18,084 research outputs found

    Dynamic safety assessment of a nonlinear pumped-storage generating system in a transient process

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    This paper focuses on a pumped-storage generating system with a reversible Francis turbine and presents an innovative framework for safety assessment in an attempt to overcome their limitations. Thus the aim is to analyze the dynamic safety process and risk probability of the above nonlinear generating system. This study is carried out based on an existing pumped-storage power station. In this paper we show the dynamic safety evaluation process and risk probability of the nonlinear generating system using Fisher discriminant method. A comparison analysis for the safety assessment is performed between two different closing laws, namely the separate mode only to include a guide vane and the linkage mode that includes a guide vane and a ball valve. We find that the most unfavorable condition of the generating system occurs in the final stage of the load rejection transient process. It is also demonstrated that there is no risk to the generating system with the linkage mode but the risk probability of the separate mode is 6 percent. The results obtained are in good agreement with the actual operation of hydropower stations. The developed framework may not only be adopted for the applications of the pumped-storage generating system with a reversible Francis turbine but serves as the basis for the safety assessment of various engineering applications.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaFundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesScientific research funds of Northwest A&F UniversityScience Fund for Excellent Young Scholars from Northwest A&F University and Shaanxi Nova progra

    Dynamic evolution of a hydraulic-mechanical-electric system with randomly fluctuating speed based on Chebyshev polynomial approximation method

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    The research proposed in this paper focuses on the dynamic evolution of a hydraulic-mechanical-electric system under the effect of randomly fluctuating speed. The rapid growth of installed wind power capacity may potentially affect the stability of power grids, causing larger fluctuations of the generator speed to hydropower stations. In this work, a probabilistic component is associated to the generator speed of a deterministic hydraulic-mechanical-electric system providing a novel random model. This latter is analyzed to investigate the dynamic evolution of the system adopting the Chebyshev polynomial approximation method. A careful comparison of the numerical application results obtained by the deterministic and the probabilistic approaches is carried out. In addition, the influence of the fluctuation intensity (D) on the differential gain (kd) of the PID is investigated, proposing a law for kd as function of D. Finally, the operating ranges of the grid water hammer and of the elastic water hammer models are compared in order to validate the consistence of the law. The results of the study provide robust bases for the stable and safe operation of hydropower stations.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaFundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesNorthwest A&F Universit

    Sources of vibration and their treatment in hydro power stations-A review

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    AbstractVibration condition monitoring (VCM) enhances the performance of Hydro Generating Equipment (HGE) by minimizing the damage and break down chances, so that equipment stay available for a longer time. The execution of VCM and diagnosing the system of an HPS includes theoretical and experimental exploitation. Various studies have made their contribution to find out the vibration failure mechanism and incipient failures in HPS. This paper gives a review on VCM of electrical and mechanical equipment used in the HPS along with a brief explanation of vibration related faults considering past literature of around 30years. Causes of the vibrations on rotating and non-rotating equipment of HPS have been discussed along with the standards for vibration measurements. Future prospectus of VCM is also discussed

    Output characteristics of tidal current power stations

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    With increasing targets being set for renewable-derived electricity generation, wind power is currently the preferred technology. It is widely accepted that due to the stochastic nature of wind, there is an upper limit to the capacity that can be accommodated within the electricity network before power quality is impeded. This paper demonstrates the potential of tidal energy as a predictable renewable technologies that can be developed for base load power generation and thus minimise the risk of compromising future power quality

    Thermal coal drying with the high volatile matter output

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    Наведено аналіз сучасних технологій сушіння вугілля з високим вмістом летких. Промислове застосування набули парові сушарки з киплячим шаром продуктивністю 55 т/год, в яких теплоносієм є інертний азот, а необхідне тепло отримують за рахунок відхідних газів газифікатора, при цьому теплопередача здійснюється за допомогою гарячої води.Приведен анализ современных технологий сушки углей с высоким содержанием летучих. Промышленное применение получили паровые сушилки с кипящим слоем производительностью 55 т/ч, в которых теплоносителем служит инертный азот, а необходимое тепло получают за счет отходящих газов газификатора, при этом теплопередача осуществляется посредством горячей воды.An analysis of modern technologies of drying of coals with high content of volatile. Industrial applications received steam dryer with a fluidized bed with capacity of 55 tons/h, in which the coolant is inert nitrogen, and the necessary heat is generated by waste gases of the gasifier, the heat transfer is carried out by means of hot water

    Thermal coal drying with the high volatile matter output

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    Наведено аналіз сучасних технологій сушіння вугілля з високим вмістом летких. Промислове застосування набули парові сушарки з киплячим шаром продуктивністю 55 т/год, в яких теплоносієм є інертний азот, а необхідне тепло отримують за рахунок відхідних газів газифікатора, при цьому теплопередача здійснюється за допомогою гарячої води.Приведен анализ современных технологий сушки углей с высоким содержанием летучих. Промышленное применение получили паровые сушилки с кипящим слоем производительностью 55 т/ч, в которых теплоносителем служит инертный азот, а необходимое тепло получают за счет отходящих газов газификатора, при этом теплопередача осуществляется посредством горячей воды.An analysis of modern technologies of drying of coals with high content of volatile. Industrial applications received steam dryer with a fluidized bed with capacity of 55 tons/h, in which the coolant is inert nitrogen, and the necessary heat is generated by waste gases of the gasifier, the heat transfer is carried out by means of hot water

    Flow curvature effects on dynamic behaviour of a novel vertical axis tidal current turbine: numerical and experimental analysis

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    The paper deals with performances analysis of vertical axis turbine to exploit tidal marine currents. Flow curvature effects on performences of a novel vertical axis turbine have been investuigated. It has been shown that the flow curvature effect allows to design properly an accurate airfoil shape to increase turbine performances

    Development of the equivalent Great Britain 36-zone power system for frequency control studies

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    This paper presents a dynamic model of the equivalent Great Britain (GB) 36-zone power system, which can be used for reliable and realistic assessment of emerging load frequency control mechanisms. Flexible architecture of the presented dynamic test system permits a broad range of security of supply and small-signal stability studies for design of future power grids. It can be particularly useful for academic research, but also for undertaking feasibility studies in power industries. The proposed dynamic test system, which is obtained through network reduction of the original full-scale GB transmission power system developed by National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) Company, provides detailed information about the GB power system. In this regard, the required data and modelling approaches to develop the 36-zone system are provided in detail. The presented dynamic test system represents the system topology, impedance characteristics and electromechanical oscillations of the original GB power system however, it is not an exact equivalent of the master GB system. Illustrative dynamic models of the key system components, including synchronous generators, automatic voltage regulators, power system stabilizers, hydro and steam turbines models along with speed governing systems are presented. Dynamic behavior of 36-zone test system in response to infeed loss contingencies is investigated. Particularly, the impact of changes in the system inertia on the system electromechanical modes is examined using the modal analysis approach. In this context, the mode shape concept is employed to determine dominant generators and contribution of different zones in the low frequency oscillations. Moreover, time-domain simulations are undertaken to validate the modal analysis results. Additionally, the condition of different zones from the viewpoint of frequency nadir and maximum rate of change of frequency for various contingencies and extreme cases are examined.© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed