101,484 research outputs found

    Sample-Parallel Execution of EBCOT in Fast Mode

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    JPEG 2000’s most computationally expensive building block is the Embedded Block Coder with Optimized Truncation (EBCOT). This paper evaluates how encoders targeting a parallel architecture such as a GPU can increase their throughput in use cases where very high data rates are used. The compression efficiency in the less significant bit-planes is then often poor and it is beneficial to enable the Selective Arithmetic Coding Bypass style (fast mode) in order to trade a small loss in compression efficiency for a reduction of the computational complexity. More importantly, this style exposes a more finely grained parallelism that can be exploited to execute the raw coding passes, including bit-stuffing, in a sample-parallel fashion. For a latency- or memory critical application that encodes one frame at a time, EBCOT’s tier-1 is sped up between 1.1x and 2.4x compared to an optimized GPU-based implementation. When a low GPU occupancy has already been addressed by encoding multiple frames in parallel, the throughput can still be improved by 5% for high-entropy images and 27% for low-entropy images. Best results are obtained when enabling the fast mode after the fourth significant bit-plane. For most of the test images the compression rate is within 1% of the original

    Design and Implementation of a Lossless Serial High-Speed Data Compression System

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    The paper presents a novel VLSI architecture for high-speed data compressor designs which implement the X-Match algorithm. This design involves important trade off that affects the compression performance, latency, and throughput. The most promising approach is implemented into FPGA hardware. This device typical compression ratio that halves the original uncompressed data. This device is specifically targeted to enhance the performance of Gbits/s data networks and storage applications where it can double the performance of the original systems. To get high compression rate or to get high data rate of communication not restriction to follow the parallel architecture of data compression. By using existing method the main draw backs are 1. Variation in compression 2. Throughput, 3.Latency, 4.High space, 5. High power. So by using this proposed method we can reduce the variation in the compression, latency and increase through put. And this novel VLSI architecture has a power consumption of 81mwatts powe

    A high performance hardware architecture for one bit transform based motion estimation

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive part of video compression and video enhancement systems. One bit transform (IBT) based ME algorithms have low computational complexity. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a high performance systolic hardware architecture for IBT based ME. The proposed hardware performs full search ME for 4 Macroblocks in parallel and it is the fastest IBT based ME hardware reported in the literature. In addition, it uses less on-chip memory than the previous IBT based ME hardware by using a novel data reuse scheme and memory organization. The proposed hardware is implemented in Verilog HDL. It consumes %34 of the slices in a Xilinx XC2VP30-7 FPGA. It works at 115 MHz in the same FPGA and is capable of processing 50 1920x1080 full High Definition frames per second. Therefore, it can be used in consumer electronics products that require real-time video processing or compression

    High performance compression of science data

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    Two papers make up the body of this report. One presents a single-pass adaptive vector quantization algorithm that learns a codebook of variable size and shape entries; the authors present experiments on a set of test images showing that with no training or prior knowledge of the data, for a given fidelity, the compression achieved typically equals or exceeds that of the JPEG standard. The second paper addresses motion compensation, one of the most effective techniques used in the interframe data compression. A parallel block-matching algorithm for estimating interframe displacement of blocks with minimum error is presented. The algorithm is designed for a simple parallel architecture to process video in real time

    Implementation of Modified Lifting and Flipping Plans in D.W.T Architecture for Better Performance

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    Data compression is one of the major fields of research in the present world. In this regard image compression is also having its own significance, so many algorithms for DFT, DCT, DWT, etc. have been developed and among them DWT is most likely used there are two plans are existing for generating 2-DWT and are lifting and flipping plans. The above two plans architecture are having its own fixed scaling constants, multipliers and adders. In my project work I am proposing a lifting plan and flipping plan such that the modification is done in its internal architecture of S.M.B.Multiplier and radix-4 booth multiplier with replacing adder in it with spanning tree parallel prefix adder. This modification has improved Power Delay Product (PDP) by 7% in lifting plan and 5% in flipping plan

    MetaCRAM: an integrated pipeline for metagenomic taxonomy identification and compression

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    Background: Metagenomics is a genomics research discipline devoted to the study of microbial communities in environmental samples and human and animal organs and tissues. Sequenced metagenomic samples usually comprise reads from a large number of different bacterial communities and hence tend to result in large file sizes, typically ranging between 1–10 GB. This leads to challenges in analyzing, transferring and storing metagenomic data. In order to overcome these data processing issues, we introduce MetaCRAM, the first de novo, parallelized software suite specialized for FASTA and FASTQ format metagenomic read processing and lossless compression. Results: MetaCRAM integrates algorithms for taxonomy identification and assembly, and introduces parallel execution methods; furthermore, it enables genome reference selection and CRAM based compression. MetaCRAM also uses novel reference-based compression methods designed through extensive studies of integer compression techniques and through fitting of empirical distributions of metagenomic read-reference positions. MetaCRAM is a lossless method compatible with standard CRAM formats, and it allows for fast selection of relevant files in the compressed domain via maintenance of taxonomy information. The performance of MetaCRAM as a stand-alone compression platform was evaluated on various metagenomic samples from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive, suggesting 2- to 4-fold compression ratio improvements compared to gzip. On average, the compressed file sizes were 2-13 percent of the original raw metagenomic file sizes. Conclusions: We described the first architecture for reference-based, lossless compression of metagenomic data. The compression scheme proposed offers significantly improved compression ratios as compared to off-the-shelf methods such as zip programs. Furthermore, it enables running different components in parallel and it provides the user with taxonomic and assembly information generated during execution of the compression pipeline. Availability: The MetaCRAM software is freely available at http://web.engr.illinois.edu/~mkim158/metacram.html. The website also contains a README file and other relevant instructions for running the code. Note that to run the code one needs a minimum of 16 GB of RAM. In addition, virtual box is set up on a 4GB RAM machine for users to run a simple demonstration

    Advanced mathematical on-line analysis in nuclear experiments. Usage of parallel computing CUDA routines in standard root analysis

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    Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is a parallel computing platform developed by NVIDIA for increase speed of graphics by usage of parallel mode for processes calculation. The success of this solution has opened technology General-Purpose Graphic Processor Units (GPGPUs) for applications not coupled with graphics. The GPGPUs system can be applying as effective tool for reducing huge number of data for pulse shape analysis measures, by on-line recalculation or by very quick system of compression. The simplified structure of CUDA system and model of programming based on example NVIDIA GForce GTX580 card are presented by our poster contribution in stand-Alone version and as ROOT application