26 research outputs found

    Automatic extraction of urban structures based on shadow information from satellite imagery

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    The geometric visualisation of the buildings as the 3D solid structures can provide a comprehensive vision in terms of the assessment and simulation of solar exposed surfaces, which includes rooftops and facades. However, the main issue in the simulation a genuine data source that presents the real characteristics of buildings. This research aims to extract the 3D model as the solid boxes of urban structures automatically from Quickbird satellite image with 0.6 m GSD for assessing the solar energy potential. The results illustrate that the 3D model of building presents spatial visualisation of solar radiation for the entire building surface in a different direction

    Novel Approach for Rooftop Detection Using Support Vector Machine

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    Developing a three-dimensional city modeling with the absence of elevation data

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    The past few decades have witnessed steady innovations in remote sensing technologies; however, elevation data needed for creating 3D city models are not reachable for several regions in all over the world. Many developed states still without proper nationwide elevation measurements dataset for developing sufficient 3D city models. The current paper addresses the possibility of producing 3D models for areas without elevation data but with footprints, measurements collected from government departments and volunteered individuals. The study aims to investigate and evaluate a different approach to create three-dimensional city models based on data that existed in open-source maps when elevation measurements are not available. The proposed approach can be divided into two stages: footprint and shadow data collection, and height estimation. At first, the footprint information and shadow area are manually gathered from satellite images, then the building height is predicted based on rooftop and shadow data. SketchUp, a 3D design software, is employed as an efficient tool for creating the 3D virtual city model. To develop such a model, the software utilizes procedural modeling in addition to an image-based approach. The developed model can produce a satisfactory and realistic virtual scene within a short time and for a large area. The 3D city modeling resulted from estimated heights is considered as a rational provisional solution at areas where elevation data are not available or are out-dated

    Automatic extraction of urban structures based on shadow information from satellite imagery

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    The geometric visualisation of the buildings as the 3D solid structures can provide a comprehensive vision in terms of the assessment and simulation of solar exposed surfaces, which includes rooftops and facades. However, the main issue in the simulation a genuine data source that presents the real characteristics of buildings. This research aims to extract the 3D model as the solid boxes of urban structures automatically from Quickbird satellite image with 0.6 m GSD for assessing the solar energy potential. The results illustrate that the 3D model of building presents spatial visualisation of solar radiation for the entire building surface in a different direction

    Detecting circular shapes from areal images using median filter and CHT

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    One of the challenging topics in image processing is extracting the shapes from noisy backgrounds. There are some methods for doing it from different kinds of noisy backgrounds. In this paper, we are going to introduce another method by using 4 steps to extract circular shapes from impulse noisy backgrounds. First step is applying median filter to disappear "salt and pepper" noise. This step causes edge smoothing. So, as the second step, a laplacian sharpening spatial filter should be applied. It highlights fine details and enhances the blurred edges. Using these two steps sequentially causes noise reduction in an impressive way. Third step is using Canny edge detection for segmenting the image. Its algorithm is talked during the paper. Finally, forth step is applying Circular Hough Transform (CHT) for detecting the circles in image. At the end of paper different use cases of this method is investigated

    Creating 3D city models from satellite imagery for integrated assessment and forecasting of solar energy

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    Buildings are the most prominent component in the urban environment. The geometric identification of urban buildings plays an important role in a range of urban applications, including 3D representations of buildings, energy consumption analysis, sustainable development, urban planning, risk assessment, and change detection. In particular, 3D building models can provide a comprehensive assessment of surfaces exposed to solar radiation. However, the identification of the available surfaces on urban structures and the actual locations which receive a sufficient amount of sunlight to increase installed power capacity (e.g. Photovoltaic systems) are crucial considerations for solar energy supply efficiency. Although considerable research has been devoted to detecting the rooftops of buildings, less attention has been paid to creating and completing 3D models of urban buildings. Therefore, there is a need to increase our understanding of the solar energy potential of the surfaces of building envelopes so we can formulate future adaptive energy policies for improving the sustainability of cities. The goal of this thesis was to develop a new approach to automatically model existing buildings for the exploitation of solar energy potential within an urban environment. By investigating building footprints and heights based on shadow information derived from satellite images, 3D city models were generated. Footprints were detected using a two level segmentation process: (1) the iterative graph cuts approach for determining building regions and (2) the active contour method and the adjusted-geometry parameters method for modifying the edges and shapes of the extracted building footprints. Building heights were estimated based on the simulation of artificial shadow regions using identified building footprints and solar information in the image metadata at pre-defined height increments. The difference between the actual and simulated shadow regions at every height increment was computed using the Jaccard similarity coefficient. The 3D models at the first level of detail were then obtained by extruding the building footprints based on their heights by creating image voxels and using the marching cube approach. In conclusion, 3D models of buildings can be generated solely from 2D data of the buildings’attributes in any selected urban area. The approach outperforms the past attempts, and mean error is reduced by at least 21%. Qualitative evaluations of the study illustrate that it is possible to achieve 3D building models based on satellite images with a mean error of less than 5 m. This comprehensive study allows for 3D city models to be generated in the absence of elevation attributes and additional data. Experiments revealed that this novel, automated method can be useful in a number of spatial analyses and urban sustainability applications

