lead to securely stored passwords?

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    Does the act of writing a specification (how the code should behave) for a piece of security sensitive code lead to developers producing more secure code? We asked 138 developers to write a snippet of code to store a password: Half of them were asked to write down a specification of how the code should behave before writing the program, the other half were asked to write the code but without being prompted to write a specification first. We find that explicitly prompting developers to write a specification has a small positive effect on the security of password storage approaches implemented. However, developers often fail to store passwords securely, despite claiming to be confident and knowledgeable in their approaches, and despite considering an appropriate range of threats. We find a need for developer-centered usable mechanisms for telling developers how to store passwords: lists of what they must do are not working

    Authentication and password storing improvement using SXR algorithm with a hash function

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    Secure password storing is essential in systems working based on password authentication. In this paper, SXR algorithm (Split, Exclusive OR, and Replace) was proposed to improve secure password storing and could also be applied to current authentication systems. SXR algorithm consisted of four steps. First, the received password from users was hashed through a general hash function. Second, the ratio and the number of iterations from the secret key (username and password) were calculated. Third, the hashed password and ratio were computed, and the hashed password was divided based on the ratio (Split) into two values. Both the values were applied to XOR equation according to the number of iterations, resulting in two new values. Last, the obtained values were concatenated and stored in the database (Replace). On evaluating, complexity analyses and comparisons has shown that SXR algorithm could provide attack resistance with a stronger hashed password against the aforementioned attacks. Consequently, even if the hackers hacked the hashed password, it would be challenging and would consume more time to decrypt the actual one, because the pattern of the stored password is the same as the one that has been hashed through the general hash function

    Method to Protect Passwords in Databases for Web Applications

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    Trying to make it more difficult to hack passwords has a long history. However the research community has not addressed the change of context from traditional Unix mainframe systems to web applications which face new threats (DoS) and have fewer constraints (client-side computation is allowed). In absence of updated guidance, a variety of solutions are scattered all over the web, from amateur to somewhat professional. However, even the best references have issues such as incomplete details, misuse of terminology, assertion of requirements that are not adequately justified, and too many options presented to the developer, opening the door to potential mistakes. The purpose of this research note is to present a solution with complete details and a concise summary of the requirements, and to provide a solution that developers can readily implement with confidence, assuming that the solution is endorsed by the research community. The proposed solution involves client-side processing of a heavy computation in combination with a server-side hash computation. It follows a similar approach to a few other proposals on the web, but is more complete and justified than any that we found

    Security of a NoSQL database : authentication, authorization and transport layer security

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.This project is intended to fill an important gap in a database management system called AngraDB: security. By using such systems, users need to be identified uniquely, so that their actions can be tracked and, most importantly, controlled. With that motivation, this work developed authentication and authorization schemes, following AngraDB’s core idea of modularity and flexibility, and, given the sensitive nature of these systems, it has also implanted the SSL protocol upon the existing transport layer, all using the language Erlang, just as it is on the greatest part of the database project. These schemes were created considering other known databases as comparative models, such as MongoDB and CouchDB, and were also result of research about de facto standards, especially in regard to authentication and password hashing. Soon, this project will add some more security modules, such as data encryption and audit modules

    Clipaha: A Scheme to Perform Password Stretching on the Client

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    Password security relies heavily on the choice of password by the user but also on the one-way hash functions used to protect stored passwords. To compensate for the increased computing power of attackers, modern password hash functions like Argon2, have been made more complex in terms of computational power and memory requirements. Nowadays, the computation of such hash functions is performed usually by the server (or authenticator) instead of the client. Therefore, constrained Internet of Things devices cannot use such functions when authenticating users. Additionally, the load of computing such functions may expose servers to denial of service attacks. In this work, we discuss client-side hashing as an alternative. We propose Clipaha, a client-side hashing scheme that allows using high-security password hashing even on highly constrained server devices. Clipaha is robust to a broader range of attacks compared to previous work and covers important and complex usage scenarios. Our evaluation discusses critical aspects involved in client-side hashing. We also provide an implementation of Clipaha in the form of a web library and benchmark the library on different systems to understand its mixed JavaScript and WebAssembly approach\u27s limitations. Benchmarks show that our library is 50\% faster than similar libraries and can run on some devices where previous work fails

    Modernizing Password Usage In Computing

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    A study of password usage and crypotography in computing culminates in the development of a password manager that improves users' password security. PassMan offers two-factor encrypted storage of user passwords and account information via the Yubikey, a common hardware authentication device, login auto-typing, password strength calculation, and customizable password generation. *Includes CD