45 research outputs found

    Image steganography using least significant bit and secret map techniques

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    In steganography, secret data are invisible in cover media, such as text, audio, video and image. Hence, attackers have no knowledge of the original message contained in the media or which algorithm is used to embed or extract such message. Image steganography is a branch of steganography in which secret data are hidden in host images. In this study, image steganography using least significant bit and secret map techniques is performed by applying 3D chaotic maps, namely, 3D Chebyshev and 3D logistic maps, to obtain high security. This technique is based on the concept of performing random insertion and selecting a pixel from a host image. The proposed algorithm is comprehensively evaluated on the basis of different criteria, such as correlation coefficient, information entropy, homogeneity, contrast, image, histogram, key sensitivity, hiding capacity, quality index, mean square error (MSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and image fidelity. Results show that the proposed algorithm satisfies all the aforementioned criteria and is superior to other previous methods. Hence, it is efficient in hiding secret data and preserving the good visual quality of stego images. The proposed algorithm is resistant to different attacks, such as differential and statistical attacks, and yields good results in terms of key sensitivity, hiding capacity, quality index, MSE, PSNR and image fidelity

    An Efficient Data Security System Using Reserve Room Approach on Digital Images for Secret Sharing

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    This paper presents enhancement of d ata protection system for secret communication through common network based on reversible data concealment in encrypted images with reserve room approach. In this paper was implemented for true color RGB image and reserve room approach under multi scale decomposition. The Blue plane will be chosen for hiding the secret text data. Then image is then separated into number of blocks locally and lifting wavelet will be used to detect approximation and detailed coefficients. Then approximation part is encrypted using chaos encryption method. The proposed encryption technique uses the key to encrypt an image and not only enhances the safety of secret carrier informa tion by making the information inaccessible to any intruder having a random method. After image encryption, the data hide r will conceal the secret data into the detailed coefficients which are reserved before encryption. Although encryption achieves certain security effects, they make the secret messages unreadable and unnatural or meaningless. This system is still enhanced with encrypt messages using a symmetric key method. This is the reason a new security approach called reversible data hiding arises. It is the art of hiding the existence of data in another transmission medium to achieve secret communication. The data hidi ng technique uses the adaptive LSB replacement algorithm for concealing the secret message bits into the encrypted image. In the data extraction module, the secret data will be extracted by using relevant key for choosing the encrypted pixe ls to extract th e data. By using the decryption keys, the image and extracted text data will be extracted from encryption to get the original informatio n. Finally the performance of this proposal in encryption and data hiding will be analyzed based on image and data recovery

    Securing Text Messages Using Graph Theory and Steganography

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    تامين البيانات يعتبر كعنصر مهم في انظمة لاتصالات وتناقل البيانات. ويكمن دوره الرئيسي في الحفاظ على المعلومات الحساسة بأمان وبشكل متكامل من المرسل إلى المتلقي ، وهناك نوعان من مبادئ الامنية هما التشفير وإخفاء المعلومات ، الأول يعمل على تغيير مظهر المعلومات ويغير من هيئتها في حين أن الثاني يخفيها من الدخلاء. النظام المصمم يقترح طريقة جديدة للتشفير باستخدام خصائص نظرية البيانات ؛ يعطي مفتاحًا تم إنشاؤه بتحويل كلمة السر الى مخطط (graph) من نوع متكامل  complete  ثم نستخرج مصفوفة التجاور adjacency matrix  للمخطط ونستخدمها كمفتاح نهائي لتشفير النص  وذلك باستخدام عملية الضرب (ضرب المصفوفات) للحصول على النص المشفر بعدها يتم استخدام طريقة البت الاقل اهمية Least Significant Bit LSB   لإخفاء الرسالة المشفرة في صورة ملونة في المكون الاخضر G من مكوناتها. وكذلك تم توظيف معادلة تحليل PSNR والتي اثبتت كفاءة النظام في اخفاء الرسالة باقل تشويش ممكن بحوالي (97-85)  dB لصورة الغلاف قبل وبعد عملية الاخفاء و MSE تتراوح بين  (4.537e-05 -5.27546e-04) و  SSIM=1.0.       Data security is an important component of data communication and transmission systems. Its main role is to keep sensitive information safe and integrated from the sender to the receiver. The proposed system aims to secure text messages through two security principles encryption and steganography. The system produced a novel method for encryption using graph theory properties; it formed a graph from a password to generate an encryption key as a weight matrix of that graph and invested the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method for hiding the encrypted message in a colored image within a green component. Practical experiments of (perceptibility, capacity, and robustness) were calculated using similarity measures like PSNR, MSE, and SSIM. These measures had proved the efficiency of the system for image quality and hiding messages with PSNR ratio more than 85 dB, MSE ranged (4.537e-05  to 5.27546e-04) and SSIM=1.0 for using a cover file with size ranged from 256×300 to 1200×760 pixels and message ranged from 16 to 300 characters.

