102 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of memristor-based reliable crossbar architectures

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    The conventional transistor-based computing landscape is already undergoing dramatic changes. While transistor-based devices’ scaling is approaching its physical limits in nanometer technologies, memristive technologies hold the potential to scale to much smaller geometries. Memristive devices are used majorly in memory design but they also have unignorable applications in logic design, neuromorphic computing, sensors among many others. The most critical research and development problems that must be resolved before memristive architectures become mainstream are related to their reliability. One of such reliability issue is the sneak-paths current which limits the maximum crossbar array size. This thesis presents various designs of the memristor based crossbar architecture and corresponding experimental analysis towards addressing its reliability issues. Novel contribution of this thesis starts with the formulation of robust analytic models for read and write schemes used in memristive crossbar arrays. These novel models are less restrictive and are suitable for accurate mathematical analysis of any mn crossbar array and the evaluation of their performance during these critical operations. In order to minimise the sneak-paths problem, we propose techniques and conditions for reliable read operations using simultaneous access of multiple bits in the crossbar array. Two new write techniques are also presented, one to minimise failure during single cell write and the other designed for multiple cells write operation. Experimental results prove that the single write technique minimises write voltage drop degradation compared to existing techniques. Test results from the multiple cells write technique show it consumes less power than other techniques depending on the chosen configuration. Lastly, a novel Verilog-A memristor model for simulation and analysis of memristor’s application in gas sensing is presented. This proposed model captures the gas sensing properties of titanium-dioxide using gas concentration to control the overall memristance of the device. This model is used to design and simulate a first-of-its-kind sneak-paths free memristor-based gas detection arrays. Experimental results from a 88 memristor sensor array show that there is a ten fold improvement in the accuracy of the sensor’s response when compared with a single memristor sensor

    A PUF based Lightweight Hardware Security Architecture for IoT

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    With an increasing number of hand-held electronics, gadgets, and other smart devices, data is present in a large number of platforms, thereby increasing the risk of security, privacy, and safety breach than ever before. Due to the extreme lightweight nature of these devices, commonly referred to as IoT or `Internet of Things\u27, providing any kind of security is prohibitive due to high overhead associated with any traditional and mathematically robust cryptographic techniques. Therefore, researchers have searched for alternative intuitive solutions for such devices. Hardware security, unlike traditional cryptography, can provide unique device-specific security solutions with little overhead, address vulnerability in hardware and, therefore, are attractive in this domain. As Moore\u27s law is almost at its end, different emerging devices are being explored more by researchers as they present opportunities to build better application-specific devices along with their challenges compared to CMOS technology. In this work, we have proposed emerging nanotechnology-based hardware security as a security solution for resource constrained IoT domain. Specifically, we have built two hardware security primitives i.e. physical unclonable function (PUF) and true random number generator (TRNG) and used these components as part of a security protocol proposed in this work as well. Both PUF and TRNG are built from metal-oxide memristors, an emerging nanoscale device and are generally lightweight compared to their CMOS counterparts in terms of area, power, and delay. Design challenges associated with designing these hardware security primitives and with memristive devices are properly addressed. Finally, a complete security protocol is proposed where all of these different pieces come together to provide a practical, robust, and device-specific security for resource-limited IoT systems

    Neuro-memristive Circuits for Edge Computing: A review

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    The volume, veracity, variability, and velocity of data produced from the ever-increasing network of sensors connected to Internet pose challenges for power management, scalability, and sustainability of cloud computing infrastructure. Increasing the data processing capability of edge computing devices at lower power requirements can reduce several overheads for cloud computing solutions. This paper provides the review of neuromorphic CMOS-memristive architectures that can be integrated into edge computing devices. We discuss why the neuromorphic architectures are useful for edge devices and show the advantages, drawbacks and open problems in the field of neuro-memristive circuits for edge computing

    An overview of memristive cryptography

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    Smaller, smarter and faster edge devices in the Internet of things era demands secure data analysis and transmission under resource constraints of hardware architecture. Lightweight cryptography on edge hardware is an emerging topic that is essential to ensure data security in near-sensor computing systems such as mobiles, drones, smart cameras, and wearables. In this article, the current state of memristive cryptography is placed in the context of lightweight hardware cryptography. The paper provides a brief overview of the traditional hardware lightweight cryptography and cryptanalysis approaches. The contrast for memristive cryptography with respect to traditional approaches is evident through this article, and need to develop a more concrete approach to developing memristive cryptanalysis to test memristive cryptographic approaches is highlighted.Comment: European Physical Journal: Special Topics, Special Issue on "Memristor-based systems: Nonlinearity, dynamics and applicatio

    Development of phase change memory cell electrical circuit model for non-volatile multistate memory device

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    Phase change memory (PCM) is an emerging non-volatile memory technology that demonstrates promising performance characteristics. The presented research aims to study the feasibility of using resistive non-volatile PCM in embedded memory applications, and in bridging the performance gap in traditional memory hierarchy between volatile and non-volatile memories. The research studies the operation dynamics of PCM, including its electrical, thermal and physical properties; in order to determine its behaviour. A PCM cell circuit model is designed and simulated with the aid of SPICE tools (LTSPICE IV). The first step in the modelling process was to design a single-level PCM (SLPCM) cell circuit model that stores a single bit of data. To design the PCM circuit model; crystallization theory and heat transfer equation were utilized. The developed electrical circuit model evaluates the physical transformations that a PCM cell undergoes in response to an input pulse. Furthermore, the developed model accurately simulated the temperature profile, the crystalline fraction, and the resistance of the cell as a function of the programming pulse. The circuit model is then upgraded into a multilevel phase change memory (MLPCM) cell circuit model. The upgraded MLPCM circuit model stores two bits of data, and incorporates resistance drift with time. The multiple resistance levels were achieved by controlling the programming pulse width in the range of 10ns to 200ns. Additionally, the drift behaviour was precisely evaluated; by using statistical data of drift exponents, and evaluating the exact drift duration. Moreover, the simulation results for the designed SLPCM and MLPCM cell models were found to be in close agreement with experimental data. The simulated I-V characteristics for both SLPCM and MLPCM mimicked the experimentally produced I-V curves. Furthermore, the simulated drift resistance levels matched the experimental data for drift durations up to 103 seconds; which is the available experimental data duration in technical literature. Furthermore, the simulation results of MLPCM showed that the deviation between the programmed and drifted resistance can reach 6x106Ω in less than 1010 seconds. This resistance deviation leads to reading failures in less than 100 seconds after programming, if standard fixed sensing thresholds method was used. Therefore, to overcome drift reliability issues, and retain the density advantage offered by multilevel operation; a time-aware sensing scheme is developed. The designed sensing scheme compensates for the drift caused resistance deviation; by using statistical data of drift coefficients to forecast adaptive sensing thresholds. The simulation results showed that the use of adaptive time-aware sensing thresholds completely eliminated drift reliability issues and read errors. Furthermore, PCM based nanocrossbar memory structure performance in terms of delay and energy consumption is studied in simulation environment. The nanocrossbar is constructed with a grid of connecting wires; and the designed PCM cell circuit model is used as memory element and placed at junction points of the grid. Then the effect of connecting nanowires resistance in PCM nanocrossbar performance is studied in passive crossbars. The resistance of a connecting wire segment was evaluated with physical formulas that calculate nanoscaled conductors’ resistance. Then a resistor that is equivalent to each wire segment resistance is placed in the tested crossbar structure. Simulation results showed that due to connecting wires resistance; the PCM cells are not truly biased to programming voltage and ground. This leads to 40% deviation in the programed low resistive state from the targeted levels. Thus, affecting PCM reliability and decreasing the high to low resistance ratio by 90%. Therefore, programming and architectural solutions to wire resistance related reliability issue ar presented. Where dissipated power across wire resistance is compensated for; by controlling programming pulse duration. The programming solution retained reliability however; it increased programming energy consumption and delay by an average of 40pJ and 60ns respectively per operation. Additionally, the effects of leakage energy in PCM based nanocrossbars were studied in simulation environment. Then, a structural solution was developed and designed. In the designed structure; leakage sneak paths are eliminated by introducing individual word lines to each memory element. This method led to 30% reduction in reading delay, and consumed only about sixth the leakage energy consumed by the standard structure. Moreover, a sensing scheme that aims to reduce energy consumption in PCM based nanocrossbars during reading process was explored. The sensing method is developed using AC current in contrast to the standard DC current reading circuits. In the designed sensing circuit, a low pass filter is utilized. Accordingly, the filter attenuation of the applied AC reading signal indicates the stored state. The proposed circuit design of the AC sensing scheme was constructed and studied in simulation environment. Simulation results showed that AC sensing has reduced reading energy consumption by over 50%; compared to standard DC sensing scheme. Furthermore, the use of SLPCM and MLPCM in memory applications as crossbar memory elements, and in logic applications i.e. PCM based LUTs was explored and tested in simulation environment. The PCM performance in crossbar memory was then compared to current Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) technology and against one of the main emerging resistive non-volatile memory technologies i.e. Memristors. Simulation results showed that programming and reading energy consumption of PCM based crossbars were five orders of magnitude more than SRAM based crossbars. And reading delay of SRAM based crossbars was only 38% of reading delay of PCM based counterparts. However, PCM cells occupies less than 60% of the area required by SRAM and can store multiple bit in a single cell. Moreover, Memristor based nanocrossbars outperformed PCM based ones; in terms of delay and energy consumption. With PCM consuming 2 orders of magnitude more energy during programming and reading. PCM also required 10 times the programming delay. However, PCM crossbars offered higher switching resistance range i.e. 170kΩ compared to the 20kΩ offered by memristors; which support PCM multibit storage capability and higher density

    Towards Data Reliable, Low-Power, and Repairable Resistive Random Access Memories

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    A series of breakthroughs in memristive devices have demonstrated the potential of memristor arrays to serve as next generation resistive random access memories (ReRAM), which are fast, low-power, ultra-dense, and non-volatile. However, memristors' unique device characteristics also make them prone to several sources of error. Owing to the stochastic filamentary nature of memristive devices, various recoverable errors can affect the data reliability of a ReRAM. Permanent device failures further limit the lifetime of a ReRAM. This dissertation developed low-power solutions for more reliable and longer-enduring ReRAM systems. In this thesis, we first look into a data reliability issue known as write disturbance. Writing into a memristor in a crossbar could disturb the stored values in other memristors that are on the same memory line as the target cell. Such disturbance is accumulative over time which may lead to complete data corruption. To address this problem, we propose the use of two regular memristors on each word to keep track of the disturbance accumulation and trigger a refresh to restore the weakened data, once it becomes necessary. We also investigate the considerable variation in the write-time characteristics of individual memristors. With such variation, conventional fixed-pulse write schemes not only waste significant energy, but also cannot guarantee reliable completion of the write operations. We address such variation by proposing an adaptive write scheme that adjusts the width of the write pulses for each memristor. Our scheme embeds an online monitor to detect the completion of a write operation and takes into account the parasitic effect of line-shared devices in access-transistor-free memristive arrays. We further investigate the use of this method to shorten the test time of memory march algorithms by eliminating the need of a verifying read right after a write, which is commonly employed in the test sequences of march algorithms.Finally, we propose a novel mechanism to extend the lifetime of a ReRAM by protecting it against hard errors through the exploitation of a unique feature of bipolar memristive devices. Our solution proposes an unorthodox use of complementary resistive switches (a particular implementation of memristive devices) to provide an ``in-place spare'' for each memory cell at negligible extra cost. The in-place spares are then utilized by a repair scheme to repair memristive devices that have failed at a stuck-at-ON state at a page-level granularity. Furthermore, we explore the use of in-place spares in lieu of other memory reliability and yield enhancement solutions, such as error correction codes (ECC) and spare rows. We demonstrate that with the in-place spares, we can yield the same lifetime as a baseline ReRAM with either significantly fewer spare rows or a lighter-weight ECC, both of which can save on energy consumption and area

    Swordfish: A Framework for Evaluating Deep Neural Network-based Basecalling using Computation-In-Memory with Non-Ideal Memristors

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    Basecalling, an essential step in many genome analysis studies, relies on large Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to achieve high accuracy. Unfortunately, these DNNs are computationally slow and inefficient, leading to considerable delays and resource constraints in the sequence analysis process. A Computation-In-Memory (CIM) architecture using memristors can significantly accelerate the performance of DNNs. However, inherent device non-idealities and architectural limitations of such designs can greatly degrade the basecalling accuracy, which is critical for accurate genome analysis. To facilitate the adoption of memristor-based CIM designs for basecalling, it is important to (1) conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential CIM architectures and (2) develop effective strategies for mitigating the possible adverse effects of inherent device non-idealities and architectural limitations. This paper proposes Swordfish, a novel hardware/software co-design framework that can effectively address the two aforementioned issues. Swordfish incorporates seven circuit and device restrictions or non-idealities from characterized real memristor-based chips. Swordfish leverages various hardware/software co-design solutions to mitigate the basecalling accuracy loss due to such non-idealities. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Swordfish, we take Bonito, the state-of-the-art (i.e., accurate and fast), open-source basecaller as a case study. Our experimental results using Sword-fish show that a CIM architecture can realistically accelerate Bonito for a wide range of real datasets by an average of 25.7x, with an accuracy loss of 6.01%.Comment: To appear in 56th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 202