334 research outputs found

    A new four-dimensional hyper-chaotic system for image encryption

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    Currently, images are very important with the rapid growth of communication networks. Therefore, image encryption is a process to provide security for private information and prevent unwanted access to sensitive data by unauthorized individuals. Chaos systems provide an important role for key generation, with high randomization properties and accurate performance. In this study, a new four-dimensional hyper-chaotic system has been suggested that is used in the keys generation, which are utilized in the image encryption process to achieve permutation and substitution operations. Firstly, color bands are permuted using the index of the chaotic sequences to remove the high correlation among neighboring pixels. Secondly, dynamic S-boxes achieve the principle of substitution, which are utilized to diffuse the pixel values of the color image. The efficiency of the proposed method is tested by the key space, histogram, and so on. Security analysis shows that the proposed method for encrypting images is secure and resistant to different attacks. It contains a big key space of (2627) and a high sensitivity to a slight change in the secret key, a fairly uniform histogram, and entropy values nearby to the best value of 8. Moreover, it consumes a very short time for encryption and decryption

    An Efficient and Secure DNA based Image Encryption Technique

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    In this paper, an efficient and secure DNA based image encryption technique using hyper chaos Lorenz function is proposed. The technique employs SHA-512 hash of gray scale image and primary key to alter the initial seeds of hyper chaos Lorenz function. Initially, chaotic sequences are generated and redesigned. Then, an image is divided into blocks and randomly shuffled according to the primary key. Further perform circular shift operation over the rows of the shuffled image matrix and index based scrambling operation over the columns. After that, perform dynamic encoding and diffusion based DNA algebraic operation over the encoded DNA sequence and DNA based Key sequence using chaotic sequence. Finally, DNA decoding is employed to convert the diffused dynamic matrix into a ciphered image. The dynamicity of the chaotic sequences makes its extraordinary and contributes to the enhanced security and robustness of the technique. Implementation, security and performance analysis demonstrate that the technique has not only an outstanding encryption effect, but also posses large key space, less pixel correlation, low computation time and successfully resilient to the statistical, differential and brute-force attack. Comparative analysis with other references proves its efficiency and practicability for real time applications

    An Adaptive Image Encryption Scheme Guided by Fuzzy Models

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    A new image encryption scheme using the advanced encryption standard (AES), a chaotic map, a genetic operator, and a fuzzy inference system is proposed in this paper. In this work, plain images were used as input, and the required security level was achieved. Security criteria were computed after running a proposed encryption process. Then an adaptive fuzzy system decided whether to repeat the encryption process, terminate it, or run the next stage based on the achieved results and user demand. The SHA-512 hash function was employed to increase key sensitivity. Security analysis was conducted to evaluate the security of the proposed scheme, which showed it had high security and all the criteria necessary for a good and efficient encryption algorithm were met. Simulation results and the comparison of similar works showed the proposed encryptor had a pseudo-noise output and was strongly dependent upon the changing key and plain image.Comment: Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2023

    Entropy in Image Analysis III

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    Image analysis can be applied to rich and assorted scenarios; therefore, the aim of this recent research field is not only to mimic the human vision system. Image analysis is the main methods that computers are using today, and there is body of knowledge that they will be able to manage in a totally unsupervised manner in future, thanks to their artificial intelligence. The articles published in the book clearly show such a future

    An Efficient Encryption System on 2D Sine Logistic Map based Diffusion

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    An optimal cryptographic model is proposed, enabling the feature of 2D sine logistic map-based diffusion algorithm. The 2D sine logistic map process is merged with the algorithm as it has the ability to provide random number generator as well as to overcome blank. The previous existing models based on image encryption use to work on raw images but without alteration for the process of confusion and diffusion. The main disadvantage as the nearby pixel values for an image always remains similar. This issue is resolved by a Pseudo random generator process which is based on key stream that alters pixel value. Furthermore 2D sine logistic map based diffusion process has shown an improvement in the key sensitivity and the complex relationships that use to get developed between cipher and test image.2D sine logistic map with diffusion method used to keep pixels intact with each other to such an extent as even a single bit modification in the intensity value of an original image pixel will lead to a huge change in most of the pixels of the cipher and thus makes the model very sensitive to make any changes in the pixel value or secret key for an image.  As seen and analyzed with a variety of test results that strategic model used for encryption can easily encrypt the plain image into a cipher of a random binary sequence
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