1,048 research outputs found

    From Parameter Estimation to Dispersion of Nonstationary Gauss-Markov Processes

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    This paper provides a precise error analysis for the maximum likelihood estimate aĢ‚ (u) of the parameter a given samples u = (u 1 , ā€¦ , u n )^āŠ¤ drawn from a nonstationary Gauss-Markov process U i = aU iāˆ’1 + Z i , i ā‰„ 1, where a > 1, U 0 = 0, and Z i ā€™s are independent Gaussian random variables with zero mean and variance Ļƒ^2 . We show a tight nonasymptotic exponentially decaying bound on the tail probability of the estimation error. Unlike previous works, our bound is tight already for a sample size of the order of hundreds. We apply the new estimation bound to find the dispersion for lossy compression of nonstationary Gauss-Markov sources. We show that the dispersion is given by the same integral formula derived in our previous work [1] for the (asymptotically) stationary Gauss-Markov sources, i.e., |a| < 1. New ideas in the nonstationary case include a deeper understanding of the scaling of the maximum eigenvalue of the covariance matrix of the source sequence, and new techniques in the derivation of our estimation error bound

    Blind Single Channel Deconvolution using Nonstationary Signal Processing

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    Testing For Deterministic And Stochastic Cycles In Macroeconomic Time Series

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    In this paper we use a statistical procedure which is appropriate to test for deterministic and stochastic (stationary and nonstationary) cycles in macroeconomic time series. These tests have standard null and local limit distributions and are easy to apply to raw time series. Monte Carlo evidence shows that they perform relatively well in the case of functional misspecification in the cyclical structure of the series. As an example, we use this approach to test for the presence of cycles in US real GDP

    Range Unit Root (RUR) Tests: Robust against Nonlinearities, Error Distributions, Structural Breaks and Outliers

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    Since the seminal paper by Dickey and Fuller in 1979, unit-root tests have conditioned the standard approaches to analysing time series with strong serial dependence in mean behaviour, the focus being placed on the detection of eventual unit roots in an autoregressive model fitted to the series. In this paper, we propose a completely different method to test for the type of long-wave patterns observed not only in unit-root time series but also in series following more complex data-generating mechanisms. To this end, our testing device analyses the unit-root persistence exhibited by the data while imposing very few constraints on the generating mechanism. We call our device the range unit-root (RUR) test since it is constructed from the running ranges of the series from which we derive its limit distribution. These nonparametric statistics endow the test with a number of desirable properties, the invariance to monotonic transformations of the series and the robustness to the presence of important parameter shifts. Moreover, the RUR test outperforms the power of standard unit-root tests on near-unit-root stationary time series; it is invariant with respect to the innovations distribution and asymptotically immune to noise. An extension of the RUR test, called the forward?backward range unit-root (FB-RUR) improves the check in the presence of additive outliers. Finally, we illustrate the performances of both range tests and their discrepancies with the Dickey?Fuller unit-root test on exchange rate series.Publicad

    Range Unit Root (RUR) Tests: Robust against Nonlinearities, Error Distributions, Structural Breaks and Outliers.

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    Since the seminal paper by Dickey and Fuller in 1979, unit-root tests have conditioned the standard approaches to analysing time series with strong serial dependence in mean behaviour, the focus being placed on the detection of eventual unit roots in an autoregressive model fitted to the series. In this paper, we propose a completely different method to test for the type of long-wave patterns observed not only in unit-root time series but also in series following more complex data-generating mechanisms. To this end, our testing device analyses the unit-root persistence exhibited by the data while imposing very few constraints on the generating mechanism. We call our device the range unit-root (RUR) test since it is constructed from the running ranges of the series from which we derive its limit distribution. These nonparametric statistics endow the test with a number of desirable properties, the invariance to monotonic transformations of the series and the robustness to the presence of important parameter shifts. Moreover, the RUR test outperforms the power of standard unit-root tests on near-unit-root stationary time series; it is invariant with respect to the innovations distribution and asymptotically immune to noise. An extension of the RUR test, called the forward?backward range unit-root (FB-RUR) improves the check in the presence of additive outliers. Finally, we illustrate the performances of both range tests and their discrepancies with the Dickey?Fuller unit-root test on exchange rate series.

    The Dispersion of the Gauss-Markov Source

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    The Gauss-Markov source produces U_i = aU_(iā€“1) + Z_i for i ā‰„ 1, where U_0 = 0, |a| 0, and we show that the dispersion has a reverse waterfilling representation. This is the first finite blocklength result for lossy compression of sources with memory. We prove that the finite blocklength rate-distortion function R(n; d; Īµ) approaches the rate-distortion function R(d) as R(n; d; Īµ) = R(d)+ āˆš V(d)/n Qā€“1(Īµ)+o(1āˆšn), where V (d) is the dispersion, Īµ Īµ 2 (0; 1) is the excess-distortion probability, and Q^(-1) is the inverse Q-function. We give a reverse waterfilling integral representation for the dispersion V (d), which parallels that of the rate-distortion functions for Gaussian processes. Remarkably, for all 0 < d ā‰„ Ļƒ^2 (1+|Ļƒ|)^2, R(n; d; Īµ) of the Gauss-Markov source coincides with that of Z_i, the i.i.d. Gaussian noise driving the process, up to the second-order term. Among novel technical tools developed in this paper is a sharp approximation of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of n samples of the Gauss-Markov source, and a construction of a typical set using the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameter a based on n observations

    Nonlinear analysis of bivariate data with cross recurrence plots

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    We use the extension of the method of recurrence plots to cross recurrence plots (CRP) which enables a nonlinear analysis of bivariate data. To quantify CRPs, we develop further three measures of complexity mainly basing on diagonal structures in CRPs. The CRP analysis of prototypical model systems with nonlinear interactions demonstrates that this technique enables to find these nonlinear interrelations from bivariate time series, whereas linear correlation tests do not. Applying the CRP analysis to climatological data, we find a complex relationship between rainfall and El Nino data
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