1,710 research outputs found

    System level evaluation of interference in vehicular mobile broadband networks

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    Data-driven design of intelligent wireless networks: an overview and tutorial

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    Data science or "data-driven research" is a research approach that uses real-life data to gain insight about the behavior of systems. It enables the analysis of small, simple as well as large and more complex systems in order to assess whether they function according to the intended design and as seen in simulation. Data science approaches have been successfully applied to analyze networked interactions in several research areas such as large-scale social networks, advanced business and healthcare processes. Wireless networks can exhibit unpredictable interactions between algorithms from multiple protocol layers, interactions between multiple devices, and hardware specific influences. These interactions can lead to a difference between real-world functioning and design time functioning. Data science methods can help to detect the actual behavior and possibly help to correct it. Data science is increasingly used in wireless research. To support data-driven research in wireless networks, this paper illustrates the step-by-step methodology that has to be applied to extract knowledge from raw data traces. To this end, the paper (i) clarifies when, why and how to use data science in wireless network research; (ii) provides a generic framework for applying data science in wireless networks; (iii) gives an overview of existing research papers that utilized data science approaches in wireless networks; (iv) illustrates the overall knowledge discovery process through an extensive example in which device types are identified based on their traffic patterns; (v) provides the reader the necessary datasets and scripts to go through the tutorial steps themselves

    Enabling Technology in Optical Fiber Communications: From Device, System to Networking

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    This book explores the enabling technology in optical fiber communications. It focuses on the state-of-the-art advances from fundamental theories, devices, and subsystems to networking applications as well as future perspectives of optical fiber communications. The topics cover include integrated photonics, fiber optics, fiber and free-space optical communications, and optical networking

    Spectrum Sensing Techniqes in Cognitive Radio: Cyclostationary Method

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    Cognitive Radios promise to be a major shift in wireless communications based on developing a novel approach which attempt to reduce spectrum scarcity that growing up in the past and waited to increase in the future. Since formulating stages for increasing interest in wireless application proves to be extremely challenging, it is growing rapidly. Initially this growth leads to huge demand for the radio spectrum. The novelty of this approach needs to optimize the spectrum utilization and find the efficient way for sharing the radio frequencies through spectrum sensing process. Spectrum sensing is one of the most significant tasks that allow cognitive radio functionality to implement and one of the most challenging tasks. A main challenge in sensing process arises from the fact that, detecting signals with a very low SNR in back ground of noise or severely masked by interference in specific time based on high reliability. This thesis describes the fundamental cognitive radio system aspect based on design and implementation by connecting between the theoretical and practical issue. Efficient method for sensing and detecting are studied and discussed through two fast methods of computing the spectral correlation density function, the FFT Accumulation Method and the Strip Spectral Correlation Algorithm. Several simulations have been performed to show the ability and performance of studied algorithms.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Trust and reputation in multi-modal sensor networks for marine environmental monitoring

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    Greater temporal and spatial sampling allows environmental processes and the well- being of our waterways to be monitored and characterised from previously unobtainable perspectives. It allows us to create models, make predictions and better manage our environments. New technologies are emerging in order to enable remote autonomous sensing of our water systems and subsequently meet the demands for high temporal and spatial monitoring. In particular, advances in communication and sensor technology has provided a catalyst for progress in remote monitoring of our water systems. However despite continuous improvements there are limitations with the use of this technology in marine environmental monitoring applications. We summarise these limitations in terms of scalability and reliability. In order to address these two main issues, our research proposes that environmental monitoring applications would strongly benefit from the use of a multi-modal sensor network utilising visual sensors, modelled outputs and context information alongside the more conventional in-situ wireless sensor networks. However each of these addi- tional data streams are unreliable. Hence we adapt a trust and reputation model for optimising their use to the network. For our research we use two test sites - the River Lee, Cork and Galway Bay each with a diverse range of multi-modal data sources. Firstly we investigate the coordination of multiple heterogenous information sources to allow more efficient operation of the more sophisticated in-situ analytical instrument in the network, to render the deployment of such devices more scalable. Secondly we address the issue of reliability. We investigate the ability of a multi-modal network to compensate for failure of in-situ nodes in the network, where there is no redundant identical node in the network to replace its operation. We adapt a model from the literature for dealing with the unreliability associated with each of the alternative sensor streams in order to monitor their behaviour over time and choose the most reliable output at a particular point in time in the network. We find that each of the alternative data streams demonstrates themselves to be useful tools in the network. The addition of the use of the trust and reputation model reflects their behaviour over time and demonstrates itself as a useful tool in optimising their use in the network

    Survey of Inter-satellite Communication for Small Satellite Systems: Physical Layer to Network Layer View

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    Small satellite systems enable whole new class of missions for navigation, communications, remote sensing and scientific research for both civilian and military purposes. As individual spacecraft are limited by the size, mass and power constraints, mass-produced small satellites in large constellations or clusters could be useful in many science missions such as gravity mapping, tracking of forest fires, finding water resources, etc. Constellation of satellites provide improved spatial and temporal resolution of the target. Small satellite constellations contribute innovative applications by replacing a single asset with several very capable spacecraft which opens the door to new applications. With increasing levels of autonomy, there will be a need for remote communication networks to enable communication between spacecraft. These space based networks will need to configure and maintain dynamic routes, manage intermediate nodes, and reconfigure themselves to achieve mission objectives. Hence, inter-satellite communication is a key aspect when satellites fly in formation. In this paper, we present the various researches being conducted in the small satellite community for implementing inter-satellite communications based on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. This paper also reviews the various design parameters applicable to the first three layers of the OSI model, i.e., physical, data link and network layer. Based on the survey, we also present a comprehensive list of design parameters useful for achieving inter-satellite communications for multiple small satellite missions. Specific topics include proposed solutions for some of the challenges faced by small satellite systems, enabling operations using a network of small satellites, and some examples of small satellite missions involving formation flying aspects.Comment: 51 pages, 21 Figures, 11 Tables, accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Holographic MIMO Communications: Theoretical Foundations, Enabling Technologies, and Future Directions

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    Future wireless systems are envisioned to create an endogenously holography-capable, intelligent, and programmable radio propagation environment, that will offer unprecedented capabilities for high spectral and energy efficiency, low latency, and massive connectivity. A potential and promising technology for supporting the expected extreme requirements of the sixth-generation (6G) communication systems is the concept of the holographic multiple-input multiple-output (HMIMO), which will actualize holographic radios with reasonable power consumption and fabrication cost. The HMIMO is facilitated by ultra-thin, extremely large, and nearly continuous surfaces that incorporate reconfigurable and sub-wavelength-spaced antennas and/or metamaterials. Such surfaces comprising dense electromagnetic (EM) excited elements are capable of recording and manipulating impinging fields with utmost flexibility and precision, as well as with reduced cost and power consumption, thereby shaping arbitrary-intended EM waves with high energy efficiency. The powerful EM processing capability of HMIMO opens up the possibility of wireless communications of holographic imaging level, paving the way for signal processing techniques realized in the EM-domain, possibly in conjunction with their digital-domain counterparts. However, in spite of the significant potential, the studies on HMIMO communications are still at an initial stage, its fundamental limits remain to be unveiled, and a certain number of critical technical challenges need to be addressed. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in the HMIMO communications paradigm, with a special focus on their physical aspects, their theoretical foundations, as well as the enabling technologies for HMIMO systems. We also compare the HMIMO with existing multi-antenna technologies, especially the massive MIMO, present various...Comment: double column, 58 page

    Spectrum measurement, sensing, analysis and simulation in the context of cognitive radio

