36 research outputs found

    Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Women Using Neural Networks and Deep Learning

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    Breast cancer is a deadly disease affecting women around the world. It can spread rapidly into other parts of the body, causing untimely death when undetected due to rapid growth and division of cells in the breast. Early diagnosis of this disease tends to increase the survival rate of women suffering from the disease. The use of technology to detect breast cancer in women has been explored over the years. A major drawback of most research in this area is low accuracy in the detection rate of breast cancer in women. This is partly due to the availability of few data sets to train classifiers and the lack of efficient algorithms that achieve optimal results. This research aimed to develop a model that uses a machine learning approach (convolution neural network) to detect breast cancer in women with significantly high accuracy. In this paper, a model was developed using 569 mammograms of various breasts diagnosed with benign and maligned cancers. The model achieved an accuracy of 98.25% and sensitivity of 99.5% after 80 iterations.

    Reconocimiento de animales desde im谩genes utilizando aprendizaje por transferencia

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    Automatic image-based recognition systems have been widely used to solve different computer vision tasks. In particular, animals' identification in farms is a research field of interest for the computer vision and the agriculture community. It is then necessary to develop robust and precise algorithms to support detection, recognition, and monitoring tasks to enhance farm management. Traditionally, deep learning approaches have been proposed to solve image-based detection tasks. Nonetheless, databases holding many instances are required to achieve competitive performances, not mentioning the hyperparameters tuning issues. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning approach for image-based animal recognition. We enhance a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network model for animal classification from noisy and low-quality images. First, a dog vs. cat task is tested from the well-known CIFAR database. Further, a cow vs. no cow database is built to test our transfer learning approach. The achieved results show competitive classification performance using different types of architectures compared to state-of-the-art methodologies.Los sistemas de reconocimiento autom谩tico basados en im谩genes se han utilizado ampliamente para resolver diferentes tareas de visi贸n por computador. En particular, la identificaci贸n de animales en granjas es un campo de investigaci贸n de inter茅s para comunidad relacionada con visi贸n artificial y agricultura. En este sentido, es necesario desarrollar algoritmos robustos y precisos para respaldar las tareas de detecci贸n, reconocimiento y monitoreo, en aras de apoyar la gesti贸n de granjas en agricultura. Tradicionalmente, se han propuesto enfoques de aprendizaje profundo para resolver tareas de detecci贸n basadas en im谩genes. No obstante, se requieren de bases de datos con muchas instancias para lograr un rendimiento competitivo, sin mencionar los problemas de ajuste de los hiperpar谩metros. En este art铆culo, proponemos un enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia para el reconocimiento de animales basado en im谩genes. En particular, mejoramos un modelo de red neuronal convolucional previamente entrenado para la clasificaci贸n de animales a partir de im谩genes ruidosas y de baja calidad. Primero, se prueba una tarea de perro contra gato a partir de la conocida base de datos CIFAR. Adem谩s, se crea una base de datos de vaca versus no vaca para probar nuestro enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un rendimiento de clasificaci贸n competitivo utilizando diferentes tipos de arquitecturas, en comparaci贸n con las metodolog铆as actuales

    Identification and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer At Different Stages By Different Machine Learning Algorithms On The Coimbra Dataset

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    Cancer is the most deadly disease in the world. Breast cancer is the second-most common disease in women worldwide. It is the most common cancer globally among women. Annually, 12.5% of all new cancer cases worldwide Globally, 2.26 million breast cancers were discovered, and 685,000 women died from this disease. Early diagnosis of breast cancer is more difficult in developing countries than in developed countries. Using technology, if it is possible to detect cancer early and treat it on time, then many women can be cured and their lives can be saved. Early detection also leads to an increased survival rate for patients who receive clinical therapy before reaching later stages. It includes a number of risk factors, such as modifiable and non-modifiable ones. A recent survey discovered that for women above 50 years of age, the chance of getting breast cancer is about 80%. Machine learning algorithms are playing a major role in diagnosing liver cancer in its early stages and helping doctors make prompt decisions. A number of machine learning models have been executed in which the model gave better performance in terms of accuracy, and other parameters such as precision, recall, etc. are used to predict early. In this research work, the latest dataset, Coimbra, belongs to UCI machinery. It has nine features (age, BMI, glucose, insulin, HOMA, leptin, adiponectin, Resistin, MCP.1) and one classification attribute, which has values 1 and 2. 1 belongs to benign, and 2 belongs to malignant. Based on that, the supervised machine learning algorithm was applied. The WEKA tool is used to analyze the dataset. A number of algorithms are applied, such as Bayes net, multilayer perceptron, IBK, random committee, random tree, etc. More of them gave better results, and that model was chosen as the key model for breast cancer analysis

    Reconocimiento de animales desde im谩genes utilizando aprendizaje por transferencia

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    Automatic image-based recognition systems have been widely used to solve different computer vision tasks. In particular, animals' identification in farms is a research field of interest for the computer vision and the agriculture community. It is then necessary to develop robust and precise algorithms to support detection, recognition, and monitoring tasks to enhance farm management. Traditionally, deep learning approaches have been proposed to solve image-based detection tasks. Nonetheless, databases holding many instances are required to achieve competitive performances, not mentioning the hyperparameters tuning issues. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning approach for image-based animal recognition. We enhance a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network model for animal classification from noisy and low-quality images. First, a dog vs. cat task is tested from the well-known CIFAR database. Further, a cow vs. no cow database is built to test our transfer learning approach. The achieved results show competitive classification performance using different types of architectures compared to state-of-the-art methodologies.Los sistemas de reconocimiento autom谩tico basados en im谩genes se han utilizado ampliamente para resolver diferentes tareas de visi贸n por computador. En particular, la identificaci贸n de animales en granjas es un campo de investigaci贸n de inter茅s para comunidad relacionada con visi贸n artificial y agricultura. En este sentido, es necesario desarrollar algoritmos robustos y precisos para respaldar las tareas de detecci贸n, reconocimiento y monitoreo, en aras de apoyar la gesti贸n de granjas en agricultura. Tradicionalmente, se han propuesto enfoques de aprendizaje profundo para resolver tareas de detecci贸n basadas en im谩genes. No obstante, se requieren de bases de datos con muchas instancias para lograr un rendimiento competitivo, sin mencionar los problemas de ajuste de los hiperpar谩metros. En este art铆culo, proponemos un enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia para el reconocimiento de animales basado en im谩genes. En particular, mejoramos un modelo de red neuronal convolucional previamente entrenado para la clasificaci贸n de animales a partir de im谩genes ruidosas y de baja calidad. Primero, se prueba una tarea de perro contra gato a partir de la conocida base de datos CIFAR. Adem谩s, se crea una base de datos de vaca versus no vaca para probar nuestro enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un rendimiento de clasificaci贸n competitivo utilizando diferentes tipos de arquitecturas, en comparaci贸n con las metodolog铆as actuales

    Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Women Using Neural Networks and Deep Learning

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    Breast cancer is a deadly disease affecting women around the world. It can spread rapidly into other parts of the body, causing untimely death when undetected due to rapid growth and division of cells in the breast. Early diagnosis of this disease tends to increase the survival rate of women suffering from the disease. The use of technology to detect breast cancer in women has been explored over the years. A major drawback of most research in this area is low accuracy in the detection rate of breast cancer in women. This is partly due to the availability of few data sets to train classifiers and the lack of efficient algorithms that achieve optimal results. This research aimed to develop a model that uses a machine learning approach (convolution neural network) to detect breast cancer in women with significantly high accuracy. In this paper, a model was developed using 569 mammograms of various breasts diagnosed with benign and maligned cancers. The model achieved an accuracy of 98.25% and sensitivity of 99.5% after 80 iterations.

    Deep learning for cancer tumor classification using transfer learning and feature concatenation

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) represent one of the state-of-the-art methods for image classification in a variety of fields. Because the number of training dataset images in biomedical image classification is limited, transfer learning with CNNs is frequently applied. Breast cancer is one of most common types of cancer that causes death in women. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer are vital for improving survival rates. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network framework based on the transfer learning concept for detecting and classifying breast cancer histopathology images. In the proposed framework, we extract features from images using three pre-trained CNN architectures: VGG-16, ResNet50, and Inception-v3, and concatenate their extracted features, and then feed them into a fully connected (FC) layer to classify benign and malignant tumor cells in the histopathology images of the breast cancer. In comparison to the other CNN architectures that use a single CNN and many conventional classification methods, the proposed framework outperformed all other deep learning architectures and achieved an average accuracy of 98.76%

    Modified fuzzy rough set technique with stacked autoencoder model for magnetic resonance imaging based breast cancer detection

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    Breast cancer is the common cancer in women, where early detection reduces the mortality rate. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images are efficient in analyzing breast cancer, but it is hard to identify the abnormalities. The manual breast cancer detection in MRI images is inefficient; therefore, a deep learning-based system is implemented in this manuscript. Initially, the visual quality improvement is done using region growing and adaptive histogram equalization (AHE), and then, the breast lesion is segmented by Otsu thresholding with morphological transform. Next, the features are extracted from the segmented lesion, and a modified fuzzy rough set technique is proposed to reduce the dimensions of the extracted features that decreases the system complexity and computational time. The active features are fed to the stacked autoencoder for classifying the benign and malignant classes. The results demonstrated that the proposed model attained 99% and 99.22% of classification accuracy on the benchmark datasets, which are higher related to the comparative classifiers: decision tree, na茂ve Bayes, random forest and k-nearest neighbor (KNN). The obtained results state that the proposed model superiorly screens and detects the breast lesions that assists clinicians in effective therapeutic intervention and timely treatment