    A Secure Image Steganography Using Shark Smell Optimization and Edge Detection Technique

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    The stegangraphic system supply premium secrecy and ability of conserving the mystery information from gaining stalked or cracked. The suggested method consists of three phases which are edge detection, embedding and extraction. This paper concentrated on three basic and significant parts which are payload, quality, and security also introduces a new steganography method by using edge detection method and shark smell optimization to effectively hide data with in images. Firstly, to promote the hiding ability and to realize altitude standard of secrecy the mystery message is separated into four parts and the cover image is masked and also divided into four sections, then the edge detection algorithm and shark smell optimization is performed on each section respectively. Edge prospectors were utilized to produce edge pixels in every section to hide mystery message and attain the best payload. To increase security, the shark smell optimization is used to select the best pixels among edge pixels based on its nature in motion, then reflect these pixels above original carrier media. Finally the mystery message bits are hidden in the selected edge pixels by using lest significant bit technique. The experimental outcomes appreciated utilizing several image fitness appreciation fashion, it displays best hiding ability, achieve higher image quality with least standard of deformation and provide altitude standard of secrecy, also the results shows that the suggested method exceeds previous approaches in idioms of the PSNSR, MSE also demonstrate that the mystery information cannot be retrieved of the stego image without realizing the algorithms and the values of parameters that are used in hidden proces

    An improved image steganography scheme based on distinction grade value and secret message encryption

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    Steganography is an emerging and greatly demanding technique for secure information communication over the internet using a secret cover object. It can be used for a wide range of applications such as safe circulation of secret data in intelligence, industry, health care, habitat, online voting, mobile banking and military. Commonly, digital images are used as covers for the steganography owing to their redundancy in the representation, making them hidden to the intruders, hackers, adversaries, unauthorized users. Still, any steganography system launched over the Internet can be cracked upon recognizing the stego cover. Thus, the undetectability that involves data imperceptibility or concealment and security is the significant trait of any steganography system. Presently, the design and development of an effective image steganography system are facing several challenges including low capacity, poor robustness and imperceptibility. To surmount such limitations, it is important to improve the capacity and security of the steganography system while maintaining a high signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Based on these factors, this study is aimed to design and develop a distinction grade value (DGV) method to effectively embed the secret data into a cover image for achieving a robust steganography scheme. The design and implementation of the proposed scheme involved three phases. First, a new encryption method called the shuffle the segments of secret message (SSSM) was incorporated with an enhanced Huffman compression algorithm to improve the text security and payload capacity of the scheme. Second, the Fibonacci-based image transformation decomposition method was used to extend the pixel's bit from 8 to 12 for improving the robustness of the scheme. Third, an improved embedding method was utilized by integrating a random block/pixel selection with the DGV and implicit secret key generation for enhancing the imperceptibility of the scheme. The performance of the proposed scheme was assessed experimentally to determine the imperceptibility, security, robustness and capacity. The standard USC-SIPI images dataset were used as the benchmarking for the performance evaluation and comparison of the proposed scheme with the previous works. The resistance of the proposed scheme was tested against the statistical, X2 , Histogram and non-structural steganalysis detection attacks. The obtained PSNR values revealed the accomplishment of higher imperceptibility and security by the proposed DGV scheme while a higher capacity compared to previous works. In short, the proposed steganography scheme outperformed the commercially available data hiding schemes, thereby resolved the existing issues

    Implementation of a logistic map to calculate the bits required for digital image steganography using the least significant bit (LSB) method

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    The LSB method in steganography usually only uses the last bit or the last few bits that are the same for all pixels. This is very easy to solve by using a bitwise shift left operation so that the last bit becomes the leading bit (MSB). Some techniques combine steganography and cryptography through two different processes. In this study, a new technique is proposed to perform steganography and cryptography together. The random sequence obtained from the logistic map is used to determine the number of bits in the LSB method. Furthermore, testing was carried out on several grayscale images. The result obtained is that the hidden images cannot be opened easily. The level of sensitivity is very small, reaching 10-15

    Microcontroller-based random number generator implementation by using discrete chaotic maps

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    In recent decades, chaos theory has been used in different engineering applications of different disciplines. Discrete chaotic maps can be used in encryption applications for digital applications. In this study, firstly, Lozi, Tinkerbell and Barnsley Fern discrete chaotic maps are implemented based on microcontroller. Then, microcontroller based random number generator is implemented by using the three different two-dimensional discrete chaotic maps. The designed random number generator outputs are applied to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 800-22 and FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) tests for randomness validity. The random numbers are successful in all tests