9,797 research outputs found

    Time-ordered data simulation and map-making for the PIXIE Fourier transform spectrometer

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    We develop a time-ordered data simulator and map-maker for the proposed PIXIE Fourier transform spectrometer and use them to investigate the impact of polarization leakage, imperfect collimation, elliptical beams, sub-pixel effects, correlated noise and spectrometer mirror jitter on the PIXIE data analysis. We find that PIXIE is robust to all of these effects, with the exception of mirror jitter which could become the dominant source of noise in the experiment if the jitter is not kept significantly below 0.1μms0.1\mu m\sqrt{s}. Source code is available at https://github.com/amaurea/pixie.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    100 km secure differential phase shift quantum key distribution with low jitter up-conversion detectors

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    We present a quantum key distribution experiment in which keys that were secure against all individual eavesdropping attacks allowed by quantum mechanics were distributed over 100 km of optical fiber. We implemented the differential phase shift quantum key distribution protocol and used low timing jitter 1.55 um single-photon detectors based on frequency up-conversion in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides and silicon avalanche photodiodes. Based on the security analysis of the protocol against general individual attacks, we generated secure keys at a practical rate of 166 bit/s over 100 km of fiber. The use of the low jitter detectors also increased the sifted key generation rate to 2 Mbit/s over 10 km of fiber.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Megabits secure key rate quantum key distribution

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    Quantum cryptography (QC) can provide unconditional secure communication between two authorized parties based on the basic principles of quantum mechanics. However, imperfect practical conditions limit its transmission distance and communication speed. Here we implemented the differential phase shift (DPS) quantum key distribution (QKD) with up-conversion assisted hybrid photon detector (HPD) and achieved 1.3 M bits per second secure key rate over a 10-km fiber, which is tolerant against the photon number splitting (PNS) attack, general collective attacks on individual photons, and any other known sequential unambiguous state discrimination (USD) attacks.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Spider Optimization: Probing the Systematics of a Large Scale B-Mode Experiment

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    Spider is a long-duration, balloon-borne polarimeter designed to measure large scale Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization with very high sensitivity and control of systematics. The instrument will map over half the sky with degree angular resolution in I, Q and U Stokes parameters, in four frequency bands from 96 to 275 GHz. Spider's ultimate goal is to detect the primordial gravity wave signal imprinted on the CMB B-mode polarization. One of the challenges in achieving this goal is the minimization of the contamination of B-modes by systematic effects. This paper explores a number of instrument systematics and observing strategies in order to optimize B-mode sensitivity. This is done by injecting realistic-amplitude, time-varying systematics in a set of simulated time-streams. Tests of the impact of detector noise characteristics, pointing jitter, payload pendulations, polarization angle offsets, beam systematics and receiver gain drifts are shown. Spider's default observing strategy is to spin continuously in azimuth, with polarization modulation achieved by either a rapidly spinning half-wave plate or a rapidly spinning gondola and a slowly stepped half-wave plate. Although the latter is more susceptible to systematics, results shown here indicate that either mode of operation can be used by Spider.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figs, version with full resolution figs available here http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~lgg/spider_front.ht

    APOLLO: the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation: Instrument Description and First Detections

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    A next-generation lunar laser ranging apparatus using the 3.5 m telescope at the Apache Point Observatory in southern New Mexico has begun science operation. APOLLO (the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation) has achieved one-millimeter range precision to the moon which should lead to approximately one-order-of-magnitude improvements in the precision of several tests of fundamental properties of gravity. We briefly motivate the scientific goals, and then give a detailed discussion of the APOLLO instrumentation.Comment: 37 pages; 10 figures; 1 table: accepted for publication in PAS

    Low Timing Jitter Detector for Gigahertz Quantum Key Distribution

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    A superconducting single-photon detector based on a niobium nitride nanowire is demonstrated in an optical-fibre-based quantum key distribution test bed operating at a clock rate of 3.3 GHz and a transmission wavelength of 850 nm. The low jitter of the detector leads to significant reduction in the estimated quantum bit error rate and a resultant improvement in the secrecy efficiency compared to previous estimates made by use of silicon single-photon avalanche detectors.Comment: 11 pages, including 2 figure

    Hardware simulation of KU-band spacecraft receiver and bit synchronizer, phase 2, volume 1

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    The acquisition behavior of the PN subsystem of an automatically acquiring spacecraft receiver was studied. A symbol synchronizer subsystem was constructed and integrated into the composite simulation of the receiver. The overall performance of the receiver when subjected to anomalies such as signal fades was evaluated. Potential problems associated with PN/carrier sweep interactions were investigated

    Quaternary pulse position modulation electronics for free-space laser communications

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    The development of a high data-rate communications electronic subsystem for future application in free-space, direct-detection laser communications is described. The dual channel subsystem uses quaternary pulse position modulation (QPPM) and operates at a throughput of 650 megabits per second. Transmitting functions described include source data multiplexing, channel data multiplexing, and QPPM symbol encoding. Implementation of a prototype version in discrete gallium arsenide logic, radiofrequency components, and microstrip circuitry is presented

    Compact Frontend-Electronics and Bidirectional 3.3 Gbps Optical Datalink for Fast Proportional Chamber Readout

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    The 9600 channels of the multi-wire proportional chamber of the H1 experiment at HERA have to be read out within 96 ns and made available to the trigger system. The tight spatial conditions at the rear end flange require a compact bidirectional readout electronics with minimal power consumption and dead material. A solution using 40 identical optical link modules, each transferring the trigger information with a physical rate of 4 x 832 Mbps via optical fibers, has been developed and commisioned. The analog pulses from the chamber can be monitored and the synchronization to the global HERA clock signal is ensured.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure