101 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey on Enterprise Financial Risk Analysis: Problems, Methods, Spotlights and Applications

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    Enterprise financial risk analysis aims at predicting the enterprises' future financial risk.Due to the wide application, enterprise financial risk analysis has always been a core research issue in finance. Although there are already some valuable and impressive surveys on risk management, these surveys introduce approaches in a relatively isolated way and lack the recent advances in enterprise financial risk analysis. Due to the rapid expansion of the enterprise financial risk analysis, especially from the computer science and big data perspective, it is both necessary and challenging to comprehensively review the relevant studies. This survey attempts to connect and systematize the existing enterprise financial risk researches, as well as to summarize and interpret the mechanisms and the strategies of enterprise financial risk analysis in a comprehensive way, which may help readers have a better understanding of the current research status and ideas. This paper provides a systematic literature review of over 300 articles published on enterprise risk analysis modelling over a 50-year period, 1968 to 2022. We first introduce the formal definition of enterprise risk as well as the related concepts. Then, we categorized the representative works in terms of risk type and summarized the three aspects of risk analysis. Finally, we compared the analysis methods used to model the enterprise financial risk. Our goal is to clarify current cutting-edge research and its possible future directions to model enterprise risk, aiming to fully understand the mechanisms of enterprise risk communication and influence and its application on corporate governance, financial institution and government regulation

    A deep learning approach of financial distress recognition combining text

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    The financial distress of listed companies not only harms the interests of internal managers and employees but also brings considerable risks to external investors and other stakeholders. Therefore, it is crucial to construct an efficient financial distress prediction model. However, most existing studies use financial indicators or text features without contextual information to predict financial distress and fail to extract critical details disclosed in Chinese long texts for research. This research introduces an attention mechanism into the deep learning text classification model to deal with the classification of Chinese long text sequences. We combine the financial data and management discussion and analysis Chinese text data in the annual reports of 1642 listed companies in China from 2017 to 2020 in the model and compare the effects of the data on different models. The empirical results show that the performance of deep learning models in financial distress prediction overcomes traditional machine learning models. The addition of the attention mechanism improved the effectiveness of the deep learning model in financial distress prediction. Among the models constructed in this study, the Bi-LSTM+Attention model achieves the best performance in financial distress prediction

    Forecasting Financial Distress With Machine Learning – A Review

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    Purpose – Evaluate the various academic researches with multiple views on credit risk and artificial intelligence (AI) and their evolution.Theoretical framework – The study is divided as follows: Section 1 introduces the article. Section 2 deals with credit risk and its relationship with computational models and techniques. Section 3 presents the methodology. Section 4 addresses a discussion of the results and challenges on the topic. Finally, section 5 presents the conclusions.Design/methodology/approach – A systematic review of the literature was carried out without defining the time period and using the Web of Science and Scopus database.Findings – The application of computational technology in the scope of credit risk analysis has drawn attention in a unique way. It was found that the demand for identification and introduction of new variables, classifiers and more assertive methods is constant. The effort to improve the interpretation of data and models is intense.Research, Practical & Social implications – It contributes to the verification of the theory, providing information in relation to the most used methods and techniques, it brings a wide analysis to deepen the knowledge of the factors and variables on the theme. It categorizes the lines of research and provides a summary of the literature, which serves as a reference, in addition to suggesting future research.Originality/value – Research in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is recent and requires attention and investigation, thus, this study contributes to the opening of new views in order to deepen the work on this topic

    Entity-level stream classification: exploiting entity similarity to label the future observations referring to an entity

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    Stream classification algorithms traditionally treat arriving instances as independent. However, in many applications, the arriving examples may depend on the “entity” that generated them, e.g. in product reviews or in the interactions of users with an application server. In this study, we investigate the potential of this dependency by partitioning the original stream of instances/“observations” into entity-centric substreams and by incorporating entity-specific information into the learning model. We propose a k-nearest-neighbour-inspired stream classification approach, in which the label of an arriving observation is predicted by exploiting knowledge on the observations belonging to this entity and to entities similar to it. For the computation of entity similarity, we consider knowledge about the observations and knowledge about the entity, potentially from a domain/feature space different from that in which predictions are made. To distinguish between cases where this knowledge transfer is beneficial for stream classification and cases where the knowledge on the entities does not contribute to classifying the observations, we also propose a heuristic approach based on random sampling of substreams using k Random Entities (kRE). Our learning scenario is not fully supervised: after acquiring labels for the initial m observations of each entity, we assume that no additional labels arrive and attempt to predict the labels of near-future and far-future observations from that initial seed. We report on our findings from three datasets

    An academic review: applications of data mining techniques in finance industry

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    With the development of Internet techniques, data volumes are doubling every two years, faster than predicted by Moore’s Law. Big Data Analytics becomes particularly important for enterprise business. Modern computational technologies will provide effective tools to help understand hugely accumulated data and leverage this information to get insights into the finance industry. In order to get actionable insights into the business, data has become most valuable asset of financial organisations, as there are no physical products in finance industry to manufacture. This is where data mining techniques come to their rescue by allowing access to the right information at the right time. These techniques are used by the finance industry in various areas such as fraud detection, intelligent forecasting, credit rating, loan management, customer profiling, money laundering, marketing and prediction of price movements to name a few. This work aims to survey the research on data mining techniques applied to the finance industry from 2010 to 2015.The review finds that Stock prediction and Credit rating have received most attention of researchers, compared to Loan prediction, Money Laundering and Time Series prediction. Due to the dynamics, uncertainty and variety of data, nonlinear mapping techniques have been deeply studied than linear techniques. Also it has been proved that hybrid methods are more accurate in prediction, closely followed by Neural Network technique. This survey could provide a clue of applications of data mining techniques for finance industry, and a summary of methodologies for researchers in this area. Especially, it could provide a good vision of Data Mining Techniques in computational finance for beginners who want to work in the field of computational finance

    Non-numerical Bankruptcy Forecasting Based on Three Trends Values – Increasing, Constant, Decreasing

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    Ennustemallin kehittäminen suomalaisten PK-yritysten konkurssiriskin määritykseen

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    Bankruptcy prediction is a subject of significant interest to both academics and practitioners because of its vast economic and societal impact. Academic research in the field is extensive and diverse; no consensus has formed regarding the superiority of different prediction methods or predictor variables. Most studies focus on large companies; small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have received less attention, mainly due to data unavailability. Despite recent academic advances, simple statistical models are still favored in practical use, largely due to their understandability and interpretability. This study aims to construct a high-performing but user-friendly and interpretable bankruptcy prediction model for Finnish SMEs using financial statement data from 2008–2010. A literature review is conducted to explore the key aspects of bankruptcy prediction; the findings are used for designing an empirical study. Five prediction models are trained on different predictor subsets and training samples, and two models are chosen for detailed examination based on the findings. A prediction model using the random forest method, utilizing all available predictors and the unadjusted training data containing an imbalance of bankrupt and non-bankrupt firms, is found to perform best. Superior performance compared to a benchmark model is observed in terms of both key metrics, and the random forest model is deemed easy to use and interpretable; it is therefore recommended for practical application. Equity ratio and financial expenses to total assets consistently rank as the best two predictors for different models; otherwise the findings on predictor importance are mixed, but mainly in line with the prevalent views in the related literature. This study shows that constructing an accurate but practical bankruptcy prediction model is feasible, and serves as a guideline for future scholars and practitioners seeking to achieve the same. Some further research avenues to follow are recognized based on empirical findings and the extant literature. In particular, this study raises an important question regarding the appropriateness of the most commonly used performance metrics in bankruptcy prediction. Area under the precision-recall curve (PR AUC), which is widely used in other fields of study, is deemed a suitable alternative and is recommended for measuring model performance in future bankruptcy prediction studies.Konkurssien ennustaminen on taloudellisten ja yhteiskunnallisten vaikutustensa vuoksi merkittävä aihe akateemisesta ja käytännöllisestä näkökulmasta. Alan tutkimus on laajaa ja monipuolista, eikä konsensusta parhaiden ennustemallien ja -muuttujien suhteen ole saavutettu. Valtaosa tutkimuksista keskittyy suuryrityksiin; pienten ja keskisuurten (PK)-yritysten konkurssimallinnus on jäänyt vähemmälle huomiolle. Akateemisen tutkimuksen viimeaikaisesta kehityksestä huolimatta käytännön sovellukset perustuvat usein yksinkertaisille tilastollisille malleille johtuen niiden paremmasta ymmärrettävyydestä. Tässä diplomityössä rakennetaan ennustemalli suomalaisten PK-yritysten konkurssiriskin määritykseen käyttäen tilinpäätösdataa vuosilta 2008–2010. Tavoitteena on tarkka, mutta käyttäjäystävällinen ja helposti tulkittava malli. Konkurssimallinnuksen keskeisiin osa-alueisiin perehdytään kirjallisuuskatsauksessa, jonka pohjalta suunnitellaan empiirinen tutkimus. Viiden mallinnusmenetelmän suoriutumista vertaillaan erilaisia opetusaineiston ja ennustemuuttujien osajoukkoja käyttäen, ja löydösten perusteella kaksi parasta menetelmää otetaan lähempään tarkasteluun. Satunnaismetsä (random forest) -koneoppimismenetelmää käyttävä, kaikkia saatavilla olevia ennustemuuttujia ja muokkaamatonta, epäsuhtaisesti konkurssi- ja ei-konkurssitapauksia sisältävää opetusaineistoa hyödyntävä malli toimii parhaiten. Keskeisten suorituskykymittarien valossa satunnaismetsämalli suoriutuu käytettyä verrokkia paremmin, ja todetaan helppokäyttöiseksi ja hyvin tulkittavaksi; sitä suositellaan sovellettavaksi käytäntöön. Omavaraisuusaste ja rahoituskulujen suhde taseen loppusummaan osoittautuvat johdonmukaisesti parhaiksi ennustemuuttujiksi eri mallinnusmetodeilla, mutta muilta osin havainnot muuttujien keskinäisestä paremmuudesta ovat vaihtelevia. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa, että konkurssiennustemalli voi olla sekä tarkka että käytännöllinen, ja tarjoaa suuntaviivoja tuleville tutkimuksille. Empiiristen havaintojen ja kirjallisuuslöydösten pohjalta esitetään jatkotutkimusehdotuksia. Erityisen tärkeä huomio on se, että konkurssiennustamisessa tyypillisesti käytettyjen suorituskykymittarien soveltuvuus on kyseenalaista konkurssitapausten harvinaisuudesta johtuen. Muilla tutkimusaloilla laajasti käytetty tarkkuus-saantikäyrän alle jäävä pinta-ala (PR AUC) todetaan soveliaaksi vaihtoehdoksi, ja sitä suositellaan käytettäväksi konkurssimallien suorituskyvyn mittaukseen. Avainsanat konkurssien ennustaminen, luottoriski, koneoppiminen