4,138 research outputs found

    Perfect State Transfer in Laplacian Quantum Walk

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    For a graph GG and a related symmetric matrix MM, the continuous-time quantum walk on GG relative to MM is defined as the unitary matrix U(t)=exp(itM)U(t) = \exp(-itM), where tt varies over the reals. Perfect state transfer occurs between vertices uu and vv at time τ\tau if the (u,v)(u,v)-entry of U(τ)U(\tau) has unit magnitude. This paper studies quantum walks relative to graph Laplacians. Some main observations include the following closure properties for perfect state transfer: (1) If a nn-vertex graph has perfect state transfer at time τ\tau relative to the Laplacian, then so does its complement if nτn\tau is an integer multiple of 2π2\pi. As a corollary, the double cone over any mm-vertex graph has perfect state transfer relative to the Laplacian if and only if m2(mod4)m \equiv 2 \pmod{4}. This was previously known for a double cone over a clique (S. Bose, A. Casaccino, S. Mancini, S. Severini, Int. J. Quant. Inf., 7:11, 2009). (2) If a graph GG has perfect state transfer at time τ\tau relative to the normalized Laplacian, then so does the weak product G×HG \times H if for any normalized Laplacian eigenvalues λ\lambda of GG and μ\mu of HH, we have μ(λ1)τ\mu(\lambda-1)\tau is an integer multiple of 2π2\pi. As a corollary, a weak product of P3P_{3} with an even clique or an odd cube has perfect state transfer relative to the normalized Laplacian. It was known earlier that a weak product of a circulant with odd integer eigenvalues and an even cube or a Cartesian power of P3P_{3} has perfect state transfer relative to the adjacency matrix. As for negative results, no path with four vertices or more has antipodal perfect state transfer relative to the normalized Laplacian. This almost matches the state of affairs under the adjacency matrix (C. Godsil, Discrete Math., 312:1, 2011).Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Ramsey expansions of metrically homogeneous graphs

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    We discuss the Ramsey property, the existence of a stationary independence relation and the coherent extension property for partial isometries (coherent EPPA) for all classes of metrically homogeneous graphs from Cherlin's catalogue, which is conjectured to include all such structures. We show that, with the exception of tree-like graphs, all metric spaces in the catalogue have precompact Ramsey expansions (or lifts) with the expansion property. With two exceptions we can also characterise the existence of a stationary independence relation and the coherent EPPA. Our results can be seen as a new contribution to Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il's classification programme of Ramsey classes and as empirical evidence of the recent convergence in techniques employed to establish the Ramsey property, the expansion (or lift or ordering) property, EPPA and the existence of a stationary independence relation. At the heart of our proof is a canonical way of completing edge-labelled graphs to metric spaces in Cherlin's classes. The existence of such a "completion algorithm" then allows us to apply several strong results in the areas that imply EPPA and respectively the Ramsey property. The main results have numerous corollaries on the automorphism groups of the Fra\"iss\'e limits of the classes, such as amenability, unique ergodicity, existence of universal minimal flows, ample generics, small index property, 21-Bergman property and Serre's property (FA).Comment: 57 pages, 14 figures. Extends results of arXiv:1706.00295. Minor revisio

    Colouring quadrangulations of projective spaces

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    A graph embedded in a surface with all faces of size 4 is known as a quadrangulation. We extend the definition of quadrangulation to higher dimensions, and prove that any graph G which embeds as a quadrangulation in the real projective space P^n has chromatic number n+2 or higher, unless G is bipartite. For n=2 this was proved by Youngs [J. Graph Theory 21 (1996), 219-227]. The family of quadrangulations of projective spaces includes all complete graphs, all Mycielski graphs, and certain graphs homomorphic to Schrijver graphs. As a corollary, we obtain a new proof of the Lovasz-Kneser theorem

    Distance-regular graphs

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    This is a survey of distance-regular graphs. We present an introduction to distance-regular graphs for the reader who is unfamiliar with the subject, and then give an overview of some developments in the area of distance-regular graphs since the monograph 'BCN' [Brouwer, A.E., Cohen, A.M., Neumaier, A., Distance-Regular Graphs, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989] was written.Comment: 156 page

    Uniformity in association schemes and coherent configurations: cometric Q-antipodal schemes and linked systems

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    Inspired by some intriguing examples, we study uniform association schemes and uniform coherent configurations, including cometric Q-antipodal association schemes. After a review of imprimitivity, we show that an imprimitive association scheme is uniform if and only if it is dismantlable, and we cast these schemes in the broader context of certain --- uniform --- coherent configurations. We also give a third characterization of uniform schemes in terms of the Krein parameters, and derive information on the primitive idempotents of such a scheme. In the second half of the paper, we apply these results to cometric association schemes. We show that each such scheme is uniform if and only if it is Q-antipodal, and derive results on the parameters of the subschemes and dismantled schemes of cometric Q-antipodal schemes. We revisit the correspondence between uniform indecomposable three-class schemes and linked systems of symmetric designs, and show that these are cometric Q-antipodal. We obtain a characterization of cometric Q-antipodal four-class schemes in terms of only a few parameters, and show that any strongly regular graph with a ("non-exceptional") strongly regular decomposition gives rise to such a scheme. Hemisystems in generalized quadrangles provide interesting examples of such decompositions. We finish with a short discussion of five-class schemes as well as a list of all feasible parameter sets for cometric Q-antipodal four-class schemes with at most six fibres and fibre size at most 2000, and describe the known examples. Most of these examples are related to groups, codes, and geometries.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Published version, minor revisions, April 201