19,447 research outputs found

    Detection and classification of non-stationary signals using sparse representations in adaptive dictionaries

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    Automatic classification of non-stationary radio frequency (RF) signals is of particular interest in persistent surveillance and remote sensing applications. Such signals are often acquired in noisy, cluttered environments, and may be characterized by complex or unknown analytical models, making feature extraction and classification difficult. This thesis proposes an adaptive classification approach for poorly characterized targets and backgrounds based on sparse representations in non-analytical dictionaries learned from data. Conventional analytical orthogonal dictionaries, e.g., Short Time Fourier and Wavelet Transforms, can be suboptimal for classification of non-stationary signals, as they provide a rigid tiling of the time-frequency space, and are not specifically designed for a particular signal class. They generally do not lead to sparse decompositions (i.e., with very few non-zero coefficients), and use in classification requires separate feature selection algorithms. Pursuit-type decompositions in analytical overcomplete (non-orthogonal) dictionaries yield sparse representations, by design, and work well for signals that are similar to the dictionary elements. The pursuit search, however, has a high computational cost, and the method can perform poorly in the presence of realistic noise and clutter. One such overcomplete analytical dictionary method is also analyzed in this thesis for comparative purposes. The main thrust of the thesis is learning discriminative RF dictionaries directly from data, without relying on analytical constraints or additional knowledge about the signal characteristics. A pursuit search is used over the learned dictionaries to generate sparse classification features in order to identify time windows that contain a target pulse. Two state-of-the-art dictionary learning methods are compared, the K-SVD algorithm and Hebbian learning, in terms of their classification performance as a function of dictionary training parameters. Additionally, a novel hybrid dictionary algorithm is introduced, demonstrating better performance and higher robustness to noise. The issue of dictionary dimensionality is explored and this thesis demonstrates that undercomplete learned dictionaries are suitable for non-stationary RF classification. Results on simulated data sets with varying background clutter and noise levels are presented. Lastly, unsupervised classification with undercomplete learned dictionaries is also demonstrated in satellite imagery analysis

    A Low-Dimensional Radial Silhouette-Based Feature for Fast Human Action Recognition Fusing Multiple Views

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    This paper presents a novel silhouette-based feature for vision-based human action recognition, which relies on the contour of the silhouette and a radial scheme. Its low-dimensionality and ease of extraction result in an outstanding proficiency for real-time scenarios. This feature is used in a learning algorithm that by means of model fusion of multiple camera streams builds a bag of key poses, which serves as a dictionary of known poses and allows converting the training sequences into sequences of key poses. These are used in order to perform action recognition by means of a sequence matching algorithm. Experimentation on three different datasets returns high and stable recognition rates. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the highest results so far on the MuHAVi-MAS dataset. Real-time suitability is given, since the method easily performs above video frequency. Therefore, the related requirements that applications as ambient-assisted living services impose are successfully fulfilled


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    What attracts vehicle consumers’ buying:A Saaty scale-based VIKOR (SSC-VIKOR) approach from after-sales textual perspective?

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    Purpose: The increasingly booming e-commerce development has stimulated vehicle consumers to express individual reviews through online forum. The purpose of this paper is to probe into the vehicle consumer consumption behavior and make recommendations for potential consumers from textual comments viewpoint. Design/methodology/approach: A big data analytic-based approach is designed to discover vehicle consumer consumption behavior from online perspective. To reduce subjectivity of expert-based approaches, a parallel Naïve Bayes approach is designed to analyze the sentiment analysis, and the Saaty scale-based (SSC) scoring rule is employed to obtain specific sentimental value of attribute class, contributing to the multi-grade sentiment classification. To achieve the intelligent recommendation for potential vehicle customers, a novel SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to prioritize vehicle brand candidates from a big data analytical viewpoint. Findings: The big data analytics argue that “cost-effectiveness” characteristic is the most important factor that vehicle consumers care, and the data mining results enable automakers to better understand consumer consumption behavior. Research limitations/implications: The case study illustrates the effectiveness of the integrated method, contributing to much more precise operations management on marketing strategy, quality improvement and intelligent recommendation. Originality/value: Researches of consumer consumption behavior are usually based on survey-based methods, and mostly previous studies about comments analysis focus on binary analysis. The hybrid SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to fill the gap from the big data perspective
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