8 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with different approaches for solving linear systems of the first order differential equations with the system matrix in the symmetric arrowhead form.Some needed algebraic properties of the symmetric arrowhead matrix are proposed.We investigate the form of invariant factors of the arrowhead matrix.Also the entries of the adjugate matrix of the characteristic matrix of the arrowhead matrix are considered. Some reductions techniques for linear systems of differential equations with the system matrix in the arrowhead form are presented

    Eigenvalue Methods for Interpolation Bases

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    This thesis investigates eigenvalue techniques for the location of roots of polynomials expressed in the Lagrange basis. Polynomial approximations to functions arise in almost all areas of computational mathematics, since polynomial expressions can be manipulated in ways that the original function cannot. Polynomials are most often expressed in the monomial basis; however, in many applications polynomials are constructed by interpolating data at a series ofpoints. The roots of such polynomial interpolants can be found by computing the eigenvalues of a generalized companion matrix pair constructed directly from the values of the interpolant. This affords the opportunity to work with polynomials expressed directly in the interpolation basis in which they were posed, avoiding the often ill-conditioned transformation between bases. Working within this framework, this thesis demonstrates that computing the roots of polynomials via these companion matrices is numerically stable, and the matrices involved can be reduced in such a way as to significantly lower the number of operations required to obtain the roots. Through examination of these various techniques, this thesis offers insight into the speed, stability, and accuracy of rootfinding algorithms for polynomials expressed in alternative bases

    A New Parallel Chasing Algorithm For Transforming Arrowhead Matrices To Tridiagonal Form

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    . Rutishauser, Gragg and Harrod and finally H.Y. Zha used the same class of chasing algorithms for transforming arrowhead matrices to tridiagonal form. Using a graphical theoretical approach, we propose a new chasing algorithm. Although this algorithm has the same sequential computational complexity and backward error properties as the old algorithms, it is better suited for a pipelined approach. The parallel algorithm for this new chasing method is described, with performance results on the Paragon and nCUBE. Comparison results between the old and the new algorithms are also presented. Keywords: arrowhead matrices, chasing algorithms, pipeline algorithms Primary: 65F15; Secondary: 68R10, 65F50. 1. Introduction Chasing algorithms are commonly used to find eigenvalues of tridiagonal matrices [4, x8.2]. They can also be used to transform matrices to tridiagonal form, such as Rutishauser's algorithm for tridiagonalizing banded matrices [6], Gragg and Harrod's improved version of it, and..

    A new parallel chasing algorithm for transforming arrowhead matrices to tridiagonal form

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum