1,259 research outputs found

    Wide-Area Time-Synchronized Closed-Loop Control of Power Systems And Decentralized Active Distribution Networks

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    The rapidly expanding power system grid infrastructure and the need to reduce the occurrence of major blackouts and prevention or hardening of systems against cyber-attacks, have led to increased interest in the improved resilience of the electrical grid. Distributed and decentralized control have been widely applied to computer science research. However, for power system applications, the real-time application of decentralized and distributed control algorithms introduce several challenges. In this dissertation, new algorithms and methods for decentralized control, protection and energy management of Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) and the Active Distribution Network (ADN) are developed to improve the resiliency of the power system. To evaluate the findings of this dissertation, a laboratory-scale integrated Wide WAMPAC and ADN control platform was designed and implemented. The developed platform consists of phasor measurement units (PMU), intelligent electronic devices (IED) and programmable logic controllers (PLC). On top of the designed hardware control platform, a multi-agent cyber-physical interoperability viii framework was developed for real-time verification of the developed decentralized and distributed algorithms using local wireless and Internet-based cloud communication. A novel real-time multiagent system interoperability testbed was developed to enable utility independent private microgrids standardized interoperability framework and define behavioral models for expandability and plug-and-play operation. The state-of-theart power system multiagent framework is improved by providing specific attributes and a deliberative behavior modeling capability. The proposed multi-agent framework is validated in a laboratory based testbed involving developed intelligent electronic device prototypes and actual microgrid setups. Experimental results are demonstrated for both decentralized and distributed control approaches. A new adaptive real-time protection and remedial action scheme (RAS) method using agent-based distributed communication was developed for autonomous hybrid AC/DC microgrids to increase resiliency and continuous operability after fault conditions. Unlike the conventional consecutive time delay-based overcurrent protection schemes, the developed technique defines a selectivity mechanism considering the RAS of the microgrid after fault instant based on feeder characteristics and the location of the IEDs. The experimental results showed a significant improvement in terms of resiliency of microgrids through protection using agent-based distributed communication

    HVAC-based hierarchical energy management system for microgrids

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    With the high penetration of renewable energy into the grid, power fluctuations and supply-demand power mismatch are becoming more prominent, which pose a great challenge for the power system to eliminate negative effects through demand side management (DSM). The flexible load, such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) system, has a great potential to provide demand response services in the electricity grids. In this thesis, a comprehensive framework based on a forecasting-management optimization approach is proposed to coordinate multiple HVAC systems to deal with uncertainties from renewable energy resources and maximize the energy efficiency. In the forecasting stage, a hybrid model based on Multiple Aggregation Prediction Algorithm with exogenous variables (MAPAx)-Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is proposed to predict changes of local solar radiance, vy using the local observation dataset and real-time meteorological indexes acquired from the weather forecast spot. The forecast result is then compared with the statistical benchmark models and assessed by performance evaluation indexes. In the management stage, a novel distributed algorithm is developed to coordinate power consumption of HVAC systems by varying the compressors’ frequency to maintain the supply-demand balance. It demonstrates that the cost and capacity of energy storage systems can be curtailed, since HVACs can absorb excessive power generation. More importantly, the method addresses a consensus problem under a switching communication topology by using Lyapunov argument, which relaxes the communication requirement. In the optimization stage, a price-comfort optimization model regarding HVAC’s end users is formulated and a proportional-integral-derivative (PID)-based distributed algorithm is thus developed to minimize the customer’s total cost, whilst alleviating the global power imbalance. The end users are motivated to participate in energy trade through DSM scheme. Furthermore, the coordination scheme can be extended to accommodate battery energy storage systems (BESSs) and a hybrid BESS-HVAC system with increasing storage capacity is proved as a promising solution to enhance its selfregulation ability in a microgrid. Extensive case studies have been undertaken with the respective control strategies to investigate effectiveness of the algorithms under various scenarios. The techniques developed in this thesis has helped the partnership company of this project to develop their smart immersion heaters for the customers with minimum energy cost and maximum photovoltaic efficiency

    Optimal and Secure Electricity Market Framework for Market Operation of Multi-Microgrid Systems

