12 research outputs found

    Routing for Computing and Constrained Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Environment

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    Routing Mechanism in Mobile Adhoc Networks is a difficult task since it has to react proficiently in horrible and unfavorable situations and support conventional IP services. Additionally, the Quality of Service is needed to help the rapid growth of video in mobile traffic. As an outcome, enormous efforts have been committed to design of QoS routing in MANETs. The independent nature of QoS routing protocols brings results in the absence of one-for-all solution in MANETs. Then, the relative significance of QoS measurements in genuine applications isn�t considered in numerous experiments. The one with most astounding weight is the optimal protocol among all the other choices. The reliability and efficiency of SAW-AHP are validated through simulations. An integrated architecture, using evaluation results of SAW-AHP is proposed which incorporates the ad hoc technology into the existing WLAN and therefore provides a solution for the last mile access problems. The protocol selection induced cost and gains are also discussed. We conclude the paper by describing a potential application

    ELECTRE I Method Using Hesitant Linguistic Term Sets: An Application to Supplier Selection

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    Decision making is a common process in human activities. Every person or organization needs to make decisions besides dealing with uncertainty and vagueness associated with human cognition. The theory of fuzzy logic provides a mathematical base to model the uncertainities. Hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set (HFLTS) creates an appropriate method to deal with uncertainty in decision making. Managerial decision making generally implies that decision making process conducts multiple and conflicting criteria. Multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a widely applied decision making method. Outranking methods are one type of MCDA methods which facilitate the decision making process through comparing binary relations in order to rank the alternatives. Elimination et Choix Traduisant la Réalité (ELECTRE), means elimination and choice that translates reality, is an outranking method. In this paper, an extended version of ELECTRE I method using HFLTS is proposed. Finally, a real case problem is provided to illustrate the HFLTS-ELECTRE I method

    Estimating the Benefits of Joint Occupation for Street Works

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    The UK’s local road infrastructure is subject to frequent openings to maintain and invest in buried infrastructure. Opening a road reduces its structural integrity, necessitates the implementation of traffic management and causes environmental pollution. These in turn can result in increased road use costs, adversely affect local business, cause social disbenefit, reduce road asset value and necessitate unplanned maintenance. There are therefore benefits to be gained from coordinating the openings of the highway in similar locations. Shared highway openings, however, are often not realised in practice for a number of reasons, including the lack of public accountability among infrastructure providers and the absence of appreciation for quantifying the benefits of joint occupation. To address this, this paper describes a novel rigorous procedure, based on multicriteria analysis, developed for Staffordshire County Council that evaluates the primary monetised and non-monetised economic, social, political and environmental benefits and costs associated with joint occupation and enables potential joint occupation schemes to be ranked. The use of the procedure is demonstrated by two joint occupation schemes in a rural and an urban area of Staffordshire. The work highlights the advantages of encouraging collaborative working among service providers to reduce costs and to increase asset life. </jats:p

    An Integrated Supplier Selection Methodology Based On Fuzzy Ahp And Electre Iii Methods Under Group Decision Making Environment

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009Tedarikçi seçimi çok kriterli karar verme problemidir ve ayrıca doğasında belirsizlik ve kararsızlık bulunur. Bu yüzden tedarikçi seçimi problemlerinde bulanık çok kriterli karar verme metodlarına basvurulmalıdır. Buna ilaveten, çoğunlukla birden çok kisinin tedarikçi seçiminde sorumlu olması nedeniyle, problem grup kararı verme olarak düsünülmelidir. Bu çalısmada, küreselleşmenin genişlemesine, dünya çapında artan rekabete, ürünlerin yaşam çevrimlerinin kısalmasına ve değişken müsteri davranışlarına bağlı olarak, grup karar verme ortamında bulanık AHP ve ELECTRE III metodlarına dayalı bütünleştirilmiş bir tedarikçi seçim metodolojisi oluşturulmuştur. Öncelikle bireylerin tercihleri grup kararına dilsel değişkenler kullanılarak dönüştürülmüştür. Daha sonra kriterler bulanık AHP metodu ile değerlendirilmiş ve kriterlerin önem ağırlıkları elde edilmiştir. Bu ağırlıklar dikkate alınarak tedarikçiler ELECTRE III metodu ile sıralanmışlardır.Supplier selection is multiple criteria decision-making problem and furthermore it has ambiguity and imprecision in its nature. Thus, a fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making technique should be used for supplier selection problems. Moreover, because mostly more than one person is responsible, supplier selection problem should be considered as group decision making. In this study, due to increasing globalization, worldwide competition, technological developments, short life cycles of product and inconstant consumer behaviors, an integrated supplier selection methodology based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and ELECTRE III methods under group decision making environment has been formed. First, individual preferences are aggregated into group decision with using linguistic variables. Then the group evaluates criteria via fuzzy AHP method and suppliers are ranked via ELECTRE III.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Best effort QoS support routing in mobile ad hoc networks

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    In the past decades, mobile traffic generated by devices such as smartphones, iphones, laptops and mobile gateways has been growing rapidly. While traditional direct connection techniques evolve to provide better access to the Internet, a new type of wireless network, mobile ad hoc network (MANET), has emerged. A MANET differs from a direct connection network in the way that it is multi-hopping and self-organizing and thus able to operate without the help of prefixed infrastructures. However, challenges such dynamic topology, unreliable wireless links and resource constraints impede the wide applications of MANETs. Routing in a MANET is complex because it has to react efficiently to unfavourable conditions and support traditional IP services. In addition, Quality of Service (QoS) provision is required to support the rapid growth of video in mobile traffic. As a consequence, tremendous efforts have been devoted to the design of QoS routing in MANETs, leading to the emergence of a number of QoS support techniques. However, the application independent nature of QoS routing protocols results in the absence of a one-for-all solution for MANETs. Meanwhile, the relative importance of QoS metrics in real applications is not considered in many studies. A Best Effort QoS support (BEQoS) routing model which evaluates and ranks alternative routing protocols by considering the relative importance of multiple QoS metrics is proposed in this thesis. BEQoS has two algorithms, SAW-AHP and FPP for different scenarios. The former is suitable for cases where uncertainty factors such as standard deviation can be neglected while the latter considers uncertainty of the problems. SAW-AHP is a combination of Simple Additive Weighting and Analytic Hierarchical Process in which the decision maker or network operator is firstly required to assign his/her preference of metrics with a specific number according to given rules. The comparison matrices are composed accordingly, based on which the synthetic weights for alternatives are gained. The one with the highest weight is the optimal protocol among all alternatives. The reliability and efficiency of SAW-AHP are validated through simulations. An integrated architecture, using evaluation results of SAW-AHP is proposed which incorporates the ad hoc technology into the existing WLAN and therefore provides a solution for the last mile access problems. The protocol selection induced cost and gains are also discussed. The thesis concludes by describing the potential application area of the proposed method. Fuzzy SAW-AHP is extended to accommodate the vagueness of the decision maker and complexity of problems such as standard deviation in simulations. The fuzzy triangular numbers are used to substitute the crisp numbers in comparison matrices in traditional AHP. Fuzzy Preference Programming (FPP) is employed to obtain the crisp synthetic weight for alternatives based on which they are ranked. The reliability and efficiency of SAW-FPP are demonstrated by simulations

    Comparative evaluation of PROMETHEE and ELECTRE with application to sustainability assessment

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    The selection of robust method for sustainability assessment of companies is a challenging decision, particularly for manufacturers with high safety requirements and large number of consumers such as aerospace, automotive components and, oil & gas companies. These overriding industries consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria as well as non-financial factors that have direct effect on infrastructure investments to reach monetary value for its stakeholders and development of a sustainable long term strategy for their portfolio company. These factors however may be often associated with internal and external uncertainties making it difficult to obtain precise sustainability measurement. Actually, the problem comes from addressing 'how' and 'which' questions to select a solid ranking method for sustainability assessment. In this thesis, we investigate the application of outranking based Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods called ELECTRE III and PROMETHEE I & II for sustainability assessment of industrial organizations. ELECTRE III is a preference based method that considers pseudo-criteria which can be applied for uncertain, imprecise and ill-determined data. PROMETHEE I is a positive and negative flow based multi-criteria method that generates partial rankings. PROMETHEE II is net flow based method and generates complete ranking for alternatives. PROMETHEE methods are more compatible with human judgments. To compare the performance of ELECTRE III and PROMETHEE I & II, we conducted a sustainability assessment case study and performed model verification and robustness analysis, model validation and sensitivity analysis. The data for the study was obtained from Sustainalytics, a firm specializing in sustainability. The results of our study show that ELECTRE III method outperforms PROMETHEE I & II and is therefore recommended for sustainability assessment of industrial organizations

    Development and integration of environmental evaluation tools for the ecodesign of sustainable processes and products

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    Industry is recognized as one of the main sources of environmental pollution and resource depletion, both causing environmental degradation; nonetheless, its contribution to development and wealth creation is also acknowledged. Therefore, the identification of sustainable options in this area is a key factor. Nowadays, the attitude towards pollution prevention and control and cleaner production is not just a response to emerging environmental laws and regulations (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals -REACH-, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control –IPPC- Law, Integrated Product Policy –IPP-), but also a matter of corporate responsibility. Further, it has proved to be a way to increase profits. The sustainability definition has received certain criticism for its vagueness, ambiguity and difficulty to translate this concept at different levels. To overcome the difficulties of its implementation, a wide variety of indicators have been developed and applied over the years, providing metrics essential at the action level. This thesis poses a contribution to the development of environmental evaluation tools adapted to particular production sectors, aiming at providing metrics to guide decision making for the ecodesign of sustainable processes and products. Integrative frameworks that combine methodologies of different nature were proposed as the most suitable way to achieve comprehensive evaluations. At the same time, the simplicity of tools was pursued to make its application easier and more attractive for enterprises, avoiding the need of in depth training

    Composite indicators in energy and environmental modeling

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