    Optimization of Rooftop Delineation from Aerial Imagery with Deep Learning

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    High-definition (HD) maps of building rooftops or footprints are important for urban application and disaster management. Rapid creation of such HD maps through rooftop delineation at the city scale using high-resolution satellite and aerial images with deep leaning methods has become feasible and draw much attention. In the context of rooftop delineation, the end-to-end Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in accurately delineating rooftops from aerial imagery. However, several challenges still exist in this task, which are addressed in this thesis. These challenges include: (1) the generalization issues of models when test data differ from training data, (2) the scale-variance issues in rooftop delineation, and (3) the high cost of annotating accurate rooftop boundaries. To address the challenges mentioned above, this thesis proposes three novel deep learning-based methods. Firstly, a super-resolution network named Momentum and Spatial-Channel Attention Residual Feature Aggregation Network (MSCA-RFANet) is proposed to tackle the generalization issue. The proposed super-resolution network shows better performance compared to its baseline and other state-of-the-art methods. In addition, data composition with MSCA-RFANet shows high performance on dealing with the generalization issues. Secondly, an end-to-end rooftop delineation network named Higher Resolution Network with Dynamic Scale Training (HigherNet-DST) is developed to mitigate the scale-variance issue. The experimental results on publicly available building datasets demonstrate that HigherNet-DST achieves competitive performance in rooftop delineation, particularly excelling in accurately delineating small buildings. Lastly, a weakly supervised deep learning network named Box2Boundary is developed to reduce the annotation cost. The experimental results show that Box2Boundary with post processing is effective in dealing with the cost annotation issues with decent performance. Consequently, the research with these three sub-topics and the three resulting papers are thought to hold potential implications for various practical applications

    Mapping and Real-Time Navigation With Application to Small UAS Urgent Landing

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    Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) operating in low-altitude airspace require flight near buildings and over people. Robust urgent landing capabilities including landing site selection are needed. However, conventional fixed-wing emergency landing sites such as open fields and empty roadways are rare in cities. This motivates our work to uniquely consider unoccupied flat rooftops as possible nearby landing sites. We propose novel methods to identify flat rooftop buildings, isolate their flat surfaces, and find touchdown points that maximize distance to obstacles. We model flat rooftop surfaces as polygons that capture their boundaries and possible obstructions on them. This thesis offers five specific contributions to support urgent rooftop landing. First, the Polylidar algorithm is developed which enables efficient non-convex polygon extraction with interior holes from 2D point sets. A key insight of this work is a novel boundary following method that contrasts computationally expensive geometric unions of triangles. Results from real-world and synthetic benchmarks show comparable accuracy and more than four times speedup compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Second, we extend polygon extraction from 2D to 3D data where polygons represent flat surfaces and interior holes representing obstacles. Our Polylidar3D algorithm transforms point clouds into a triangular mesh where dominant plane normals are identified and used to parallelize and regularize planar segmentation and polygon extraction. The result is a versatile and extremely fast algorithm for non-convex polygon extraction of 3D data. Third, we propose a framework for classifying roof shape (e.g., flat) within a city. We process satellite images, airborne LiDAR point clouds, and building outlines to generate both a satellite and depth image of each building. Convolutional neural networks are trained for each modality to extract high level features and sent to a random forest classifier for roof shape prediction. This research contributes the largest multi-city annotated dataset with over 4,500 rooftops used to train and test models. Our results show flat-like rooftops are identified with > 90% precision and recall. Fourth, we integrate Polylidar3D and our roof shape prediction model to extract flat rooftop surfaces from archived data sources. We uniquely identify optimal touchdown points for all landing sites. We model risk as an innovative combination of landing site and path risk metrics and conduct a multi-objective Pareto front analysis for sUAS urgent landing in cities. Our proposed emergency planning framework guarantees a risk-optimal landing site and flight plan is selected. Fifth, we verify a chosen rooftop landing site on real-time vertical approach with on-board LiDAR and camera sensors. Our method contributes an innovative fusion of semantic segmentation using neural networks with computational geometry that is robust to individual sensor and method failure. We construct a high-fidelity simulated city in the Unreal game engine with a statistically-accurate representation of rooftop obstacles. We show our method leads to greater than 4% improvement in accuracy for landing site identification compared to using LiDAR only. This work has broad impact for the safety of sUAS in cities as well as Urban Air Mobility (UAM). Our methods identify thousands of additional rooftop landing sites in cities which can provide safe landing zones in the event of emergencies. However, the maps we create are limited by the availability, accuracy, and resolution of archived data. Methods for quantifying data uncertainty or performing real-time map updates from a fleet of sUAS are left for future work.PHDRoboticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170026/1/jdcasta_1.pd