15,250 research outputs found

    Traversable Wormholes in (2+1) and (3+1) Dimensions with a Cosmological Constant

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    Macroscopic traversable wormhole solutions to Einstein's field equations in (2+1)(2+1) and (3+1)(3+1) dimensions with a cosmological constant are investigated. Ensuring traversability severely constrains the material used to generate the wormhole's spacetime curvature. Although the presence of a cosmological constant modifies to some extent the type of matter permitted (for example it is possible to have a positive energy density for the material threading the throat of the wormhole in (2+1)(2+1) dimensions), the material must still be ``exotic'', that is matter with a larger radial tension than total mass-energy density multiplied by c2c^2. Two specific solutions are applied to the general cases and a partial stability analysis of a (2+1)(2+1) dimensional solution is explored.Comment: 19 pgs. WATPHYS TH-93/0

    The Covering Canadian Traveller Problem Revisited

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    In this paper, we consider the k-Covering Canadian Traveller Problem (k-CCTP), which can be seen as a variant of the Travelling Salesperson Problem. The goal of k-CCTP is finding the shortest tour for a traveller to visit a set of locations in a given graph and return to the origin. Crucially, unknown to the traveller, up to k edges of the graph are blocked and the traveller only discovers blocked edges online at one of their respective endpoints. The currently best known upper bound for k-CCTP is O(?k) which was shown in [Huang and Liao, ISAAC \u2712]. We improve this polynomial bound to a logarithmic one by presenting a deterministic O(log k)-competitive algorithm that runs in polynomial time. Further, we demonstrate the tightness of our analysis by giving a lower bound instance for our algorithm

    Canadians Should Travel Randomly

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    We study online algorithms for the Canadian Traveller Problem (CTP) introduced by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis in 1991. In this problem, a traveller knows the entire road network in advance, and wishes to travel as quickly as possible from a source vertex s to a destination vertex t, but discovers online that some roads are blocked (e.g., by snow) once reaching them. It is PSPACE-complete to achieve a bounded competitive ratio for this problem. Furthermore, if at most k roads can be blocked, then the optimal competitive ratio for a deterministic online algorithm is 2k + 1, while the only randomized result known is a lower bound of k + 1. In this paper, we show for the first time that a polynomial time randomized algorithm can beat the best deterministic algorithms, surpassing the 2k + 1 lower bound by an o(1) factor. Moreover, we prove the randomized algorithm achieving a competitive ratio of (1 + [√2 over 2])k + 1 in pseudo-polynomial time. The proposed techniques can also be applied to implicitly represent multiple near-shortest s-t paths.NSC Grant 102-2221-E-007-075-MY3Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (KAKENHI 23240002

    Exact Algorithms for the Canadian Traveller Problem on Paths and Trees

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    The Canadian Traveller problem is a stochastic shortest paths problem in which one learns the cost of an edge only when arriving at one of its endpoints. The goal is to find an adaptive policy (adjusting as one learns more edge lengths) that minimizes the expected cost of travel. The problem is known to be #P hard. Since there has been no significant progress on approximation algorithms for several decades, we have chosen to seek out special cases for which exact solutions exist, in the hope of demonstrating techniques that could lead to further progress. Applying techniques from the theory of Markov Decision Processes, we give an exact solution for graphs of parallel (undirected) paths from source to destination with random two-valued edge costs. We also offer a partial generalization to traversing perfect binary trees

    Canadian Traveller Problem with Predictions

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    In this work, we consider the kk-Canadian Traveller Problem (kk-CTP) under the learning-augmented framework proposed by Lykouris & Vassilvitskii. kk-CTP is a generalization of the shortest path problem, and involves a traveller who knows the entire graph in advance and wishes to find the shortest route from a source vertex ss to a destination vertex tt, but discovers online that some edges (up to kk) are blocked once reaching them. A potentially imperfect predictor gives us the number and the locations of the blocked edges. We present a deterministic and a randomized online algorithm for the learning-augmented kk-CTP that achieve a tradeoff between consistency (quality of the solution when the prediction is correct) and robustness (quality of the solution when there are errors in the prediction). Moreover, we prove a matching lower bound for the deterministic case establishing that the tradeoff between consistency and robustness is optimal, and show a lower bound for the randomized algorithm. Finally, we prove several deterministic and randomized lower bounds on the competitive ratio of kk-CTP depending on the prediction error, and complement them, in most cases, with matching upper bounds

    Asymptotic of geometrical navigation on a random set of points of the plane

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    A navigation on a set of points SS is a rule for choosing which point to move to from the present point in order to progress toward a specified target. We study some navigations in the plane where SS is a non uniform Poisson point process (in a finite domain) with intensity going to +∞+\infty. We show the convergence of the traveller path lengths, the number of stages done, and the geometry of the traveller trajectories, uniformly for all starting points and targets, for several navigations of geometric nature. Other costs are also considered. This leads to asymptotic results on the stretch factors of random Yao-graphs and random θ\theta-graphs
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