16,502 research outputs found

    Improving fusion of surveillance images in sensor networks using independent component analysis

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    Estimating the granularity coefficient of a Potts-Markov random field within an MCMC algorithm

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    This paper addresses the problem of estimating the Potts parameter B jointly with the unknown parameters of a Bayesian model within a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Standard MCMC methods cannot be applied to this problem because performing inference on B requires computing the intractable normalizing constant of the Potts model. In the proposed MCMC method the estimation of B is conducted using a likelihood-free Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Experimental results obtained for synthetic data show that estimating B jointly with the other unknown parameters leads to estimation results that are as good as those obtained with the actual value of B. On the other hand, assuming that the value of B is known can degrade estimation performance significantly if this value is incorrect. To illustrate the interest of this method, the proposed algorithm is successfully applied to real bidimensional SAR and tridimensional ultrasound images

    Bayesian Spatial Binary Regression for Label Fusion in Structural Neuroimaging

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    Many analyses of neuroimaging data involve studying one or more regions of interest (ROIs) in a brain image. In order to do so, each ROI must first be identified. Since every brain is unique, the location, size, and shape of each ROI varies across subjects. Thus, each ROI in a brain image must either be manually identified or (semi-) automatically delineated, a task referred to as segmentation. Automatic segmentation often involves mapping a previously manually segmented image to a new brain image and propagating the labels to obtain an estimate of where each ROI is located in the new image. A more recent approach to this problem is to propagate labels from multiple manually segmented atlases and combine the results using a process known as label fusion. To date, most label fusion algorithms either employ voting procedures or impose prior structure and subsequently find the maximum a posteriori estimator (i.e., the posterior mode) through optimization. We propose using a fully Bayesian spatial regression model for label fusion that facilitates direct incorporation of covariate information while making accessible the entire posterior distribution. We discuss the implementation of our model via Markov chain Monte Carlo and illustrate the procedure through both simulation and application to segmentation of the hippocampus, an anatomical structure known to be associated with Alzheimer's disease.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Probabilistic ToF and Stereo Data Fusion Based on Mixed Pixel Measurement Models

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    This paper proposes a method for fusing data acquired by a ToF camera and a stereo pair based on a model for depth measurement by ToF cameras which accounts also for depth discontinuity artifacts due to the mixed pixel effect. Such model is exploited within both a ML and a MAP-MRF frameworks for ToF and stereo data fusion. The proposed MAP-MRF framework is characterized by site-dependent range values, a rather important feature since it can be used both to improve the accuracy and to decrease the computational complexity of standard MAP-MRF approaches. This paper, in order to optimize the site dependent global cost function characteristic of the proposed MAP-MRF approach, also introduces an extension to Loopy Belief Propagation which can be used in other contexts. Experimental data validate the proposed ToF measurements model and the effectiveness of the proposed fusion techniques

    Bidirectional-Convolutional LSTM Based Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification

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    This paper proposes a novel deep learning framework named bidirectional-convolutional long short term memory (Bi-CLSTM) network to automatically learn the spectral-spatial feature from hyperspectral images (HSIs). In the network, the issue of spectral feature extraction is considered as a sequence learning problem, and a recurrent connection operator across the spectral domain is used to address it. Meanwhile, inspired from the widely used convolutional neural network (CNN), a convolution operator across the spatial domain is incorporated into the network to extract the spatial feature. Besides, to sufficiently capture the spectral information, a bidirectional recurrent connection is proposed. In the classification phase, the learned features are concatenated into a vector and fed to a softmax classifier via a fully-connected operator. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed Bi-CLSTM framework, we compare it with several state-of-the-art methods, including the CNN framework, on three widely used HSIs. The obtained results show that Bi-CLSTM can improve the classification performance as compared to other methods
