4,740 research outputs found


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    We provide a procedure for detecting the sub-segments of an incrementally observed Boolean signal ω that match a given temporal pattern ϕ. As a pattern specification language, we use timed regular expressions, a formalism well-suited for expressing properties of concurrent asynchronous behaviors embedded in metric time. We construct a timed automaton accepting the timed language denoted by ϕ and modify it slightly for the purpose of matching. We then apply zone-based reachability computation to this automaton while it reads ω, and retrieve all the matching segments from the results. Since the procedure is automaton based, it can be applied to patterns specified by other formalisms such as timed temporal logics reducible to timed automata or directly encoded as timed automata. The procedure has been implemented and its performance on synthetic examples is demonstrated

    A Review on Block Matching Motion Estimation and Automata Theory based Approaches for Fractal Coding

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    Fractal compression is the lossy compression technique in the field of gray/color image and video compression. It gives high compression ratio, better image quality with fast decoding time but improvement in encoding time is a challenge. This review paper/article presents the analysis of most significant existing approaches in the field of fractal based gray/color images and video compression, different block matching motion estimation approaches for finding out the motion vectors in a frame based on inter-frame coding and intra-frame coding i.e. individual frame coding and automata theory based coding approaches to represent an image/sequence of images. Though different review papers exist related to fractal coding, this paper is different in many sense. One can develop the new shape pattern for motion estimation and modify the existing block matching motion estimation with automata coding to explore the fractal compression technique with specific focus on reducing the encoding time and achieving better image/video reconstruction quality. This paper is useful for the beginners in the domain of video compression

    Proceedings of the Eindhoven FASTAR Days 2004 : Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 3-4, 2004

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    The Eindhoven FASTAR Days (EFD) 2004 were organized by the Software Construction group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. On September 3rd and 4th 2004, over thirty participants|hailing from the Czech Republic, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Poland and South Africa|gathered at the Department to attend the EFD. The EFD were organized in connection with the research on finite automata by the FASTAR Research Group, which is centered in Eindhoven and at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. FASTAR (Finite Automata Systems|Theoretical and Applied Research) is an in- ternational research group that aims to lead in all areas related to finite state systems. The work in FASTAR includes both core and applied parts of this field. The EFD therefore focused on the field of finite automata, with an emphasis on practical aspects and applications. Eighteen presentations, mostly on subjects within this field, were given, by researchers as well as students from participating universities and industrial research facilities. This report contains the proceedings of the conference, in the form of papers for twelve of the presentations at the EFD. Most of them were initially reviewed and distributed as handouts during the EFD. After the EFD took place, the papers were revised for publication in these proceedings. We would like to thank the participants for their attendance and presentations, making the EFD 2004 as successful as they were. Based on this success, it is our intention to make the EFD into a recurring event. Eindhoven, December 2004 Loek Cleophas Bruce W. Watso

    Proceedings of the Eindhoven FASTAR Days 2004 : Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 3-4, 2004

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    The Eindhoven FASTAR Days (EFD) 2004 were organized by the Software Construction group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. On September 3rd and 4th 2004, over thirty participants|hailing from the Czech Republic, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Poland and South Africa|gathered at the Department to attend the EFD. The EFD were organized in connection with the research on finite automata by the FASTAR Research Group, which is centered in Eindhoven and at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. FASTAR (Finite Automata Systems|Theoretical and Applied Research) is an in- ternational research group that aims to lead in all areas related to finite state systems. The work in FASTAR includes both core and applied parts of this field. The EFD therefore focused on the field of finite automata, with an emphasis on practical aspects and applications. Eighteen presentations, mostly on subjects within this field, were given, by researchers as well as students from participating universities and industrial research facilities. This report contains the proceedings of the conference, in the form of papers for twelve of the presentations at the EFD. Most of them were initially reviewed and distributed as handouts during the EFD. After the EFD took place, the papers were revised for publication in these proceedings. We would like to thank the participants for their attendance and presentations, making the EFD 2004 as successful as they were. Based on this success, it is our intention to make the EFD into a recurring event. Eindhoven, December 2004 Loek Cleophas Bruce W. Watso

    An Overlay Architecture for Pattern Matching

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    Deterministic and Non-deterministic Finite Automata (DFA and NFA) comprise the fundamental unit of work for many emerging big data applications, motivating recent efforts to develop Domain-Specific Architectures (DSAs) to exploit fine-grain parallelism available in automata workloads. This dissertation presents NAPOLY (Non-Deterministic Automata Processor Over- LaY), an overlay architecture and associated software that attempt to maximally exploit on-chip memory parallelism for NFA evaluation. In order to avoid an upper bound in NFA size that commonly affects prior efforts, NAPOLY is optimized for runtime reconfiguration, allowing for full reconfiguration in 10s of microseconds. NAPOLY is also parameterizable, allowing for offline generation of repertoire of overlay configurations with various trade-offs between state capacity and transition capacity. In this dissertation, we evaluate NAPOLY on automata applications packaged in ANMLZoo benchmarks using our proposed state mapping heuristic and off-shelf SAT solver. We compare NAPOLY’s performance against existing CPU and GPU implementations. The results show NAPOLY performs best for larger benchmarks with more active states and high report frequency. NAPOLY outperforms in 10 out of 12 benchmark suite to the best of state-of-the-art CPU and GPU implementations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a runtime-reprogrammable FPGA-based automata processor overlay

    Techniques for efficient regular expression matching across hardware architectures

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    Regular expression matching is a central task for many networking and bioinformatics applications. For example, network intrusion detection systems, which perform deep packet inspection to detect malicious network activities, often encode signatures of malicious traffic through regular expressions. Similarly, several bioinformatics applications perform regular expression matching to find common patterns, called motifs, across multiple gene or protein sequences. Hardware implementations of regular expression matching engines fall into two categories: memory-based and logic-based solutions. In both cases, the design aims to maximize the processing throughput and minimize the resources requirements, either in terms of memory or of logic cells. Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) offer a highly parallel platform for memory-based implementations, while Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) support reconfigurable, logic-based solutions. In addition, Micron Technology has recently announced its Automata Processor, a memory-based, reprogrammable hardware device. From an algorithmic standpoint, regular expression matching engines are based on finite automata, either in their non-deterministic or in their deterministic form (NFA and DFA, respectively). Micron's Automata Processor is based on a proprietary Automata Network, which extends classical NFA with counters and boolean elements. In this work, we aim to implement highly parallel memory-based and logic-based regular expression matching solutions. Our contributions are summarized as follows. First, we implemented regular expression matching on GPU. In this process, we explored compression techniques and regular expression clustering algorithms to alleviate the memory pressure of DFA-based GPU implementations. Second, we developed a parser for Automata Networks defined through Micron's Automata Network Markup Language (ANML), a XML-based high-level language designed to program the Automata Processor. Specifically, our ANML parser first maps the Automata Networks to an
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