157 research outputs found

    Detection and classification of non-stationary signals using sparse representations in adaptive dictionaries

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    Automatic classification of non-stationary radio frequency (RF) signals is of particular interest in persistent surveillance and remote sensing applications. Such signals are often acquired in noisy, cluttered environments, and may be characterized by complex or unknown analytical models, making feature extraction and classification difficult. This thesis proposes an adaptive classification approach for poorly characterized targets and backgrounds based on sparse representations in non-analytical dictionaries learned from data. Conventional analytical orthogonal dictionaries, e.g., Short Time Fourier and Wavelet Transforms, can be suboptimal for classification of non-stationary signals, as they provide a rigid tiling of the time-frequency space, and are not specifically designed for a particular signal class. They generally do not lead to sparse decompositions (i.e., with very few non-zero coefficients), and use in classification requires separate feature selection algorithms. Pursuit-type decompositions in analytical overcomplete (non-orthogonal) dictionaries yield sparse representations, by design, and work well for signals that are similar to the dictionary elements. The pursuit search, however, has a high computational cost, and the method can perform poorly in the presence of realistic noise and clutter. One such overcomplete analytical dictionary method is also analyzed in this thesis for comparative purposes. The main thrust of the thesis is learning discriminative RF dictionaries directly from data, without relying on analytical constraints or additional knowledge about the signal characteristics. A pursuit search is used over the learned dictionaries to generate sparse classification features in order to identify time windows that contain a target pulse. Two state-of-the-art dictionary learning methods are compared, the K-SVD algorithm and Hebbian learning, in terms of their classification performance as a function of dictionary training parameters. Additionally, a novel hybrid dictionary algorithm is introduced, demonstrating better performance and higher robustness to noise. The issue of dictionary dimensionality is explored and this thesis demonstrates that undercomplete learned dictionaries are suitable for non-stationary RF classification. Results on simulated data sets with varying background clutter and noise levels are presented. Lastly, unsupervised classification with undercomplete learned dictionaries is also demonstrated in satellite imagery analysis

    Machine Learning and Data Mining Applications in Power Systems

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    This Special Issue was intended as a forum to advance research and apply machine-learning and data-mining methods to facilitate the development of modern electric power systems, grids and devices, and smart grids and protection devices, as well as to develop tools for more accurate and efficient power system analysis. Conventional signal processing is no longer adequate to extract all the relevant information from distorted signals through filtering, estimation, and detection to facilitate decision-making and control actions. Machine learning algorithms, optimization techniques and efficient numerical algorithms, distributed signal processing, machine learning, data-mining statistical signal detection, and estimation may help to solve contemporary challenges in modern power systems. The increased use of digital information and control technology can improve the grid’s reliability, security, and efficiency; the dynamic optimization of grid operations; demand response; the incorporation of demand-side resources and integration of energy-efficient resources; distribution automation; and the integration of smart appliances and consumer devices. Signal processing offers the tools needed to convert measurement data to information, and to transform information into actionable intelligence. This Special Issue includes fifteen articles, authored by international research teams from several countries

    Algorithms for super-resolution of images based on Sparse Representation and Manifolds

