23 research outputs found

    deep learning based production forecasting in manufacturing a packaging equipment case study

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    Abstract We propose a Deep Learning (DL)-based approach for production performance forecasting in fresh products packaging. On the one hand, this is a very demanding scenario where high throughput is mandatory; on the other, due to strict hygiene requirements, unexpected downtime caused by packaging machines can lead to huge product waste. Thus, our aim is predicting future values of key performance indexes such as Machine Mechanical Efficiency (MME) and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). We address this problem by leveraging DL-based approaches and historical production performance data related to measurements, warnings and alarms. Different architectures and prediction horizons are analyzed and compared to identify the most robust and effective solutions. We provide experimental results on a real industrial case, showing advantages with respect to current policies implemented by the industrial partner both in terms of forecasting accuracy and maintenance costs. The proposed architecture is shown to be effective on a real case study and it enables the development of predictive services in the area of Predictive Maintenance and Quality Monitoring for packaging equipment providers

    A Review Of Cloud Manufacturing: Issues And Opportunities

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    Cloud Manufacturing (CM) is the latest manufacturing paradigm that enables manufacturing to be looked upon as a service industry.The aim is to offer manufacturing as a service so that an individual or organization is willing to manufacture products and utilize this service without having to make capital investment.However,industry adoption of CM paradigm is still limited.This paper compared the current adoption of CM by the industry with the ideal CM environment.The gaps between the two were identified and related research topics were reviewed. This paper also outlined research areas to be pursued to facilitate CM adoption by the manufacturing industry.This will also improve manufacturing resource utilization efficiencies not only within an organization but globally.At the end,the cost benefits will be passed down to end customer

    Towards Predictive Maintenance for Flexible Manufacturing Using FIWARE

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    Industry 4.0 has shifted the manufacturing related processes from conventional processes within one organization to collaborative processes across different organizations. For example, product design processes, manufacturing processes, and maintenance processes across different factories and enterprises. This complex and competitive collaboration requires the underlying system architecture and platform to be flexible and extensible to support the demands of dynamic collaborations as well as advanced functionalities such as big data analytics. Both operation and condition of the production equipment are critical to the whole manufacturing process. Failures of any machine tools can easily have impact on the subsequent value-added processes of the collaboration. Predictive maintenance provides a detailed examination of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in related machineries using various analyses. In this context, this paper explores how the FIWARE framework supports predictive maintenance. Specifically, it looks at applying a data driven approach to the Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) model for machine condition and remaining useful life to support predictive maintenance using FIWARE framework in a modular fashion

    Data-driven prognosis method using hybrid deep recurrent neural network

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    Prognostics and health management (PHM) has attracted increasing attention in modern manufacturing systems to achieve accurate predictive maintenance that reduces production downtime and enhances system safety. Remaining useful life (RUL) prediction plays a crucial role in PHM by providing direct evidence for a cost-effective maintenance decision. With the advances in sensing and communication technologies, data-driven approaches have achieved remarkable progress in machine prognostics. This paper develops a novel data-driven approach to precisely estimate the remaining useful life of machines using a hybrid deep recurrent neural network (RNN). The long short-term memory (LSTM) layers and classical neural networks are combined in the deep structure to capture the temporal information from the sequential data. The sequential sensory data from multiple sensors data can be fused and directly used as input of the model. The extraction of handcrafted features that relies heavily on prior knowledge and domain expertise as required by traditional approaches is avoided. The dropout technique and decaying learning rate are adopted in the training process of the hybrid deep RNN structure to increase the learning efficiency. A comprehensive experimental study on a widely used prognosis dataset is carried out to show the outstanding effectiveness and superior performance of the proposed approach in RUL prediction. © 2020 Elsevier B.V

    An Intelligent Manufacturing System for Injection Molding

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    In recent years, the great trends of industry 4.0, internet of things (IoT), big data analytics, and cloud computing, the design and development of plastic injection molding (PIM) products has been more requested to achieve the requirements of light, thin, short, small, multi-function, high-precision, energy-saving, and obliged to fulfill a large number of customized production. To tackle this arduous challenge, effectively developing a novel PIM intelligent manufacturing system will play a crucial role. The aim of the proposed study is to carry on building an intelligent manufacturing system (IMS) for PIM industry, which is composed of three subsystems: a multiple response optimization systems of PIM, a database management system of process parameters, and a PIM real-time monitoring and control system. Firstly, the multiple response optimization systems present an intelligent optimization system to find optimal process parameters of multiple quality characteristics in the PIM process. Secondly, the database management system allows for saving the experimental data, PIM process parameter settings and quality goals. The third is a PIM real-time monitoring and control system, which establishes a graphic monitoring and control interface to real-time monitor the parameters of PIM machine and the optimal process parameter settings. The proposed PIM intelligent manufacturing systems enable the functions of real-time monitoring, process parameter optimization and database management, which can assure better PIM product quality and yield rate, effectively reduce the manufacturing cost, and promote the competition of the PIM industry in the future

