8 research outputs found

    OpenACC Based GPU Parallelization of Plane Sweep Algorithm for Geometric Intersection

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    Line segment intersection is one of the elementary operations in computational geometry. Complex problems in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) like finding map overlays or spatial joins using polygonal data require solving segment intersections. Plane sweep paradigm is used for finding geometric intersection in an efficient manner. However, it is difficult to parallelize due to its in-order processing of spatial events. We present a new fine-grained parallel algorithm for geometric intersection and its CPU and GPU implementation using OpenMP and OpenACC. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work demonstrating an effective parallelization of plane sweep on GPUs. We chose compiler directive based approach for implementation because of its simplicity to parallelize sequential code. Using Nvidia Tesla P100 GPU, our implementation achieves around 40X speedup for line segment intersection problem on 40K and 80K data sets compared to sequential CGAL library

    : fast, flexible annotation of genetic variants

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    Binary Interval Search (BITS): A Scalable Algorithm for Counting Interval Intersections

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    Motivation: The comparison of diverse genomic datasets is fundamental to understanding genome biology. Researchers must explore many large datasets of genome intervals (e.g., genes, sequence alignments) to place their experimental results in a broader context and to make new discoveries. Relationships between genomic datasets are typically measured by identifying intervals that intersect: that is, they overlap and thus share a common genome interval. Given the continued advances in DNA sequencing technologies, efficient methods for measuring statistically significant relationships between many sets of genomic features is crucial for future discovery. Results: We introduce the Binary Interval Search (BITS) algorithm, a novel and scalable approach to interval set intersection. We demonstrate that BITS outperforms existing methods at counting interval intersections. Moreover, we show that BITS is intrinsically suited to parallel computing architectures such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) by illustrating its utility for efficient Monte-Carlo simulations measuring the significance of relationships between sets of genomic intervals

    Hierarchical Filter and Refinement System Over Large Polygonal Datasets on CPU-GPU

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    In this paper, we introduce our hierarchical filter and refinement technique that we have developed for parallel geometric intersection operations involving large polygons and polylines. The inputs are two layers of large polygonal datasets and the computations are spatial intersection on a pair of cross-layer polygons. These intersections are the compute-intensive spatial data analytic kernels in spatial join and map overlay computations. We have extended the classical filter and refine algorithms using PolySketch Filter to improve the performance of geospatial computations. In addition to filtering polygons by their Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR), our hierarchical approach explores further filtering using tiles (smaller MBRs) to increase the effectiveness of filtering and decrease the computational workload in the refinement phase. We have implemented this filter and refine system on CPU and GPU by using OpenMP and OpenACC. After using R-tree, on average, our filter technique can still discard 69% of polygon pairs which do not have segment intersection points. PolySketch filter reduces on average 99.77% of the workload of finding line segment intersections. PNP based task reduction and Striping algorithms filter out on average 95.84% of the workload of Point-in-Polygon tests. Our CPU-GPU system performs spatial join on two shapefiles, namely USA Water Bodies and USA Block Group Boundaries with 683K polygons in about 10 seconds using NVidia Titan V and Titan Xp GPU

    Sweep-Line Extensions to the Multiple Object Intersection Problem: Methods and Applications in Graph Mining

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    Identifying and quantifying the size of multiple overlapping axis-aligned geometric objects is an essential computational geometry problem. The ability to solve this problem can effectively inform a number of spatial data mining methods and can provide support in decision making for a variety of critical applications. The state-of-the-art approach for addressing such problems resorts to an algorithmic paradigm, collectively known as the sweep-line or plane sweep algorithm. However, its application inherits a number of limitations including lack of versatility and lack of support for ad hoc intersection queries. With these limitations in mind, we design and implement a novel, exact, fast and scalable yet versatile, sweep-line based algorithm, named SLIG. The key idea of our algorithm lies in constructing an auxiliary data structure when the sweep line algorithm is applied, an intersection graph. This graph can effectively be used to provide connectivity properties among overlapping objects and to inform answers to ad hoc intersection queries. It can also be employed to find the location and size of the common area of multiple overlapping objects. SLIG performs significantly faster than classic sweep-line based algorithms, it is more versatile, and provides a suite of powerful querying capabilities. To demonstrate the versatility of our SLIG algorithm we show how it can be utilized for evaluating the importance of nodes in a trajectory network - a type of dynamic network where the nodes are moving objects (cars, pedestrians, etc.) and the edges represent interactions (contacts) between objects as defined by a proximity threshold. The key observation to address the problem is that the time intervals of these interactions can be represented as 1-dimensional axis-aligned geometric objects. Then, a variant of our SLIG algorithm, named SLOT, is utilized that effectively computes the metrics of interest, including node degree, triangle membership and connected components for each node, over time

    Large-Scale Spatial Data Management on Modern Parallel and Distributed Platforms

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    Rapidly growing volume of spatial data has made it desirable to develop efficient techniques for managing large-scale spatial data. Traditional spatial data management techniques cannot meet requirements of efficiency and scalability for large-scale spatial data processing. In this dissertation, we have developed new data-parallel designs for large-scale spatial data management that can better utilize modern inexpensive commodity parallel and distributed platforms, including multi-core CPUs, many-core GPUs and computer clusters, to achieve both efficiency and scalability. After introducing background on spatial data management and modern parallel and distributed systems, we present our parallel designs for spatial indexing and spatial join query processing on both multi-core CPUs and GPUs for high efficiency as well as their integrations with Big Data systems for better scalability. Experiment results using real world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques on managing large-scale spatial data

    A parallel plane sweep algorithm for multi-core systems

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