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    lmage super-resolution is defined as a class of techniques that enhance the spatial resolution of images. Super-resolution methods can be subdivided in single and multi image methods. This thesis focuses on developing algorithms based on mathematical theories for single image super­ resolution problems. lndeed, in arder to estimate an output image, we adopta mixed approach: i.e., we use both a dictionary of patches with sparsity constraints (typical of learning-based methods) and regularization terms (typical of reconstruction-based methods). Although the existing methods already per- form well, they do not take into account the geometry of the data to: regularize the solution, cluster data samples (samples are often clustered using algorithms with the Euclidean distance as a dissimilarity metric), learn dictionaries (they are often learned using PCA or K-SVD). Thus, state-of-the-art methods still suffer from shortcomings. In this work, we proposed three new methods to overcome these deficiencies. First, we developed SE-ASDS (a structure tensor based regularization term) in arder to improve the sharpness of edges. SE-ASDS achieves much better results than many state-of-the- art algorithms. Then, we proposed AGNN and GOC algorithms for determining a local subset of training samples from which a good local model can be computed for recon- structing a given input test sample, where we take into account the underlying geometry of the data. AGNN and GOC methods outperform spectral clustering, soft clustering, and geodesic distance based subset selection in most settings. Next, we proposed aSOB strategy which takes into account the geometry of the data and the dictionary size. The aSOB strategy outperforms both PCA and PGA methods. Finally, we combine all our methods in a unique algorithm, named G2SR. Our proposed G2SR algorithm shows better visual and quantitative results when compared to the results of state-of-the-art methods.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NĂ­vel SuperiorTese (Doutorado)Super-resolução de imagens Ă© definido como urna classe de tĂ©cnicas que melhora a resolução espacial de imagens. MĂ©todos de super-resolução podem ser subdivididos em mĂ©todos para urna Ășnica imagens e mĂ©todos para mĂșltiplas imagens. Esta tese foca no desenvolvimento de algoritmos baseados em teorias matemĂĄticas para problemas de super-resolução de urna Ășnica imagem. Com o propĂłsito de estimar urna imagem de saĂ­da, nĂłs adotamos urna abordagem mista, ou seja: nĂłs usamos dicionĂĄrios de patches com restrição de esparsidade (mĂ©todo baseado em aprendizagem) e termos de regularização (mĂ©todo baseado em reconstrução). Embora os mĂ©todos existentes sejam eficientes, eles nao levam em consideração a geometria dos dados para: regularizar a solução, clusterizar os dados (dados sao frequentemente clusterizados usando algoritmos com a distancia Euclideana como mĂ©trica de dissimilaridade), aprendizado de dicionĂĄrios (eles sao frequentemente treinados usando PCA ou K-SVD). Portante, os mĂ©todos do estado da arte ainda tem algumas deficiencias. Neste trabalho, nĂłs propomos tres mĂ©todos originais para superar estas deficiencias. Primeiro, nĂłs desenvolvemos SE-ASDS (um termo de regularização baseado em structure tensor) afim de melhorar a nitidez das bordas das imagens. SE-ASDS alcança resultados muito melhores que os algoritmos do estado da arte. Em seguida, nĂłs propomos os algoritmos AGNN e GOC para determinar um subconjunto de amostras de treinamento a partir das quais um bom modelo local pode ser calculado para reconstruir urna dada amostra de entrada considerando a geometria dos dados. Os mĂ©todos AGNN e GOC superamos mĂ©todos spectral clustering, soft clustering e os mĂ©todos baseados em distancia geodĂ©sica na maioria dos casos. Depois, nĂłs propomos o mĂ©todo aSOB que leva em consideração a geometria dos dados e o tamanho do dicionĂĄrio. O mĂ©todo aSOB supera os mĂ©todos PCA e PGA. Finalmente, nĂłs combinamos todos os mĂ©todos que propomos em um Ășnico algoritmo, a saber, G2SR. Nosso algoritmo G2SR mostra resultados melhores que os mĂ©todos do estado da arte em termos de PSRN, SSIM, FSIM e qualidade visual

    A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis on Social Network Anonymization: Current Approaches and Future Directions

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    In recent decades, social network anonymization has become a crucial research field due to its pivotal role in preserving users' privacy. However, the high diversity of approaches introduced in relevant studies poses a challenge to gaining a profound understanding of the field. In response to this, the current study presents an exhaustive and well-structured bibliometric analysis of the social network anonymization field. To begin our research, related studies from the period of 2007-2022 were collected from the Scopus Database then pre-processed. Following this, the VOSviewer was used to visualize the network of authors' keywords. Subsequently, extensive statistical and network analyses were performed to identify the most prominent keywords and trending topics. Additionally, the application of co-word analysis through SciMAT and the Alluvial diagram allowed us to explore the themes of social network anonymization and scrutinize their evolution over time. These analyses culminated in an innovative taxonomy of the existing approaches and anticipation of potential trends in this domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis in the social network anonymization field, which offers a deeper understanding of the current state and an insightful roadmap for future research in this domain.Comment: 73 pages, 28 figure

    Subspace Representations and Learning for Visual Recognition

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    Pervasive and affordable sensor and storage technology enables the acquisition of an ever-rising amount of visual data. The ability to extract semantic information by interpreting, indexing and searching visual data is impacting domains such as surveillance, robotics, intelligence, human- computer interaction, navigation, healthcare, and several others. This further stimulates the investigation of automated extraction techniques that are more efficient, and robust against the many sources of noise affecting the already complex visual data, which is carrying the semantic information of interest. We address the problem by designing novel visual data representations, based on learning data subspace decompositions that are invariant against noise, while being informative for the task at hand. We use this guiding principle to tackle several visual recognition problems, including detection and recognition of human interactions from surveillance video, face recognition in unconstrained environments, and domain generalization for object recognition.;By interpreting visual data with a simple additive noise model, we consider the subspaces spanned by the model portion (model subspace) and the noise portion (variation subspace). We observe that decomposing the variation subspace against the model subspace gives rise to the so-called parity subspace. Decomposing the model subspace against the variation subspace instead gives rise to what we name invariant subspace. We extend the use of kernel techniques for the parity subspace. This enables modeling the highly non-linear temporal trajectories describing human behavior, and performing detection and recognition of human interactions. In addition, we introduce supervised low-rank matrix decomposition techniques for learning the invariant subspace for two other tasks. We learn invariant representations for face recognition from grossly corrupted images, and we learn object recognition classifiers that are invariant to the so-called domain bias.;Extensive experiments using the benchmark datasets publicly available for each of the three tasks, show that learning representations based on subspace decompositions invariant to the sources of noise lead to results comparable or better than the state-of-the-art

    Apprentissage de dictionnaires pour la reconnaissance de motifs en imagerie médicale