    A Review of Cloud Manufacturing: Issues and Opportunities

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    Cloud Manufacturing (CM) is the latest manufacturing paradigm that enables manufacturing to be looked upon as a service industry. The aim is to offer manufacturing as a service so that an individual or organization is willing to manufacture products and utilize this service without having to make capital investment. However, industry adoption of CM paradigm is still limited.  This paper compared the current adoption of CM by the industry with the ideal CM environment.  The gaps between the two were identified and related research topics were reviewed.  This paper also outlined research areas to be pursued to facilitate CM adoption by the manufacturing industry.  This will also improve manufacturing resource utilization efficiencies not only within an organization but globally.  At the end, the cost benefits will be passed down to end customer

    Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0

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    In the context of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing-related processes have shifted from conventional processes within one organization to collaborative processes cross different organizations, for example, product design processes, manufacturing processes, and maintenance processes across different factories and enterprises. The development and application of the Internet of things, i.e. smart devices and sensors increases the availability and collection of diverse data. With new technologies, such as advanced data analytics and cloud computing provide new opportunities for flexible collaborations as well as effective optimizing manufacturing-related processes, e.g. predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance provides a detailed examination of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in related machinery using various analyses. RAMI4.0 is a framework for thinking about the various efforts that constitute Industry 4.0. It spans the entire product life cycle & value stream axis, hierarchical structure axis and functional classification axis. The Industrial Data Space (now International Data Space) is a virtual data space using standards and common governance models to facilitate the secure exchange and easy linkage of data in business ecosystems. It thereby provides a basis for creating and using smart services and innovative business processes, while at the same time ensuring digital sovereignty of data owners. This paper looks at how to support predictive maintenance in the context of Industry 4.0. Especially, applying RAMI4.0 architecture supports the predictive maintenance using the FIWARE framework, which leads to deal with data exchanging among different organizations with different security requirements as well as modularizing of related functions

    Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0

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    In the context of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing-related processes have shifted from conventional processes within one organization to collaborative processes cross different organizations, for example, product design processes, manufacturing processes, and maintenance processes across different factories and enterprises. The development and application of the Internet of things, i.e. smart devices and sensors increases the availability and collection of diverse data. With new technologies, such as advanced data analytics and cloud computing provide new opportunities for flexible collaborations as well as effective optimizing manufacturing-related processes, e.g. predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance provides a detailed examination of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in related machinery using various analyses. RAMI4.0 is a framework for thinking about the various efforts that constitute Industry 4.0. It spans the entire product life cycle & value stream axis, hierarchical structure axis and functional classification axis. The Industrial Data Space (now International Data Space) is a virtual data space using standards and common governance models to facilitate the secure exchange and easy linkage of data in business ecosystems. It thereby provides a basis for creating and using smart services and innovative business processes, while at the same time ensuring digital sovereignty of data owners. This paper looks at how to support predictive maintenance in the context of Industry 4.0. Especially, applying RAMI4.0 architecture supports the predictive maintenance using the FIWARE framework, which leads to deal with data exchanging among different organizations with different security requirements as well as modularizing of related functions

    Data-driven prognosis method using hybrid deep recurrent neural network

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    Prognostics and health management (PHM) has attracted increasing attention in modern manufacturing systems to achieve accurate predictive maintenance that reduces production downtime and enhances system safety. Remaining useful life (RUL) prediction plays a crucial role in PHM by providing direct evidence for a cost-effective maintenance decision. With the advances in sensing and communication technologies, data-driven approaches have achieved remarkable progress in machine prognostics. This paper develops a novel data-driven approach to precisely estimate the remaining useful life of machines using a hybrid deep recurrent neural network (RNN). The long short-term memory (LSTM) layers and classical neural networks are combined in the deep structure to capture the temporal information from the sequential data. The sequential sensory data from multiple sensors data can be fused and directly used as input of the model. The extraction of handcrafted features that relies heavily on prior knowledge and domain expertise as required by traditional approaches is avoided. The dropout technique and decaying learning rate are adopted in the training process of the hybrid deep RNN structure to increase the learning efficiency. A comprehensive experimental study on a widely used prognosis dataset is carried out to show the outstanding effectiveness and superior performance of the proposed approach in RUL prediction