182 research outputs found

    Interactive Learning for Multimedia at Large

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    International audienceInteractive learning has been suggested as a key method for addressing analytic multimedia tasks arising in several domains. Until recently, however, methods to maintain interactive performance at the scale of today's media collections have not been addressed. We propose an interactive learning approach that builds on and extends the state of the art in user relevance feedback systems and high-dimensional indexing for multimedia. We report on a detailed experimental study using the ImageNet and YFCC100M collections, containing 14 million and 100 million images respectively. The proposed approach outperforms the relevant state-of-the-art approaches in terms of interactive performance, while improving suggestion relevance in some cases. In particular, even on YFCC100M, our approach requires less than 0.3 s per interaction round to generate suggestions, using a single computing core and less than 7 GB of main memory

    Exquisitor:Interactive Learning for Multimedia

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    Content-based Information Retrieval via Nearest Neighbor Search

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    Content-based information retrieval (CBIR) has attracted significant interest in the past few years. When given a search query, the search engine will compare the query with all the stored information in the database through nearest neighbor search. Finally, the system will return the most similar items. We contribute to the CBIR research the following: firstly, Distance Metric Learning (DML) is studied to improve retrieval accuracy of nearest neighbor search. Additionally, Hash Function Learning (HFL) is considered to accelerate the retrieval process. On one hand, a new local metric learning framework is proposed - Reduced-Rank Local Metric Learning (R2LML). By considering a conical combination of Mahalanobis metrics, the proposed method is able to better capture information like data\u27s similarity and location. A regularization to suppress the noise and avoid over-fitting is also incorporated into the formulation. Based on the different methods to infer the weights for the local metric, we considered two frameworks: Transductive Reduced-Rank Local Metric Learning (T-R2LML), which utilizes transductive learning, while Efficient Reduced-Rank Local Metric Learning (E-R2LML)employs a simpler and faster approximated method. Besides, we study the convergence property of the proposed block coordinate descent algorithms for both our frameworks. The extensive experiments show the superiority of our approaches. On the other hand, *Supervised Hash Learning (*SHL), which could be used in supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios, was proposed in the dissertation. By considering several codewords which could be learned from the data, the proposed method naturally derives to several Support Vector Machine (SVM) problems. After providing an efficient training algorithm, we also study the theoretical generalization bound of the new hashing framework. In the final experiments, *SHL outperforms many other popular hash function learning methods. Additionally, in order to cope with large data sets, we also conducted experiments running on big data using a parallel computing software package, namely LIBSKYLARK

    Methods for efficient object categorization, detection, scene recognition, and image search

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    In the past few years there has been a tremendous growth in the usage of digital images. Users can now access millions of photos, a fact that poses the need of having methods that can efficiently and effectively search the visual information of interest. In this thesis, we propose methods to learn image representations to compactly represent a large collection of images, enabling accurate image recognition with linear classification models which offer the advantage of being efficient to both train and test. The entries of our descriptors are the output of a set of basis classifiers evaluated on the image, which capture the presence or absence of a set of high-level visual concepts. We propose two different techniques to automatically discover the visual concepts and learn the basis classifiers from a given labeled dataset of pictures, producing descriptors that highly-discriminate the original categories of the dataset. We empirically show that these descriptors are able to encode new unseen pictures, and produce state-of-the-art results in conjunct with cheap linear classifiers. We describe several strategies to aggregate the outputs of basis classifiers evaluated on multiple subwindows of the image in order to handle cases when the photo contains multiple objects and large amounts of clutter. We extend this framework for the task of object detection, where the goal is to spatially localize an object within an image. We use the output of a collection of detectors trained in an offline stage as features for new detection problems, showing competitive results with the current state of the art. Since generating rich manual annotations for an image dataset is a crucial limit of modern methods in object localization and detection, in this thesis we also propose a method to automatically generate training data for an object detector in a weakly-supervised fashion, yielding considerable savings in human annotation efforts. We show that our automatically-generated regions can be used to train object detectors with recognition results remarkably close to those obtained by training on manually annotated bounding boxes

    Improving digital image retrieval towards image understanding and organization

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