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    Traditional power systems were typically based on bulk energy services by large utility companies. However, microgrids and distributed generations have changed the structure of modern power systems as well as electricity markets. Therefore, restructured electricity markets are needed to address energy transactions in modern power systems. In this dissertation, we developed a hierarchical and decentralized electricity market framework for multi-microgrid systems, which clears energy transactions through three market levels; Day-Ahead-Market (DAM), Hour-Ahead-Market (HAM) and Real-Time-Market (RTM). In this market, energy trades are possible between all participants within the microgrids as well as inter-microgrids transactions. In this approach, we developed a game-theoretic-based double auction mechanism for energy transactions in the DAM, while HAM and RTM are cleared by an optimization algorithm and reverse action mechanism, respectively. For data exchange among market players, we developed a secure data-centric communication approach using the Data Distribution Service. Results demonstrated that this electricity market could significantly reduce the energy price and dependency of the multi-microgrid area on the external grid. Furthermore, we developed and verified a hierarchical blockchain-based energy transaction framework for a multi-microgrid system. This framework has a unique structure, which makes it possible to check the feasibility of energy transactions from the power system point of view by evaluating transmission system constraints. The blockchain ledger summarization, microgrid equivalent model development, and market players’ security and privacy enhancement are new approaches to this framework. The research in this dissertation also addresses some ancillary services in power markets such as an optimal power routing in unbalanced microgrids, where we developed a multi-objective optimization model and verified its ability to minimize the power imbalance factor, active power losses and voltage deviation in an unbalanced microgrid. Moreover, we developed an adaptive real-time congestion management algorithm to mitigate congestions in transmission systems using dynamic thermal ratings of transmission lines. Results indicated that the developed algorithm is cost-effective, fast, and reliable for real-time congestion management cases. Finally, we completed research about the communication framework and security algorithm for IEC 61850 Routable GOOSE messages and developed an advanced protection scheme as its application in modern power systems

    Control and Energy Management of Standalone Interconnected AC Microgrids

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    This thesis considered microgrids as local area distribution mini-power grids formed by distributed generation sources, energy storage systems and loads. They are reliable and can operate at different voltages and frequencies to meet the requirements of the load. Microgrids have limited renewable energy source (RES) capacity, which can only supply a limited load and increasing the load beyond a specifically designed limit can lead to stability issues. Irrespective of its limited capacity, there has been an increased widespread deployment of renewable energy-based microgrids worldwide orchestrated by the 2015 Paris Agreement and the war in Ukraine and as a solution to meet the global demand for energy in electricity deficit zones aimed to achieve universal access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy. Fast forward to the future, flooded singly operated microgrids face the problem of more curtailing of RES and load shedding. Multiple microgrids can be interconnected to mitigate the limitations of single microgrids and improve supply reliability, enhance power supply availability, stability, reserve capacity, reduce investment in new generating capacity and control flexibility. As a result, this thesis proposes a new structure and control technique for interconnecting multiple standalone AC microgrids to a common alternating current (AC) bus using a back-to-back power electronic converter and a traditional transformer. Each microgrid considered in this thesis comprises a renewable energy source (RES), battery, auxiliary unit, and load. The battery maintains the AC bus voltage and frequency and balances the difference in power generated by the RES and that consumed by the load. Each microgrid battery’s charge/discharge is maintained within the safest operating limit to maximise the RES power utilisation. The back-to-back converters are used to decouple the connecting standalone microgrid frequencies and facilitate power exchange between microgrids. The transformer is used to transmit electric power over long distances efficiently. The control technique for all the connecting bidirectional back-to-back converters is developed to manage the bidirectional power flow between each microgrid and other microgrids in the network and to balance the energy in the global bus of the interconnected microgrid with no communication. The control strategy uses a frequency signalling mechanism to limit the power demand of individual global converters and adjusts its droop coefficients accordingly and in proportion to deviation in frequency. The global droop controllers of the global connecting converters receive information about the status of the frequencies of individual microgrids using a low bandwidth communication link to enhance network power flow. MATLAB/Simulink results validate the performance of the proposed structure and control strategy. A decentralised control scheme is further proposed for the standalone interconnected AC microgrid structure. This thesis presented a high-level global droop controller that exchanges power between the interconnected microgrids. Renewable power curtailment and auxiliary power supplement mechanisms are designed based on the bus frequency signalling technique to achieve balance and continuity of supply. In case of power shortage in one microgrid, priority will first be given to power import from other microgrids. A power supplement is used if the power imported is insufficient to control the battery state of charge (SOC). Similarly, in case of a power surplus, priority will be given to power export, and if this is not enough, power from RES will be curtailed. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed controller maximises renewable power utilisation and minimises auxiliary power usage while providing better load support. The performance validation of the proposed structure and control strategy has been tested using MATLAB/Simulink. Furthermore, this thesis investigated a centralised control and energy management of multiple interconnected standalone AC microgrids using the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm (Fminsearch optimisation toolbox in MATLAB) based on the new proposed model. The main objective is to minimise the total cost of energy from the auxiliary unit produced from gas. The results obtained are compared with those obtained from an unoptimised system. The performance evaluation investigation results are compared with the unoptimised results to determine the percentage optimal performance of the system. The comparison outcome shows that the proposed optimisation method minimises the total auxiliary energy cost by about 9% compared with the results of the unoptimised benchmark
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