24,146 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Retrieval for Super-Earths: Uniquely Constraining the Atmospheric Composition with Transmission Spectroscopy

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    We present a retrieval method based on Bayesian analysis to infer the atmospheric compositions and surface or cloud-top pressures from transmission spectra of exoplanets with general compositions. In this study, we identify what can unambiguously be determined about the atmospheres of exoplanets from their transmission spectra by applying the retrieval method to synthetic observations of the super-Earth GJ 1214b. Our approach to infer constraints on atmospheric parameters is to compute their joint and marginal posterior probability distributions using the MCMC technique in a parallel tempering scheme. A new atmospheric parameterization is introduced that is applicable to general atmospheres in which the main constituent is not known a priori and clouds may be present. Our main finding is that a unique constraint of the mixing ratios of the absorbers and up to two spectrally inactive gases (such as N2 and primordial H2+He) is possible if the observations are sufficient to quantify both (1) the broadband transit depths in at least one absorption feature for each absorber and (2) the slope and strength of the molecular Rayleigh scattering signature. The surface or cloud-top pressure can be quantified if a surface or cloud deck is present. The mean molecular mass can be constrained from the Rayleigh slope or the shapes of absorption features, thus enabling to distinguish between cloudy hydrogen-rich atmospheres and high mean molecular mass atmospheres. We conclude, however, that without the signature of Rayleigh scattering--even with robustly detected infrared absorption features--there is no reliable way to tell if the absorber is the main constituent of the atmosphere or just a minor species with a mixing ratio of <0.1%. The retrieval method leads us to a conceptual picture of which details in transmission spectra are essential for unique characterizations of well-mixed atmospheres.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, accepted at ApJ, submitted to ApJ on Nov 4, 201

    Strict Upper Limits on the Carbon-to-Oxygen Ratios of Eight Hot Jupiters from Self-Consistent Atmospheric Retrieval

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    The elemental compositions of hot Jupiters are informative relics of planet formation that can help us answer long-standing questions regarding the origin and formation of giant planets. Here, I present the main conclusions from a comprehensive atmospheric retrieval survey of eight hot Jupiters with detectable molecular absorption in their near-infrared transmission spectra. I analyze the eight transmission spectra using the newly-developed, self-consistent atmospheric retrieval framework, SCARLET. Unlike previous methods, SCARLET combines the physical and chemical consistency of complex atmospheric models with the statistical treatment of observational uncertainties known from atmospheric retrieval techniques. I find that all eight hot Jupiters consistently require carbon-to-oxygen ratios (C/O) below 0.9. The finding of C/O<0.9 is highly robust for HD209458b, WASP-12b, WASP-19b, HAT-P-1b, and XO-1b. For HD189733b, WASP-17b, and WASP-43b, I find that the published WFC3 transmission spectra favor C/O<0.9 at greater than 95% confidence. I further show that the water abundances on all eight hot Jupiters are consistent with solar composition. The relatively small depth of the detected water absorption features is due to the presence of clouds, not due to a low water abundance as previously suggested for HD209458b. The presence of a thick cloud deck is inferred for HD209458b and WASP-12b. HD189733b may host a similar cloud deck, rather than the previously suggested Rayleigh hazes, if star spots affect the observed spectrum. The approach taken in SCARLET can be regarded as a new pathway to interpreting spectral observations of planetary atmospheres. In this work, including our prior knowledge of H-C-N-O chemistry enables me to constrain the C/O ratio without detecting a single carbon-bearing molecule.Comment: under review at ApJ; updated to account for recently announced observations of WASP-12b and HD 209458

    Use of high-resolution measurements for the retrieval of temperature and gas-concentration profiles from outgoing infrared spectra in the presence of cirrus clouds

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    We explore ways in which high-spectral-resolution measurements can aid in the retrieval of atmospheric temperature and gas-concentration profiles from outgoing infrared spectra when optically thin cirrus clouds are present. Simulated outgoing spectra that contain cirrus are fitted with spectra that do not contain cirrus, and the residuals are examined. For those lines with weighting functions that peak near the same altitude as the thin cirrus, unique features are observed in the residuals. These unique features are highly sensitive to the resolution of the instrumental line shape. For thin cirrus these residual features are narrow (≤0.1 cm-1), so high spectral resolution is required for unambiguous observation. The magnitudes of these unique features are larger than the noise of modern instruments. The sensitivities of these features to cloud height and cloud optical depth are also discussed. Our sensitivity studies show that, when the errors in the estimation of temperature profiles are not large, the dominant contribution to the residuals is the misinterpretation of cirrus. An analysis that focuses on information content is also presented. An understanding of the magnitude of the effect and of its dependence on spectral resolution as well as on spectral region is important for retrieving spacecraft data and for the design of future infrared instruments for forecasting weather and monitoring greenhouse gases

    Two-year observations of the Jupiter polar regions by JIRAM on board Juno

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    We observed the evolution of Jupiter's polar cyclonic structures over two years between February 2017 and February 2019, using polar observations by the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper, JIRAM, on the Juno mission. Images and spectra were collected by the instrument in the 5‐μm wavelength range. The images were used to monitor the development of the cyclonic and anticyclonic structures at latitudes higher than 80° both in the northern and the southern hemispheres. Spectroscopic measurements were then used to monitor the abundances of the minor atmospheric constituents water vapor, ammonia, phosphine and germane in the polar regions, where the atmospheric optical depth is less than 1. Finally, we performed a comparative analysis with oceanic cyclones on Earth in an attempt to explain the spectral characteristics of the cyclonic structures we observe in Jupiter's polar atmosphere

    Neural networks and spectra feature selection for retrival of hot gases temperature profiles

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    Proceeding of: International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, 2005 and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce, Vienna, Austria 28-30 Nov. 2005Neural networks appear to be a promising tool to solve the so-called inverse problems focused to obtain a retrieval of certain physical properties related to the radiative transference of energy. In this paper the capability of neural networks to retrieve the temperature profile in a combustion environment is proposed. Temperature profile retrieval will be obtained from the measurement of the spectral distribution of energy radiated by the hot gases (combustion products) at wavelengths corresponding to the infrared region. High spectral resolution is usually needed to gain a certain accuracy in the retrieval process. However, this great amount of information makes mandatory a reduction of the dimensionality of the problem. In this sense a careful selection of wavelengths in the spectrum must be performed. With this purpose principal component analysis technique is used to automatically determine those wavelengths in the spectrum that carry relevant information on temperature distribution. A multilayer perceptron will be trained with the different energies associated to the selected wavelengths. The results presented show that multilayer perceptron combined with principal component analysis is a suitable alternative in this field.Publicad