1,846 research outputs found

    Hemorrhagic brain stroke detection by using microwaves: Preliminary two-dimensional reconstructions

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    Preliminary numerical results concerning the application of a Gauss-Newton method for diagnostic purposes of hemorrhagic brain strokes are reported. Interrogating microwaves are used in a multistatic and multiview arrangement. The reported results concern a two-dimensional model under transverse magnetic illumination conditions

    An Investigation of Microwave Tomography Technique to Detect Brain Tumour Through Cross-Section Imaging at Frequency 0.5 GHz to 1.5 GHz

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    The growing significance of cancerous tissue including brain tumour requires a fast and efficient technology detection. The most current technologies being applied for brain imaging system are Computed Tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Whilst these two detection applications are very well established, both systems are expensive, time and space consuming, and raise safety issues to patients due to the radiation and strong magnetic effects. This research aims to assess the feasibility and potential performance of microwave tomography (MWT) for brain imaging with a particular focus on brain tumour detection. The study was conducted using Finite Element Model software, COMSOL Multiphysics to develop a 2D modelling of an antenna array and measure the scattered electric field by solving forward problem. MATLAB software will be used as an inverse problem solver to reconstruct 2D images of the tumour by using Linear Back Projection (LBP) algorithm

    Microwave Sensing and Imaging

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    In recent years, microwave sensing and imaging have acquired an ever-growing importance in several applicative fields, such as non-destructive evaluations in industry and civil engineering, subsurface prospection, security, and biomedical imaging. Indeed, microwave techniques allow, in principle, for information to be obtained directly regarding the physical parameters of the inspected targets (dielectric properties, shape, etc.) by using safe electromagnetic radiations and cost-effective systems. Consequently, a great deal of research activity has recently been devoted to the development of efficient/reliable measurement systems, which are effective data processing algorithms that can be used to solve the underlying electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, and efficient forward solvers to model electromagnetic interactions. Within this framework, this Special Issue aims to provide some insights into recent microwave sensing and imaging systems and techniques

    Microwave Imaging for Diagnostic Application

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    Imaging of the human body makes a significant contribution to the diagnosis and succeeding treatment of diseases. Among the numerous medical imaging methods, microwave imaging (MWI) is an attractive approach for medical applications due to its high potential to produce images of the human body safely with cost-efficiency. A wide range of studies and research has been done with the aim of using the microwave approach for medical applications. The focus of this research is developing MWI algorithms, which is the Huygens Principle (HP) based and to validate the capability of the proposed MWI algorithm to detect skin cancer and bone lesion through phantom measurements. The probability of the HP procedure for skin cancer detection has been investigated through design, and fabrication of a heterogeneous phantom simulating the human forearm having an inclusion mimicking a skin cancer. Ultrawideband (UWB) MWI methods are then applied to the phantom. The S21 parameter measurements are collected in an anechoic chamber environment and processed via HP technique. The tumour is successfully detected after applying appropriate artefact removal procedure. The ability to successfully apply HP to detect and locate a skin cancer type inclusion in a multilayer cylindrical phantom has been verified. The feasibility study of HP-based MWI procedure for bone lesion detection has also been investigated using a dedicated phantom. Validation has been completed through measurements inside the anechoic chamber in the frequency range of 1–3 GHz using one receiving and one transmitting antennas in free space. The identification of the lesion’s presence in different bone layers has been performed on images. The quantification of the obtained images has been performed by introducing parameters such as the resolution and signal-to-clutter ratio (S/C). The impact of different frequencies and bandwidths (in the 1–3 GHz range) in lesion detection has been investigated. The findings showed that the frequency range of 1.5–2.5 GHz offered the best resolution (1.1 cm) and S/C (2.22 on a linear scale). Subtraction between S21 obtained using two slightly displaced transmitting positions has been employed to remove the artefacts; the best artefact removal has been obtained when the spatial displacement was approximately of the same magnitude as the dimension of the lesion. Subsequently, a phantom validation of a low complexity MWI device (based on HP) operating in free space in the 1-6.5 GHz frequency band using two antennas in free space has been applied. Detection has been achieved in both bone fracture lesion and bone marrow lesion scenarios using superimposition of five doublet transmitting positions after applying the rotation subtraction method to remove artefact. A resolution of 5 mm and the S/C (3.35 in linear scale) are achieved which is clearly confirming the advantage of employing multiple transmitting positions on increased detection capability. The finding of this research verifies the dedicated MWI device as a simple, safe and without any X-ray radiation, portable, and low complexity method, which is capable of been successfully used for bone lesion detection. The outcomes of this thesis may pave the way for the construction of a dedicated bone imaging system that in future could be used as a safe diagnostic device even in emergency sites

    Development of a Microwave Imaging System for Brain Injury

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    Towards Microwave Detection of Thromboses

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    Stroke is estimated to be the second most common cause of death with hugeburdens and costs for the patient and society. Since the treatment given to a stroke patient depends on the type of stroke they have, a fast and reliable diagnosis of the stroke type is needed before any treatment can be started. In general, the treatment is more effective the sooner it is started. Thrombectomy is an interventional treatment for patients with an occlusion (thrombosis) in a large artery that is only performed in a limited number of hospitals, thus early detection can support the pre-hospital decision-making process and help decreasing the time to treatment start. The aim of this work is to investigate and develop a method for pre-hospital diagnosis of ischemic stroke by using a microwave diagnosis setup and Contrast-Enhancement Agent (CEA). We propose to exploit the asymmetry created in the brain as a result of partial or full blockage of the arteries due to thromboses. This asymmetry is enhanced with the use of CEA and can be captured by the EM waves transmitted and received by the antennas on the head.The microwave diagnosis setup consists of several antennas placed on thebody. The multipath interference caused by the waves traveling on the surfaceof the body is a factor that limits the detection accuracy of this system. In the present study, a Dielectric Rod Antenna (DRA) is designed to address this challenge with a Self Grounded Bow-Tie Antenna (SGBTA) as the wave exciter. It was shown that DRA can reduce the surface wave power up to 10 dB in comparison with that of SGBTA while increasing its bandwidth by 72%.Preliminary results obtained from measurements on sheep are promising

    Developing Artefact Removal Algorithms to Process Data from a Microwave Imaging Device for Haemorrhagic Stroke Detection

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    In this paper, we present an investigation of different artefact removal methods for ultra-wideband Microwave Imaging (MWI) to evaluate and quantify current methods in a real environment through measurements using an MWI device. The MWI device measures the scattered signals in a multi-bistatic fashion and employs an imaging procedure based on Huygens principle. A simple two-layered phantom mimicking human head tissue is realised, applying a cylindrically shaped inclusion to emulate brain haemorrhage. Detection has been successfully achieved using the superimposition of five transmitter triplet positions, after applying different artefact removal methods, with the inclusion positioned at 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°. The different artifact removal methods have been proposed for comparison to improve the stroke detection process. To provide a valid comparison between these methods, image quantification metrics are presented. An “ideal/reference” image is used to compare the artefact removal methods. Moreover, the quantification of artefact removal procedures through measurements using MWI device is performed

    Multi-Antenna System for In-Line Food Imaging at Microwave Frequencies

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    This work presents the design and numerical assessment of a novel microwave imaging (MWI) system, capable of providing a full 3-D image of food/beverage products content in order to disclose the possible presence of physical contaminants, such as plastic fragments. The system here presented exploits the dielectric contrast between the food content and possible intrusions at microwave frequencies; it is based on an antenna array architecture inspecting the items in motion along a conveyor belt without interrupting the production process. The inversion problem is solved by means of linearization, assuming the viability of the Born approximation thanks to the localized intrusions, and regularization, based on the singular value decomposition of the discretized scattering operator. Furthermore, an algorithm, to balance the illumination of the considered scenario due to the nonuniform radiation of the employed antennas, is presented to enhance imaging. The system is first assessed considering an ideal case and then extended to a more realistic approach, for two different kinds of food products, with completely different dielectric properties and considering the performance of existing instrumentation for the purpose. The obtained results lay the foundations for the realization of an actual prototype
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