9 research outputs found

    Optimal Bounds for the Colorful Fractional Helly Theorem

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    The well known fractional Helly theorem and colorful Helly theorem can be merged into the so called colorful fractional Helly theorem. It states: For every α∈(0,1]\alpha \in (0, 1] and every non-negative integer dd, there is βcol=βcol(α,d)∈(0,1]\beta_{col} = \beta_{col}(\alpha, d) \in (0, 1] with the following property. Let F1,…,Fd+1\mathcal{F}_1, \dots, \mathcal{F}_{d+1} be finite nonempty families of convex sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d of sizes n1,…,nd+1n_1, \dots, n_{d+1} respectively. If at least αn1n2⋯nd+1\alpha n_1 n_2 \cdots n_{d+1} of the colorful (d+1)(d+1)-tuples have a nonempty intersection, then there is i∈[d+1]i \in [d+1] such that Fi\mathcal{F}_i contains a subfamily of size at least βcolni\beta_{col} n_i with a nonempty intersection. (A colorful (d+1)(d+1)-tuple is a (d+1)(d+1)-tuple (F1,…,Fd+1)(F_1, \dots , F_{d+1}) such that FiF_i belongs to Fi\mathcal{F}_i for every ii.) The colorful fractional Helly theorem was first stated and proved by B\'ar\'any, Fodor, Montejano, Oliveros, and P\'or in 2014 with βcol=α/(d+1)\beta_{col} = \alpha/(d+1). In 2017 Kim proved the theorem with better function βcol\beta_{col}, which in particular tends to 11 when α\alpha tends to 11. Kim also conjectured what is the optimal bound for βcol(α,d)\beta_{col}(\alpha, d) and provided the upper bound example for the optimal bound. The conjectured bound coincides with the optimal bounds for the (non-colorful) fractional Helly theorem proved independently by Eckhoff and Kalai around 1984. We verify Kim's conjecture by extending Kalai's approach to the colorful scenario. Moreover, we obtain optimal bounds also in more general setting when we allow several sets of the same color.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. The main technical result is extended to c colors, where c is a positive integer, in contrast to the previous version where we only allowed (d+1) colors. We added the acknowledgment

    Theorems of Carathéodory, Helly, and Tverberg without dimension

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    We initiate the study of no-dimensional versions of classical theorems in convexity. One example is Carathéodory’s theorem without dimension: given an n-element set P in a Euclidean space, a point a∈convP, and an integer r≤n, there is a subset Q⊂P of r elements such that the distance between a and convQ is less than diamP/2r−−√. In an analoguos no-dimension Helly theorem a finite family F of convex bodies is given, all of them are contained in the Euclidean unit ball of Rd. If k≤d, |F|≥k, and every k-element subfamily of F is intersecting, then there is a point q∈Rd which is closer than 1/k−−√ to every set in F. This result has several colourful and fractional consequences. Similar versions of Tverberg’s theorem and some of their extensions are also established