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    The radio frequency (RF) spectrum is a scarce natural resource, currently regulated locally by national agencies. Spectrum has been assigned to different services and it is very difficult for emerging wireless technologies to gain access due to rigid spectmm policy and heavy opportunity cost. Current spectrum management by licensing causes artificial spectrum scarcity. Spectrum monitoring shows that many frequencies and times are unused. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is a potential solution to low spectrum efficiency. In DSA, an unlicensed user opportunistically uses vacant licensed spectrum with the help of cognitive radio. Cognitive radio is a key enabling technology for DSA. In a cognitive radio system, an unlicensed Secondary User (SU) identifies vacant licensed spectrum allocated to a Primary User (PU) and uses it without harmful interference to the PU. Cognitive radio increases spectrum usage efficiency while protecting legacy-licensed systems. The purpose of this thesis is to bring together a group of CR concepts and explore how we can make the transition from conventional radio to cognitive radio. Specific goals of the thesis are firstly the measurement of the radio spectrum to understand the current spectrum usage in the Humber region, UK in the context of cognitive radio. Secondly, to characterise the performance of cyclostationary feature detectors through theoretical analysis, hardware implementation, and real-time performance measurements. Thirdly, to mitigate the effect of degradation due to multipath fading and shadowing, the use of -wideband cooperative sensing techniques using adaptive sensing technique and multi-bit soft decision is proposed, which it is believed will introduce more spectral opportunities over wider frequency ranges and achieve higher opportunistic aggregate throughput.Understanding spectrum usage is the first step toward the future deployment of cognitive radio systems. Several spectrum usage measurement campaigns have been performed, mainly in the USA and Europe. These studies show locality and time dependence. In the first part of this thesis a spectrum usage measurement campaign in the Humber region, is reported. Spectrum usage patterns are identified and noise is characterised. A significant amount of spectrum was shown to be underutilized and available for the secondary use. The second part addresses the question: how can you tell if a spectrum channel is being used? Two spectrum sensing techniques are evaluated: Energy Detection and Cyclostationary Feature Detection. The performance of these techniques is compared using the measurements performed in the second part of the thesis. Cyclostationary feature detection is shown to be more robust to noise. The final part of the thesis considers the identification of vacant channels by combining spectrum measurements from multiple locations, known as cooperative sensing. Wideband cooperative sensing is proposed using multi resolution spectrum sensing (MRSS) with a multi-bit decision technique. Next, a two-stage adaptive system with cooperative wideband sensing is proposed based on the combination of energy detection and cyclostationary feature detection. Simulations using the system above indicate that the two-stage adaptive sensing cooperative wideband outperforms single site detection in terms of detection success and mean detection time in the context of wideband cooperative sensing

    Low Density Graph Codes And Novel Optimization Strategies For Information Transfer Over Impaired Medium

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    Effective methods for information transfer over an imperfect medium are of great interest. This thesis addresses the following four topics involving low density graph codes and novel optimization strategies.Firstly, we study the performance of a promising coding technique: low density generator matrix (LDGM) codes. LDGM codes provide satisfying performance while maintaining low encoding and decoding complexities. In the thesis, the performance of LDGM codes is extracted for both majority-rule-based and sum-product iterative decoding algorithms. The ultimate performance of the coding scheme is revealed through distance spectrum analysis. We derive the distance spectral for both LDGM codes and concatenated LDGM codes. The results show that serial-concatenated LDGM codes deliver extremely low error-floors. This work provides valued information for selecting the parameters of LDGM codes. Secondly, we investigate network-coding on relay-assisted wireless multiple access (WMA) networks. Network-coding is an effective way to increase robustness and traffic capacity of networks. Following the framework of network-coding, we introduce new network codes for the WMA networks. The codes are constructed based on sparse graphs, and can explore the diversities available from both the time and space domains. The data integrity from relays could be compromised when the relays are deployed in open areas. For this, we propose a simple but robust security mechanism to verify the data integrity.Thirdly, we study the problem of bandwidth allocation for the transmission of multiple sources of data over a single communication medium. We aim to maximize the overall user satisfaction, and formulate an optimization problem. Using either the logarithmic or exponential form of satisfaction function, we derive closed-form optimal solutions, and show that the optimal bandwidth allocation for each type of data is piecewise linear with respect to the total available bandwidth. Fourthly, we consider the optimization strategy on recovery of target spectrum for filter-array-based spectrometers. We model the spectrophotometric system as a communication system, in which the information content of the target spectrum is passed through distortive filters. By exploiting non-negative nature of spectral content, a non-negative least-square optimal criterion is found particularly effective. The concept is verified in a hardware implemen