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    Most natural signals can be approximated by a linear combination of a few atoms in a dictionary. Such sparse representations of signals and dictionary learning (DL) methods have received a special attention over the past few years. While standard DL approaches are effective in applications such as image denoising or compression, several discriminative DL methods have been proposed to achieve better image classification. In this thesis, we have shown that the dictionary size for each class is an important factor in the pattern recognition applications where there exist variability difference between classes, in the case of both the standard and discriminative DL methods. We validated the proposition of using different dictionary size based on complexity of the class data in a computer vision application such as lips detection in face images, followed by more complex medical imaging application such as classification of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions using MR images. The class specific dictionaries are learned for the lesions and individual healthy brain tissues, and the size of the dictionary for each class is adapted according to the complexity of the underlying data. The algorithm is validated using 52 multi-sequence MR images acquired from 13 MS patients.La plupart des signaux naturels peuvent ĂȘtre reprĂ©sentĂ©s par une combinaison linĂ©aire de quelques atomes dans un dictionnaire. Ces reprĂ©sentations parcimonieuses et les mĂ©thodes d'apprentissage de dictionnaires (AD) ont suscitĂ© un vif intĂ©rĂȘt au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es. Bien que les mĂ©thodes d'AD classiques soient efficaces dans des applications telles que le dĂ©bruitage d'images, plusieurs mĂ©thodes d'AD discriminatifs ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es pour obtenir des dictionnaires mieux adaptĂ©s Ă  la classification. Dans ce travail, nous dĂ©montrons que la taille des dictionnaires de chaque classe est un facteur crucial dans les applications de reconnaissance des formes lorsqu'il existe des diffĂ©rences de variabilitĂ© entre les classes, Ă  la fois dans le cas des dictionnaires classiques et des dictionnaires discriminatifs. Nous avons validĂ© la proposition d'utiliser diffĂ©rentes tailles de dictionnaires, dans une application de vision par ordinateur, la dĂ©tection des lĂšvres dans des images de visages, ainsi que par une application mĂ©dicale plus complexe, la classification des lĂ©sions de sclĂ©roses en plaques (SEP) dans des images IRM multimodales. Les dictionnaires spĂ©cifiques Ă  chaque classe sont appris pour les lĂ©sions et les tissus cĂ©rĂ©braux sains. La taille du dictionnaire pour chaque classe est adaptĂ©e en fonction de la complexitĂ© des donnĂ©es. L'algorithme est validĂ© Ă  l'aide de 52 sĂ©quences IRM multimodales de 13 patients atteints de SEP

    Online Multi-Stage Deep Architectures for Feature Extraction and Object Recognition

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    Multi-stage visual architectures have recently found success in achieving high classification accuracies over image datasets with large variations in pose, lighting, and scale. Inspired by techniques currently at the forefront of deep learning, such architectures are typically composed of one or more layers of preprocessing, feature encoding, and pooling to extract features from raw images. Training these components traditionally relies on large sets of patches that are extracted from a potentially large image dataset. In this context, high-dimensional feature space representations are often helpful for obtaining the best classification performances and providing a higher degree of invariance to object transformations. Large datasets with high-dimensional features complicate the implementation of visual architectures in memory constrained environments. This dissertation constructs online learning replacements for the components within a multi-stage architecture and demonstrates that the proposed replacements (namely fuzzy competitive clustering, an incremental covariance estimator, and multi-layer neural network) can offer performance competitive with their offline batch counterparts while providing a reduced memory footprint. The online nature of this solution allows for the development of a method for adjusting parameters within the architecture via stochastic gradient descent. Testing over multiple datasets shows the potential benefits of this methodology when appropriate priors on the initial parameters are unknown. Alternatives to batch based decompositions for a whitening preprocessing stage which take advantage of natural image statistics and allow simple dictionary learners to work well in the problem domain are also explored. Expansions of the architecture using additional pooling statistics and multiple layers are presented and indicate that larger codebook sizes are not the only step forward to higher classification accuracies. Experimental results from these expansions further indicate the important role of sparsity and appropriate encodings within multi-stage visual feature extraction architectures

    Proceedings of the 35th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux and the 4th joint WIC/IEEE Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux, Eindhoven, the Netherlands May 12-13, 2014

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    Compressive sensing (CS) as an approach for data acquisition has recently received much attention. In CS, the signal recovery problem from the observed data requires the solution of a sparse vector from an underdetermined system of equations. The underlying sparse signal recovery problem is quite general with many applications and is the focus of this talk. The main emphasis will be on Bayesian approaches for sparse signal recovery. We will examine sparse priors such as the super-Gaussian and student-t priors and appropriate MAP estimation methods. In particular, re-weighted l2 and re-weighted l1 methods developed to solve the optimization problem will be discussed. The talk will also examine a hierarchical Bayesian framework and then study in detail an empirical Bayesian method, the Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) method. If time permits, we will also discuss Bayesian methods for sparse recovery problems with structure; Intra-vector correlation in the context of the block sparse model and inter-vector correlation in the context of the multiple measurement vector problem
