82 research outputs found

    Cellular Automata

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    Modelling and simulation are disciplines of major importance for science and engineering. There is no science without models, and simulation has nowadays become a very useful tool, sometimes unavoidable, for development of both science and engineering. The main attractive feature of cellular automata is that, in spite of their conceptual simplicity which allows an easiness of implementation for computer simulation, as a detailed and complete mathematical analysis in principle, they are able to exhibit a wide variety of amazingly complex behaviour. This feature of cellular automata has attracted the researchers' attention from a wide variety of divergent fields of the exact disciplines of science and engineering, but also of the social sciences, and sometimes beyond. The collective complex behaviour of numerous systems, which emerge from the interaction of a multitude of simple individuals, is being conveniently modelled and simulated with cellular automata for very different purposes. In this book, a number of innovative applications of cellular automata models in the fields of Quantum Computing, Materials Science, Cryptography and Coding, and Robotics and Image Processing are presented

    Quantum random number generators for industrial applications

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2017-2018. Àmbit de CiènciesRandomness is one of the most intriguing, inspiring and debated topics in the history of the world. It appears every time we wonder about our existence, about the way we are, e.g. Do we have free will? Is evolution a result of chance? It is also present in any attempt to understand our anchoring to the universe, and about the rules behind the universe itself, e.g. Why are we here and when and why did all this start? Is the universe deterministic or does unpredictability exist? Remarkably, randomness also plays a central role in the information era and technology. Random digits are used in communication protocols like Ethernet, in search engines and in processing algorithms as page rank. Randomness is also widely used in so-called Monte Carlo methods in physics, biology, chemistry, finance and mathematics, as well as in many other disciplines. However, the most iconic use of random digits is found in cryptography. Random numbers are used to generate cryptographic keys, which are the most basic element to provide security and privacy to any form of secure communication. This thesis has been carried out with the following questions in mind: Does randomness exist in photonics? If so, how do we mine it and how do we mine it in a massively scalable manner so that everyone can easily use it? Addressing these two questions lead us to combine tools from fundamental physics and engineering. The thesis starts with an in-depth study of the phase diffusion process in semiconductor lasers and its application to random number generation. In contrast to other physical processes based on deterministic laws of nature, the phase diffusion process has a pure quantum mechanical origin, and, as such, is an ideal source for generating truly unpredictable digits. First, we experimentally demonstrated the fastest quantum random number generation scheme ever reported (at the time), using components from the telecommunications industry only. Up to 40 Gb/s were demonstrated to be possible using a pulsed scheme. We then moved towards building prototypes and testing them with partners in supercomputation and fundamental research. In particular, the devices developed during this thesis were used in the landmark loophole- free Bell test experiments of 2015. In the process of building the technology, we started a new research focus as an attempt to answer the following question: How do we know that the digits that we generate are really coming from the phase diffusion process that we trust? As a result, we introduced the randomness metrology methodology, which can be used to derive quantitative bounds on the quality of any physical random number generation device. Finally, we moved towards miniaturisation of the technology by leveraging techniques from the photonic integrated circuits technology industry. The first fully integrated quantum random number generator was demonstrated using a novel two-laser scheme on an Indium Phosphide platform. In addition, we also demonstrated the integration of part of the technology on a Silicon Photonics platform, opening the door towards manufacturing in the most advanced semiconductor industry.L’aleatorietat és un dels temes més intrigants, inspiradors i debatuts al llarg de la història. És un concepte que sorgeix quan ens preguntem sobre la nostra pròpia existència i de per què som com som. Tenim freewill? És l’evolució resultat de l’atzar? L’aleatorietat és també un tema que sorgeix quan intentem entendre la nostra relació amb l’univers mateix. Per què estem aquí? Quan o com va començar tot això? És l’univers una màquina determinista o hi ha cabuda per a l’atzar? Sorprenentment, l’aleatorietat també juga un paper crucial en l’era de la informació i la tecnologia. Els nombres aleatoris es fan servir en protocols de comunicació com Ethernet, en algoritmes de classificació i processat com Page Rank. També usem l’aleatorietat en els mètodes Monte Carlo, que s’utilitzen en els àmbits de la física, la biologia, la química, les finances o les matemàtiques. Malgrat això, l’aplicació més icònica per als nombres aleatoris la trobem en el camp de la criptografia o ciber-seguretat. Els nombres aleatoris es fan servir per a generar claus criptogràfiques, l’element bàsic que proporciona la seguretat i privacitat a les nostres comunicacions. Aquesta tesi parteix de la