4,977 research outputs found

    A note on evolutionary stochastic portfolio optimization and probabilistic constraints

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    In this note, we extend an evolutionary stochastic portfolio optimization framework to include probabilistic constraints. Both the stochastic programming-based modeling environment as well as the evolutionary optimization environment are ideally suited for an integration of various types of probabilistic constraints. We show an approach on how to integrate these constraints. Numerical results using recent financial data substantiate the applicability of the presented approach

    Multiobjective strategies for New Product Development in the pharmaceutical industry

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    New Product Development (NPD) constitutes a challenging problem in the pharmaceutical industry, due to the characteristics of the development pipeline. Formally, the NPD problem can be stated as follows: select a set of R&D projects from a pool of candidate projects in order to satisfy several criteria (economic profitability, time to market) while coping with the uncertain nature of the projects. More precisely, the recurrent key issues are to determine the projects to develop once target molecules have been identified, their order and the level of resources to assign. In this context, the proposed approach combines discrete event stochastic simulation (Monte Carlo approach) with multiobjective genetic algorithms (NSGAII type, Non-Sorted Genetic Algorithm II) to optimize the highly combinatorial portfolio management problem. In that context, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are particularly attractive for treating this kind of problem, due to their ability to directly lead to the so-called Pareto front and to account for the combinatorial aspect. This work is illustrated with a study case involving nine interdependent new product candidates targeting three diseases. An analysis is performed for this test bench on the different pairs of criteria both for the bi- and tricriteria optimization: large portfolios cause resource queues and delays time to launch and are eliminated by the bi- and tricriteria optimization strategy. The optimization strategy is thus interesting to detect the sequence candidates. Time is an important criterion to consider simultaneously with NPV and risk criteria. The order in which drugs are released in the pipeline is of great importance as with scheduling problems

    Multiobjective strategies for New Product Development in the pharmaceutical industry

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    New Product Development (NPD) constitutes a challenging problem in the pharmaceutical industry, due to the characteristics of the development pipeline. Formally, the NPD problem can be stated as follows: select a set of R&D projects from a pool of candidate projects in order to satisfy several criteria (economic profitability, time to market) while coping with the uncertain nature of the projects. More precisely, the recurrent key issues are to determine the projects to develop once target molecules have been identified, their order and the level of resources to assign. In this context, the proposed approach combines discrete event stochastic simulation (Monte Carlo approach) with multiobjective genetic algorithms (NSGAII type, Non-Sorted Genetic Algorithm II) to optimize the highly combinatorial portfolio management problem. In that context, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are particularly attractive for treating this kind of problem, due to their ability to directly lead to the so-called Pareto front and to account for the combinatorial aspect. This work is illustrated with a study case involving nine interdependent new product candidates targeting three diseases. An analysis is performed for this test bench on the different pairs of criteria both for the bi- and tricriteria optimization: large portfolios cause resource queues and delays time to launch and are eliminated by the bi- and tricriteria optimization strategy. The optimization strategy is thus interesting to detect the sequence candidates. Time is an important criterion to consider simultaneously with NPV and risk criteria. The order in which drugs are released in the pipeline is of great importance as with scheduling problems

    A variable neighborhood search simheuristic for project portfolio selection under uncertainty

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    With limited nancial resources, decision-makers in rms and governments face the task of selecting the best portfolio of projects to invest in. As the pool of project proposals increases and more realistic constraints are considered, the problem becomes NP-hard. Thus, metaheuristics have been employed for solving large instances of the project portfolio selection problem (PPSP). However, most of the existing works do not account for uncertainty. This paper contributes to close this gap by analyzing a stochastic version of the PPSP: the goal is to maximize the expected net present value of the inversion, while considering random cash ows and discount rates in future periods, as well as a rich set of constraints including the maximum risk allowed. To solve this stochastic PPSP, a simulation-optimization algorithm is introduced. Our approach integrates a variable neighborhood search metaheuristic with Monte Carlo simulation. A series of computational experiments contribute to validate our approach and illustrate how the solutions vary as the level of uncertainty increases

    Antecipação na tomada de decisĂŁo com mĂșltiplos critĂ©rios sob incerteza

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    Orientador: Fernando JosĂ© Von ZubenTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia ElĂ©trica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A presença de incerteza em resultados futuros pode levar a indecisĂ”es em processos de escolha, especialmente ao elicitar as importĂąncias relativas de mĂșltiplos critĂ©rios de decisĂŁo e de desempenhos de curto vs. longo prazo. Algumas decisĂ”es, no entanto, devem ser tomadas sob informação incompleta, o que pode resultar em açÔes precipitadas com consequĂȘncias imprevisĂ­veis. Quando uma solução deve ser selecionada sob vĂĄrios pontos de vista conflitantes para operar em ambientes ruidosos e variantes no tempo, implementar alternativas provisĂłrias flexĂ­veis pode ser fundamental para contornar a falta de informação completa, mantendo opçÔes futuras em aberto. A engenharia antecipatĂłria pode entĂŁo ser considerada como a estratĂ©gia de conceber soluçÔes flexĂ­veis as quais permitem aos tomadores de decisĂŁo responder de forma robusta a cenĂĄrios imprevisĂ­veis. Essa estratĂ©gia pode, assim, mitigar os riscos de, sem intenção, se comprometer fortemente a alternativas incertas, ao mesmo tempo em que aumenta a adaptabilidade Ă s mudanças futuras. Nesta tese, os papĂ©is da antecipação e da flexibilidade na automação de processos de tomada de decisĂŁo sequencial com mĂșltiplos critĂ©rios sob incerteza Ă© investigado. O dilema de atribuir importĂąncias relativas aos critĂ©rios de decisĂŁo e a recompensas imediatas sob informação incompleta Ă© entĂŁo tratado pela antecipação autĂŽnoma de decisĂ”es flexĂ­veis capazes de preservar ao mĂĄximo a diversidade de escolhas futuras. Uma metodologia de aprendizagem antecipatĂłria on-line Ă© entĂŁo proposta para melhorar a variedade e qualidade dos conjuntos futuros de soluçÔes de trade-off. Esse objetivo Ă© alcançado por meio da previsĂŁo de conjuntos de mĂĄximo hipervolume esperado, para a qual as capacidades de antecipação de metaheurĂ­sticas multi-objetivo sĂŁo incrementadas com rastreamento bayesiano em ambos os espaços de busca e dos objetivos. A metodologia foi aplicada para a obtenção de decisĂ”es de investimento, as quais levaram a melhoras significativas do hipervolume futuro de conjuntos de carteiras financeiras de trade-off avaliadas com dados de açÔes fora da amostra de treino, quando comparada a uma estratĂ©gia mĂ­ope. AlĂ©m disso, a tomada de decisĂ”es flexĂ­veis para o rebalanceamento de carteiras foi confirmada como uma estratĂ©gia significativamente melhor do que a de escolher aleatoriamente uma decisĂŁo de investimento a partir da fronteira estocĂĄstica eficiente evoluĂ­da, em todos os mercados artificiais e reais testados. Finalmente, os resultados sugerem que a antecipação de opçÔes flexĂ­veis levou a composiçÔes de carteiras que se mostraram significativamente correlacionadas com as melhorias observadas no hipervolume futuro esperado, avaliado com dados fora das amostras de treinoAbstract: The presence of uncertainty in future outcomes can lead to indecision in choice processes, especially when eliciting the relative importances of multiple decision criteria and of long-term vs. near-term performance. Some decisions, however, must be taken under incomplete information, what may result in precipitated actions with unforeseen consequences. When a solution must be selected under multiple conflicting views for operating in time-varying and noisy environments, implementing flexible provisional alternatives can be critical to circumvent the lack of complete information by keeping future options open. Anticipatory engineering can be then regarded as the strategy of designing flexible solutions that enable decision makers to respond robustly to unpredictable scenarios. This strategy can thus mitigate the risks of strong unintended commitments to uncertain alternatives, while increasing adaptability to future changes. In this thesis, the roles of anticipation and of flexibility on automating sequential multiple criteria decision-making processes under uncertainty are investigated. The dilemma of assigning relative importances to decision criteria and to immediate rewards under incomplete information is then handled by autonomously anticipating flexible decisions predicted to maximally preserve diversity of future choices. An online anticipatory learning methodology is then proposed for improving the range and quality of future trade-off solution sets. This goal is achieved by predicting maximal expected hypervolume sets, for which the anticipation capabilities of multi-objective metaheuristics are augmented with Bayesian tracking in both the objective and search spaces. The methodology has been applied for obtaining investment decisions that are shown to significantly improve the future hypervolume of trade-off financial portfolios for out-of-sample stock data, when compared to a myopic strategy. Moreover, implementing flexible portfolio rebalancing decisions was confirmed as a significantly better strategy than to randomly choosing an investment decision from the evolved stochastic efficient frontier in all tested artificial and real-world markets. Finally, the results suggest that anticipating flexible choices has lead to portfolio compositions that are significantly correlated with the observed improvements in out-of-sample future expected hypervolumeDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia ElĂ©tric

    Construction of a Basket of Diversified Portfolios, via Quantum Annealing, to Aid in Cardinality Constratined Portfolio Optimization

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    In this project, we propose and investigate a new approach for solving portfolio optimization problems (POP) with cardinality constraints using an evolutionary algorithm based on the distribution of diversified baskets (EADDB).The Diversified basket is the basket of portfolios each of which obtains one of the lowest risks. The distribution of the diversified basket indicates the probability of having each asset in the diversified basket. Finding the diversified basket is an NP-hard problem, and we exploit quantum annealing in order to approximate the diversified basket.In particular, POP is mapped into D-Wave Twoℱ, the first commercially available quantum computer, using one of two methods: discretization, and market graph. Each approach creates several instances of the problem of finding diversified baskets. D-Wave Two’s output is an approximation to this diversified basket, and subsequently the distribution of diversified basket can be determined. Distribution of the diversified basket forms the basis of EADDB. The performance of the proposed EADDB has been evaluated on the Hang-Seng in Hong Kong with 31 assets, one of the benchmark datasets in the OR Library, and has been compared with heuristic algorithms

    Improved Program Planning Generates Large Benefits in High Risk Crop Farming – A Profitable Application of Time Series Models and Stochastic Optimization

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    Agricultural production relies to a great extent on biological processes in natural environments. In addition to volatile prices, it is thus heavily exposed to risks caused by the variability of natural conditions such as rainfall, temperature and pests. With a view to the apparently lacking support of risky farm production program decisions through formal planning models, the objective of this paper is to examine whether, and eventually by how much, farmers’ “intuitive” program decisions can be improved through formal statistical analyses and stochastic optimization models. In this performance comparison, we use the results of the formal planning approach that are generated in a quasi ex-ante analysis as a normative benchmark for the empirically observed ones. To avoid benchmark solutions that would possibly exceed the respective farmer’s risk tolerance, we limit the formal search to a subset of solutions that are second-degree stochastically dominant compared to the farmer’s own decision. We furthermore compare the suitability of different statistical (time series) models to forecast the uncertainty of single gross margins.stochastic optimization, program planning, time series analysis, Crop Production/Industries,

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field
