168 research outputs found

    A note on a modification of Moser's method

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    We use a recurrence technique to obtain semilocal convergence results for Ulm's iterative method to approximate a solution of a nonlinear equation F (x) = 0fenced((x n + 1 = x n - B n F (x n),, n 0,; B n + 1 = 2 B n - B n F (x n + 1) B n,, n 0 .))This method does not contain inverse operators in its expression and we prove it converges with the Newton rate. We also use this method to approximate a solution of integral equations of Fredholm-type. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A modification of Newton's method

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    The theory and some applications of Pták's method of non-discrete mathematical induction

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    Bibliography: p. 79-80.The aim of this thesis is three-fold: (1) to develop the theory of small functions; (2) to synthesize Pták's work presented in his papers [10], [11], ..., [16] into a coherent body of knowledge; (3) to elaborate on Pták's work (i) by providing small function generalizations of Banach's Fixed Point Theorem and Edelstein's Extended Contraction Principle; (ii) by connecting the Induction Theorem to Baire's Category Theorem and Cantor's Intersection Theorem. Throughout the exposition the editorial "we" is to be understood in the sense of Halmos [ 18]; "we" means "the author and the reader"

    Hamiltonian one parameter groups

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    Our purpose is to give an exposition of the foundations of non-linear conservative mechanical systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. Systems we have in mind are the vibrating string, the electromagnetic field and quantum mechanics. These are all linear. We also outline a non-linear example, the coupled Maxwell and Dirac fields. Perfect fluids will be discussed elsewhere

    Inventing episodic memory : a theory of dorsal and ventral hippocampus

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    Book Reviews

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    The Poetics ot Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage (Marjorie Perloff) (Reviewed by Wendy Steiner, University of Pennsylvania)The Monstrous Races in Medieval Art and Thought (John Block Friedman) (Reviewed by Lee W. Patterson, The John Hopkins University)The Anti-Theatrical Prejudice (Jonas Barish) (Reviewed by Jackson I. Cope, University of Southern California)Narrative and its Discontents: Problems of Closure in tbe Traditional Novel (D. A. Miller) (Reviewed by Walter L. Reed, University of Texas)Closure in the Novel (Marianna Torgovnick) (Reviewed by Walter L. Reed, University of Texas)The Life in the Fiction of Ford M. Ford (Thomas C. Moser) (Reviewed by Keith Cohen, University of Wisconsin, Madison)Virginia Woolf\u27s Quarrel with Grieving (Mark Spilka) (Reviewed by James Naremore, Indiana University)Dickinson, The Modern Idiom (David Porter) (Reviewed by Daniel O\u27Hara, Temple University)The Development of American Romance: The Sacrifice of Relation (Michael Davitt Bell) (Reviewed by Edgar A. Dryden, University of Arizona)The Ethics of Intensity in American Fiction (Anthony Channel Hilfer) (Reviewed by Edgar A. Dryden, University of Arizona)Early Auden (Edward Mendelson) (Reviewed by Ronald Bush, Harvard University

    Ontological Frameworks: Carnap and Quine on Methods of Ontology

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    Destination Ventures, Ltd. v. F.C.C. and Moser v. F.C.C.: How Much Should the Telephone Consumer Protection Act Restrict Your Phone, Fax and Computer?

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    The Ninth Circuit upheld the constitutionality of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (hereinafter TCPA ) in two February 1995 decisions: Destination Ventures, Ltd. v. F.C.C. and Moser v. F.C.C. Destination Ventures marked the first examination of the TCPA by any United States Court of Appeals. In that case, the Ninth Circuit held that the TCPA ban on unsolicited facsimile (hereinafter fax ) advertising was a constitutional regulation of commercial speech since the provision reasonably fit the government interest in preventing advertisement cost-shifting to the consumer. Five days later, in Moser, the same three-judge panel reversed a district court decision and upheld the TCPA\u27s bar of prerecorded telephone sales messages. The Ninth Circuit held that automated telemarketing threatens residential privacy which justifies narrowly tailored statutory restrictions on such marketing methods. This comment examines and attempts to reconcile these two Ninth Circuit decisions with prior Supreme Court holdings involving constitutional challenges to commercial speech regulations. It concludes that both Destination Ventures and Moser are consistent with the Constitution and with the Congress\u27 desire to avoid advertising cost-shifting. However, it suggests that the court exaggerated or overemphasized the harms caused by telemarketing and unsolicited fax advertising in upholding the corresponding regulations. Finally, it recommends that the TCPA be expanded to encompass other types of unsolicited faxing and to restrict advertising on the Internet

    Destination Ventures, Ltd. v. F.C.C. and Moser v. F.C.C.: How Much Should the Telephone Consumer Protection Act Restrict Your Phone, Fax and Computer?

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    The Ninth Circuit upheld the constitutionality of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (hereinafter TCPA ) in two February 1995 decisions: Destination Ventures, Ltd. v. F.C.C. and Moser v. F.C.C. Destination Ventures marked the first examination of the TCPA by any United States Court of Appeals. In that case, the Ninth Circuit held that the TCPA ban on unsolicited facsimile (hereinafter fax ) advertising was a constitutional regulation of commercial speech since the provision reasonably fit the government interest in preventing advertisement cost-shifting to the consumer. Five days later, in Moser, the same three-judge panel reversed a district court decision and upheld the TCPA\u27s bar of prerecorded telephone sales messages. The Ninth Circuit held that automated telemarketing threatens residential privacy which justifies narrowly tailored statutory restrictions on such marketing methods. This comment examines and attempts to reconcile these two Ninth Circuit decisions with prior Supreme Court holdings involving constitutional challenges to commercial speech regulations. It concludes that both Destination Ventures and Moser are consistent with the Constitution and with the Congress\u27 desire to avoid advertising cost-shifting. However, it suggests that the court exaggerated or overemphasized the harms caused by telemarketing and unsolicited fax advertising in upholding the corresponding regulations. Finally, it recommends that the TCPA be expanded to encompass other types of unsolicited faxing and to restrict advertising on the Internet

    Global solutions to a Penrose-Fife phase-field model under flux boundary conditions for the inverse temperature

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    In this paper, we study an initial-boundary value problem for a system of phase-field equations arising from the Penrose-Fife approach to model the kinetics of phase transitions. In contrast to other recent works in this field, the correct form of the boundary condition for the temperature field is assumed which leads to additional difficulties in the mathematical treatment. It is demonstrated that global existence and, in the case of only one or two space dimensions, also uniqueness of strong solutions can be shown under essentially the same assumptions on the data as in the previous papers where a simplified boundary condition for the heat exchange with the surrounding medium has been used
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