següent pregunta fonamental: Existeix l’aleatorietat a la fotònica? En cas afirmatiu, com podem extreure-la i ferla accessible a tothom? Per a afrontar aquestes dues preguntes, s’han combinat eines des de la física fonamental fins a l’enginyeria. La tesi parteix d’un estudi detallat del procés de difusió de fase en làsers semiconductors i de com aplicar aquest procés per a la generació de nombres aleatoris. A diferència d’altres processos físics basats en lleis deterministes de la natura, la difusió de fase té un origen purament quàntic, i per tant, és una font ideal per a generar nombres aleatoris. Primerament, i fent servir aquest procés de difusió de fase, vam crear el generador quàntic de nombres aleatoris més ràpid mai implementat (en aquell moment) fent servir, únicament, components de la indústria de les telecomunicacions. Més de 40 Gb/s van ser demostrats fent servir un esquema de làser polsat. Posteriorment, vam construir diversos prototips que van ser testejats en aplicacions de ciència fonamental i supercomputació. En particular, alguns dels prototips desenvolupats en aquesta tesi van ser claus en els famosos experiments loophole-free Bell tests realitzats l’any 2015. En el procés de construir aquests prototips, vam iniciar una nova línia de recerca per a intentar contestar una nova pregunta: Com sabem si els nombres aleatoris que generem realment sorgeixen del procés de difusió de fase, tal com nosaltres creiem? Com a resultat, vam introduir una nova metodologia, la metrologia de l’aleatorietat. Aquesta es pot fer servir per a derivar límits quantificables sobre la qualitat de qualsevol dispositiu de generació de nombres aleatoris físic. Finalment, ens vam moure en la direcció de la miniaturització de la tecnologia utilitzant tècniques de la indústria de la fotònica integrada. En particular, vam demostrar el primer generador de nombres aleatoris quàntic totalment integrat, fent servir un esquema de dos làsers en un xip de Fosfur d’Indi. En paral·lel, també vam demostrar la integració d’una part del dispositiu emprant tecnologia de Silici, obrint les portes, per tant, a la producció a gran escala a través de la indústria més avançada de semiconductors.La aleatoriedad es uno de los temas más intrigantes, inspiradores y debatidos a lo largo de la historia. Es un concepto que surge cuando nos preguntamos sobre nuestra propia existencia y de por qué somos como somos. ¿Tenemos libre albedrío? ¿Es la evolución resultado del azar? La aleatoriedad es también un tema que surge cuando intentamos entender nuestra relación con el universo. ¿Por qué estamos aquí? ¿Cuándo y cómo empezó todo esto? ¿Es el universo una máquina determinista o existe espacio para el azar? Sorprendentemente, la aleatoriedad también juega un papel crucial en la era de la información y la tecnología. Los números aleatorios se usan en protocolos de comunicación como Ethernet, y en algoritmos de clasificación y procesado como Page Rank. También la utilizamos en los métodos Monte Carlo, que sirven en los ámbitos de la física, la biología, la química, las finanzas o las matemáticas. Sin embargo, la aplicación más icónica para los números aleatorios la encontramos en el campo de la criptografía y la ciberseguridad. Aquí, los números aleatorios se usan para generar claves criptográficas, proporcionando el elemento básico para dotar a nuestras comunicaciones de seguridad y privacidad. En esta tesis partimos de la siguiente pregunta fundamental: ¿Existe la aleatoriedad en la fotónica? En caso afirmativo, ¿Cómo podemos extraerla y hacerla accesible a todo el mundo? Para afrontar estas dos preguntas, se han combinado herramientas desde la física fundamental hasta la ingeniería. La tesis parte de un estudio detallado del proceso de difusión de fase en láseres semiconductores y de cómo aplicar este proceso para la generación de números aleatorios. A diferencia de otros procesos físicos basados en leyes deterministas de la naturaleza, la difusión de fase tiene un origen puramente cuántico y, por lo tanto, es una fuente ideal para generar números aleatorios. Primeramente, y utilizando este proceso de difusión de fase, creamos el generador cuántico de números aleatorios más rápido nunca implementado (en ese momento) utilizando únicamente componentes de la industria de las telecomunicaciones. Más de 40 Gb/s fueron demostrados utilizando un esquema de láser pulsado. Posteriormente, construimos varios prototipos que fueron testeados en aplicaciones de ciencia fundamental y supercomputación. En particular, algunos de los prototipos desarrollados en esta tesis fueron claves en los famosos experimentos Loophole-free Bell tests realizados en el 2015. En el proceso de construir estos prototipos, iniciamos una nueva línea de investigación para intentar dar respuesta a una nueva pregunta: ¿Cómo sabemos si los números aleatorios que generamos realmente surgen del proceso de difusión de fase, tal y como nosotros creemos? Como resultado introdujimos una nueva metodología, la metrología de la aleatoriedad. Esta se puede usar para derivar límites cuantificables sobre la calidad de cualquier dispositivo de generación de números aleatorios físico. Finalmente, nos movimos en la dirección de la miniaturización de la tecnología utilizando técnicas de la industria de la fotónica integrada. En particular, creamos el primer generador de números aleatorios cuántico totalmente integrado utilizando un esquema de dos láseres en un chip de Fosfuro de Indio. En paralelo, también demostramos la integración de una parte del dispositivo utilizando tecnología de Silicio, abriendo las puertas, por tanto, a la producción a gran escala a través de la industria más avanzada de semiconductores.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Entropy in Image Analysis II

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    Image analysis is a fundamental task for any application where extracting information from images is required. The analysis requires highly sophisticated numerical and analytical methods, particularly for those applications in medicine, security, and other fields where the results of the processing consist of data of vital importance. This fact is evident from all the articles composing the Special Issue "Entropy in Image Analysis II", in which the authors used widely tested methods to verify their results. In the process of reading the present volume, the reader will appreciate the richness of their methods and applications, in particular for medical imaging and image security, and a remarkable cross-fertilization among the proposed research areas

    Digital control networks for virtual creatures

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    Robot control systems evolved with genetic algorithms traditionally take the form of floating-point neural network models. This thesis proposes that digital control systems, such as quantised neural networks and logical networks, may also be used for the task of robot control. The inspiration for this is the observation that the dynamics of discrete networks may contain cyclic attractors which generate rhythmic behaviour, and that rhythmic behaviour underlies the central pattern generators which drive lowlevel motor activity in the biological world. To investigate this a series of experiments were carried out in a simulated physically realistic 3D world. The performance of evolved controllers was evaluated on two well known control tasks—pole balancing, and locomotion of evolved morphologies. The performance of evolved digital controllers was compared to evolved floating-point neural networks. The results show that the digital implementations are competitive with floating-point designs on both of the benchmark problems. In addition, the first reported evolution from scratch of a biped walker is presented, demonstrating that when all parameters are left open to evolutionary optimisation complex behaviour can result from simple components

    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022

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    Understanding Quantum Technologies 2022 is a creative-commons ebook that provides a unique 360 degrees overview of quantum technologies from science and technology to geopolitical and societal issues. It covers quantum physics history, quantum physics 101, gate-based quantum computing, quantum computing engineering (including quantum error corrections and quantum computing energetics), quantum computing hardware (all qubit types, including quantum annealing and quantum simulation paradigms, history, science, research, implementation and vendors), quantum enabling technologies (cryogenics, control electronics, photonics, components fabs, raw materials), quantum computing algorithms, software development tools and use cases, unconventional computing (potential alternatives to quantum and classical computing), quantum telecommunications and cryptography, quantum sensing, quantum technologies around the world, quantum technologies societal impact and even quantum fake sciences. The main audience are computer science engineers, developers and IT specialists as well as quantum scientists and students who want to acquire a global view of how quantum technologies work, and particularly quantum computing. This version is an extensive update to the 2021 edition published in October 2021.Comment: 1132 pages, 920 figures, Letter forma

    A Practical Hardware Implementation of Systemic Computation

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    It is widely accepted that natural computation, such as brain computation, is far superior to typical computational approaches addressing tasks such as learning and parallel processing. As conventional silicon-based technologies are about to reach their physical limits, researchers have drawn inspiration from nature to found new computational paradigms. Such a newly-conceived paradigm is Systemic Computation (SC). SC is a bio-inspired model of computation. It incorporates natural characteristics and defines a massively parallel non-von Neumann computer architecture that can model natural systems efficiently. This thesis investigates the viability and utility of a Systemic Computation hardware implementation, since prior software-based approaches have proved inadequate in terms of performance and flexibility. This is achieved by addressing three main research challenges regarding the level of support for the natural properties of SC, the design of its implied architecture and methods to make the implementation practical and efficient. Various hardware-based approaches to Natural Computation are reviewed and their compatibility and suitability, with respect to the SC paradigm, is investigated. FPGAs are identified as the most appropriate implementation platform through critical evaluation and the first prototype Hardware Architecture of Systemic computation (HAoS) is presented. HAoS is a novel custom digital design, which takes advantage of the inbuilt parallelism of an FPGA and the highly efficient matching capability of a Ternary Content Addressable Memory. It provides basic processing capabilities in order to minimize time-demanding data transfers, while the optional use of a CPU provides high-level processing support. It is optimized and extended to a practical hardware platform accompanied by a software framework to provide an efficient SC programming solution. The suggested platform is evaluated using three bio-inspired models and analysis shows that it satisfies the research challenges and provides an effective solution in terms of efficiency versus flexibility trade-off