188 research outputs found

    Finite Strain Homogenization Using a Reduced Basis and Efficient Sampling

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    The computational homogenization of hyperelastic solids in the geometrically nonlinear context has yet to be treated with sufficient efficiency in order to allow for real-world applications in true multiscale settings. This problem is addressed by a problem-specific surrogate model founded on a reduced basis approximation of the deformation gradient on the microscale. The setup phase is based upon a snapshot POD on deformation gradient fluctuations, in contrast to the widespread displacement-based approach. In order to reduce the computational offline costs, the space of relevant macroscopic stretch tensors is sampled efficiently by employing the Hencky strain. Numerical results show speed-up factors in the order of 5-100 and significantly improved robustness while retaining good accuracy. An open-source demonstrator tool with 50 lines of code emphasizes the simplicity and efficiency of the method.Comment: 28 page

    On-the-fly adaptivity for nonlinear twoscale simulations using artificial neural networks and reduced order modeling

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    A multi-fidelity surrogate model for highly nonlinear multiscale problems is proposed. It is based on the introduction of two different surrogate models and an adaptive on-the-fly switching. The two concurrent surrogates are built incrementally starting from a moderate set of evaluations of the full order model. Therefore, a reduced order model (ROM) is generated. Using a hybrid ROM-preconditioned FE solver, additional effective stress-strain data is simulated while the number of samples is kept to a moderate level by using a dedicated and physics-guided sampling technique. Machine learning (ML) is subsequently used to build the second surrogate by means of artificial neural networks (ANN). Different ANN architectures are explored and the features used as inputs of the ANN are fine tuned in order to improve the overall quality of the ML model. Additional ANN surrogates for the stress errors are generated. Therefore, conservative design guidelines for error surrogates are presented by adapting the loss functions of the ANN training in pure regression or pure classification settings. The error surrogates can be used as quality indicators in order to adaptively select the appropriate -- i.e. efficient yet accurate -- surrogate. Two strategies for the on-the-fly switching are investigated and a practicable and robust algorithm is proposed that eliminates relevant technical difficulties attributed to model switching. The provided algorithms and ANN design guidelines can easily be adopted for different problem settings and, thereby, they enable generalization of the used machine learning techniques for a wide range of applications. The resulting hybrid surrogate is employed in challenging multilevel FE simulations for a three-phase composite with pseudo-plastic micro-constituents. Numerical examples highlight the performance of the proposed approach

    Empowering Materials Processing and Performance from Data and AI

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    Third millennium engineering address new challenges in materials sciences and engineering. In particular, the advances in materials engineering combined with the advances in data acquisition, processing and mining as well as artificial intelligence allow for new ways of thinking in designing new materials and products. Additionally, this gives rise to new paradigms in bridging raw material data and processing to the induced properties and performance. This present topical issue is a compilation of contributions on novel ideas and concepts, addressing several key challenges using data and artificial intelligence, such as:- proposing new techniques for data generation and data mining;- proposing new techniques for visualizing, classifying, modeling, extracting knowledge, explaining and certifying data and data-driven models;- processing data to create data-driven models from scratch when other models are absent, too complex or too poor for making valuable predictions;- processing data to enhance existing physic-based models to improve the quality of the prediction capabilities and, at the same time, to enable data to be smarter; and- processing data to create data-driven enrichment of existing models when physics-based models exhibit limits within a hybrid paradigm

    Data-driven modeling and learning in science and engineering

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    FJM acknowledges support from Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain, grant PGC-2018-097257-B-C32. JNK acknowl-edges support from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) grant FA9550-17-1-0329.In the past, data in which science and engineering is based, was scarce and frequently obtained by experiments proposed to verify a given hypothesis. Each experiment was able to yield only very limited data. Today, data is abundant and abundantly collected in each single experiment at a very small cost. Data-driven modeling and scientific discovery is a change of paradigm on how many problems, both in science and engineering, are addressed. Some scientific fields have been using artificial intelligence for some time due to the inherent difficulty in obtaining laws and equations to describe some phenomena. However, today data-driven approaches are also flooding fields like mechanics and materials science, where the traditional approach seemed to be highly satisfactory. In this paper we review the application of data-driven modeling and model learning procedures to different fields in science and engineering