1,795 research outputs found

    Resummation of fermionic in-medium ladder diagrams to all orders

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    A system of fermions with a short-range interaction proportional to the scattering length aa is studied at finite density. At any order ana^n, we evaluate the complete contributions to the energy per particle Eˉ(kf)\bar E(k_f) arising from combined (multiple) particle-particle and hole-hole rescatterings in the medium. This novel result is achieved by simply decomposing the particle-hole propagator into the vacuum propagator plus a medium-insertion and correcting for certain symmetry factors in the (n−1)(n-1)-th power of the in-medium loop. Known results for the low-density expansion up to and including order a4a^4 are accurately reproduced. The emerging series in akfa k_f can be summed to all orders in the form of a double-integral over an arctangent function. In that representation the unitary limit a→∞a\to \infty can be taken and one obtains the value ξ=0.5067\xi= 0.5067 for the universal Bertsch parameter. We discuss also applications to the equation of state of neutron matter at low densities and mention further extensions of the resummation method.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Resummation of in-medium ladder diagrams: s-wave effective range and p-wave interaction

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    A recent work on the resummation of fermionic in-medium ladder diagrams to all orders is extended by considering the effective range correction in the s-wave interaction and a (spin-independent) p-wave contact-interaction. A two-component recursion generates the in-medium T-matrix at any order when off-shell terms spoil the factorization of multi-loop diagrams. The resummation to all orders is achieved in the form of a geometrical series for the particle-particle ladders, and through an arctangent-function for the combined particle-particle and hole-hole ladders. One finds that the effective range correction changes the results in the limit of large scattering length considerably, with the effect that the Bertsch parameter ξn\xi_n nearly doubles. Applications to the equation of state of neutron matter at low density are also discussed. For the p-wave contact-interaction the resummation to all orders is facilitated by decomposing tensorial loop-integrals with a transversal and a longitudinal projector. The enhanced attraction provided by the p-wave ladder series has its origin mainly in the coherent sum of Hartree and Fock contributions.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Single-particle potential from resummed ladder diagrams

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    A recent work on the resummation of fermionic in-medium ladder diagrams to all orders is extended by calculating the complex single-particle potential U(p,kf)+i W(p,kf)U(p,k_f)+ i\,W(p,k_f) for momenta pkfpk_f. The on-shell single-particle potential is constructed by means of a complex-valued in-medium loop that includes corrections from a test-particle of momentum p⃗\vec p added to the filled Fermi sea. The single-particle potential U(kf,kf)U(k_f,k_f) at the Fermi surface as obtained from the resummation of the combined particle and hole ladder diagrams is shown to satisfy the Hugenholtz-Van-Hove theorem. The perturbative contributions at various orders ana^n in the scattering length are deduced and checked against the known analytical results at order a1a^1 and a2a^2. The limit a→∞a\to\infty is studied as a special case and a strong momentum dependence of the real (and imaginary) single-particle potential is found. This indicates an instability against a phase transition to a state with an empty shell inside the Fermi sphere such that the density gets reduced by about 5%. For comparison, the same analysis is performed for the resummed particle-particle ladder diagrams alone. In this truncation an instability for hole-excitations near the Fermi surface is found at strong coupling. For the set of particle-hole ring diagrams the single-particle potential is calculated as well. Furthermore, the resummation of in-medium ladder diagrams to all orders is studied for a two-dimensional Fermi gas with a short-range two-body contact-interaction.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, to be published in European Physical Journal

    Transformation of two and three-dimensional regions by elliptic systems

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    Finite difference methods for composite grids were analyzed. It was observed that linear interpolation between grids would suffice only where low order accuracy was required. In the context of fluid flow, this would be in regions where the flow was essentially free stream. Higher order interpolation schemes were also investigated. The well known quadratic and cubic interpolating polynomials would increase the formal accuracy of the overall numerical algorithm. However, it can also be shown that the stability of the algorithm may be adversely affected. Further numerical results are needed in order to assess the nature of this instability induced by the interpolation procedure. Finally, error analysis and the order of difference expressions on general curvilinear coordinates are discussed

    Vacuum birefringence in strong magnetic fields: (I) Photon polarization tensor with all the Landau levels

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    Photons propagating in strong magnetic fields are subject to a phenomenon called the "vacuum birefringence" where refractive indices of two physical modes both deviate from unity and are different from each other. We compute the vacuum polarization tensor of a photon in a static and homogeneous magnetic field by utilizing Schwinger's proper-time method, and obtain a series representation as a result of double integrals analytically performed with respect to proper-time variables. The outcome is expressed in terms of an infinite sum of known functions which is plausibly interpreted as summation over all the Landau levels of fermions. Each contribution from infinitely many Landau levels yields a kinematical condition above which the contribution has an imaginary part. This indicates decay of a sufficiently energetic photon into a fermion-antifermion pair with corresponding Landau level indices. Since we do not resort to any approximation, our result is applicable to the calculation of refractive indices in the whole kinematical region of a photon momentum and in any magnitude of the external magnetic field.Comment: To appear in Ann. Phys., 47 pages, 7 figure
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