277,378 research outputs found

    Named entity extraction for speech

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    Named entity extraction is a field that has generated much interest over recent years with the explosion of the World Wide Web and the necessity for accurate information retrieval. Named entity extraction, the task of finding specific entities within documents, has proven of great benefit for numerous information extraction and information retrieval tasks.As well as multiple language evaluations, named entity extraction has been investigated on a variety of media forms with varying success. In general, these media forms have all been based upon standard text and assumed that any variation from standard text constitutes noise.We investigate how it is possible to find named entities in speech data.. Where others have focussed on applying named entity extraction techniques to transcriptions of speech, we investigate a method for finding the named entities direct from the word lattices associated with the speech signal. The results show that it is possible to improve named entity recognition at the expense of word error rate (WER) in contrast to the general view that F -score is directly proportional to WER.We use a. Hidden Markov Model {HMM) style approach to the task of named entity extraction and show how it is possible to utilise a HMM to find named entities within speech lattices. We further investigate how it is possible to improve results by considering an alternative derivation of the joint probability of words and entities than is traditionally used. This new derivation is particularly appropriate to speech lattices as no presumptions are made about the sequence of words.The HMM style approach that we use requires using a number of language models in parallel. We have developed a system for discriminately retraining these language models based upon the results of the output, and we show how it is possible to improve named entity recognition by iterations over both training data and development data. We also consider how part-of-speech (POS) can be used within word lattices. We devise a method of labelling a word lattice with POS tags and adapt the model to make use of these POS tags when producing the best path through the lattice. The resulting path provides the most likely sequence of words, entities and POS tags and we show how this new path is better than the previous path which ignored the POS tags

    Implementation of a Human-Computer Interface for Computer Assisted Translation and Handwritten Text Recognition

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    A human-computer interface is developed to provide services of computer assisted machine translation (CAT) and computer assisted transcription of handwritten text images (CATTI). The back-end machine translation (MT) and handwritten text recognition (HTR) systems are provided by the Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology (PRHLT) research group. The idea is to provide users with easy to use tools to convert interactive translation and transcription feasible tasks. The assisted service is provided by remote servers with CAT or CATTI capabilities. The interface supplies the user with tools for efficient local edition: deletion, insertion and substitution.Ocampo Sepúlveda, JC. (2009). Implementation of a Human-Computer Interface for Computer Assisted Translation and Handwritten Text Recognition. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14318Archivo delegad

    Synthetic Data and Artificial Neural Networks for Natural Scene Text Recognition

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    In this work we present a framework for the recognition of natural scene text. Our framework does not require any human-labelled data, and performs word recognition on the whole image holistically, departing from the character based recognition systems of the past. The deep neural network models at the centre of this framework are trained solely on data produced by a synthetic text generation engine -- synthetic data that is highly realistic and sufficient to replace real data, giving us infinite amounts of training data. This excess of data exposes new possibilities for word recognition models, and here we consider three models, each one "reading" words in a different way: via 90k-way dictionary encoding, character sequence encoding, and bag-of-N-grams encoding. In the scenarios of language based and completely unconstrained text recognition we greatly improve upon state-of-the-art performance on standard datasets, using our fast, simple machinery and requiring zero data-acquisition costs

    The issue of semantic mediation in word and number naming

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    Combining Multiple Views for Visual Speech Recognition

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    Visual speech recognition is a challenging research problem with a particular practical application of aiding audio speech recognition in noisy scenarios. Multiple camera setups can be beneficial for the visual speech recognition systems in terms of improved performance and robustness. In this paper, we explore this aspect and provide a comprehensive study on combining multiple views for visual speech recognition. The thorough analysis covers fusion of all possible view angle combinations both at feature level and decision level. The employed visual speech recognition system in this study extracts features through a PCA-based convolutional neural network, followed by an LSTM network. Finally, these features are processed in a tandem system, being fed into a GMM-HMM scheme. The decision fusion acts after this point by combining the Viterbi path log-likelihoods. The results show that the complementary information contained in recordings from different view angles improves the results significantly. For example, the sentence correctness on the test set is increased from 76% for the highest performing single view (3030^\circ) to up to 83% when combining this view with the frontal and 6060^\circ view angles

    Reading Scene Text in Deep Convolutional Sequences

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    We develop a Deep-Text Recurrent Network (DTRN) that regards scene text reading as a sequence labelling problem. We leverage recent advances of deep convolutional neural networks to generate an ordered high-level sequence from a whole word image, avoiding the difficult character segmentation problem. Then a deep recurrent model, building on long short-term memory (LSTM), is developed to robustly recognize the generated CNN sequences, departing from most existing approaches recognising each character independently. Our model has a number of appealing properties in comparison to existing scene text recognition methods: (i) It can recognise highly ambiguous words by leveraging meaningful context information, allowing it to work reliably without either pre- or post-processing; (ii) the deep CNN feature is robust to various image distortions; (iii) it retains the explicit order information in word image, which is essential to discriminate word strings; (iv) the model does not depend on pre-defined dictionary, and it can process unknown words and arbitrary strings. Codes for the DTRN will be available.Comment: To appear in the 13th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), 201

    Design and implementation of a user-oriented speech recognition interface: the synergy of technology and human factors

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    The design and implementation of a user-oriented speech recognition interface are described. The interface enables the use of speech recognition in so-called interactive voice response systems which can be accessed via a telephone connection. In the design of the interface a synergy of technology and human factors is achieved. This synergy is very important for making speech interfaces a natural and acceptable form of human-machine interaction. Important concepts such as interfaces, human factors and speech recognition are discussed. Additionally, an indication is given as to how the synergy of human factors and technology can be realised by a sketch of the interface's implementation. An explanation is also provided of how the interface might be integrated in different applications fruitfully