6 research outputs found

    Згорткові нейронні мережі для класифікації зображень

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    This paper shows the theoretical basis for the creation of convolutional neural networks for image classification and their application in practice. To achieve the goal, the main types of neural networks were considered, starting from the structure of a simple neuron to the convolutional multilayer network necessary for the solution of this problem. It shows the stages of the structure of training data, the training cycle of the network, as well as calculations of errors in recognition at the stage of training and verification. At the end of the work the results of network training, calculation of recognition error and training accuracy are presented.У цій роботі показано теоретичні основи створення згорткових нейронних мереж для класифікації зображень та їх застосування на практиці. Для досягнення мети були розглянуті основні типи нейронних мереж, починаючи від структури простого нейрона до згорткової багатошарової мережі, необхідної для вирішення цієї проблеми. Він показує етапи структури даних навчальних тренувань, навчальний цикл мережі, а також розрахунки помилок у розпізнаванні на етапі навчання та перевірки. Наприкінці роботи представлені результати мережевого навчання, розрахунок помилки розпізнавання та точності тренувань

    Classification of Leukocytes Using Meta-Learning and Color Constancy Methods

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    In the human healthcare area, leukocytes are very important blood cells for the diagnosis of different pathologies, like leukemia. Recent technology and image-processing methods have contributed to the image classification of leukocytes. Especially, machine learning paradigms have been used for the classification of leukocyte images. However, reported models do not leverage the knowledge produced by the classification of leukocytes to solve similar tasks. For example, the knowledge can be reused to classify images collected with different types of microscopes and image-processing techniques. Therefore, we propose a meta-learning methodology for the classification of leukocyte images using different color constancy methods involving previous knowledge. Our methodology is trained with a specific task at the meta-level, and the knowledge produced is used to solve a different task at the base-level. For the meta-level, we implemented meta-models based on Xception, and for the base-level, we used support vector machine classifiers. Besides, we analyzed the Shades of Gray color constancy method commonly used in skin lesion diagnosis and now implemented for leukocyte images. Our methodology, at the meta-level, achieved 89.28% for precision, 95.65% for sensitivity, 91.78% for F1-score, and 94.40% for accuracy. These scores are competitive regarding the reported state-of-the-art models, especially the sensitivity which is very important for imbalanced datasets, and our meta-model outperforms previous works by +2.25%. Additionally, for the basophil images that were acquired from a chronic myeloid leukemia-positive sample, our meta-model obtained 100% for sensitivity. Moreover, we present an algorithm that generates a new conditioned output at the base-level obtaining highly competitive scores of 91.56% for sensitivity and F1 scores, 95.61% for precision, and 96.47% for accuracy. The findings indicate that our proposed meta-learning methodology can be applied to other medical image classification tasks and achieve high performances by reusing knowledge and reducing the training time for new similar tasks

    A survey on automated detection and classification of acute leukemia and WBCs in microscopic blood cells

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    Leukemia (blood cancer) is an unusual spread of White Blood Cells or Leukocytes (WBCs) in the bone marrow and blood. Pathologists can diagnose leukemia by looking at a person's blood sample under a microscope. They identify and categorize leukemia by counting various blood cells and morphological features. This technique is time-consuming for the prediction of leukemia. The pathologist's professional skills and experiences may be affecting this procedure, too. In computer vision, traditional machine learning and deep learning techniques are practical roadmaps that increase the accuracy and speed in diagnosing and classifying medical images such as microscopic blood cells. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the detection and classification of acute leukemia and WBCs in the microscopic blood cells. First, we have divided the previous works into six categories based on the output of the models. Then, we describe various steps of detection and classification of acute leukemia and WBCs, including Data Augmentation, Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature Extraction, Feature Selection (Reduction), Classification, and focus on classification step in the methods. Finally, we divide automated detection and classification of acute leukemia and WBCs into three categories, including traditional, Deep Neural Network (DNN), and mixture (traditional and DNN) methods based on the type of classifier in the classification step and analyze them. The results of this study show that in the diagnosis and classification of acute leukemia and WBCs, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier in traditional machine learning models and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier in deep learning models have widely employed. The performance metrics of the models that use these classifiers compared to the others model are higher

    Classification of Leukocytes Using Meta-Learning and Color Constancy Methods

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    In the human healthcare area, leukocytes are very important blood cells for the diagnosis of different pathologies, like leukemia. Recent technology and image-processing methods have contributed to the image classification of leukocytes. Especially, machine learning paradigms have been used for the classification of leukocyte images. However, reported models do not leverage the knowledge produced by the classification of leukocytes to solve similar tasks. For example, the knowledge can be reused to classify images collected with different types of microscopes and image-processing techniques. Therefore, we propose a meta-learning methodology for the classification of leukocyte images using different color constancy methods involving previous knowledge. Our methodology is trained with a specific task at the meta-level, and the knowledge produced is used to solve a different task at the base-level. For the meta-level, we implemented meta-models based on Xception, and for the base-level, we used support vector machine classifiers. Besides, we analyzed the Shades of Gray color constancy method commonly used in skin lesion diagnosis and now implemented for leukocyte images. Our methodology, at the meta-level, achieved 89.28% for precision, 95.65% for sensitivity, 91.78% for F1-score, and 94.40% for accuracy. These scores are competitive regarding the reported state-of-the-art models, especially the sensitivity which is very important for imbalanced datasets, and our meta-model outperforms previous works by +2.25%. Additionally, for the basophil images that were acquired from a chronic myeloid leukemia-positive sample, our meta-model obtained 100% for sensitivity. Moreover, we present an algorithm that generates a new conditioned output at the base-level obtaining highly competitive scores of 91.56% for sensitivity and F1 scores, 95.61% for precision, and 96.47% for accuracy. The findings indicate that our proposed meta-learning methodology can be applied to other medical image classification tasks and achieve high performances by reusing knowledge and reducing the training time for new similar tasks

    Програмний додаток розпізнавання хвороб дерев та рослин по зображенню листя

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    Перший розділ кваліфікаційної роботи розкриває сутність та актуальність нашого напрямку дослідження, а також результати аналізу існуючих програмних продуктів. Ми провели аналіз ефективності використання інформаційних систем для вирішення задач розпізнавання хвороб дерев та рослин по зображенню листя. Наведено всі ключові переваги та недоліки на прикладі існуючих аналогів, а також обґрунтовано актуальність роботи та потреба в створенні власної інформаційної системи на базі загорткової нейронної мережі. Другий розділ розкриває сутність визначеної мети та поставлених завдань для досягнення кінцевої цілі, визначення основних методів дослідження та ефективних засобів удосконалення вихідних результатів. В третьому розділі даної роботи розкрита суть та особливості проектування роботи і розробки архітектури програмного додатку на базі нейронної мережі. Також подано інформацію про структурно-функціональне моделювання та моделювання варіантів використання інформаційної системи. Визначено базові етапи проектування роботи. Четвертий розділ розкриває суть процесу розробки інформаційної системи на базі нейронної мережі зі згорткою через архітектуру програмного додатку. На підтвердження додаються знімки екрану, що демонструють розробку інформаційної системи та використання продукту. Результатом виконання роботи виступає розробка програмного додатку розпізнавання хвороб дерев та рослин по зображенню листя