4 research outputs found

    Detecting synchrony in EEG: A comparative study of functional connectivity measures

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This author accepted manuscript is made available following 12 month embargo from date of publication (December 2018) in accordance with the publisher’s archiving policyIn neuroscience, there is considerable current interest in investigating the connections between different parts of the brain. EEG is one modality for examining brain function, with advantages such as high temporal resolution and low cost. Many measures of connectivity have been proposed, but which is the best measure to use? In this paper, we address part of this question: which measure is best able to detect connections that do exist, in the challenging situation of non-stationary and noisy data from nonlinear systems, like EEG. This requires knowledge of the true relationship between signals, hence we compare 26 measures of functional connectivity on simulated data (unidirectionally coupled Hénon maps, and simulated EEG). To determine whether synchrony is detected, surrogate data were generated and analysed, and a threshold determined from the surrogate ensemble. No measure performed best in all tested situations. The correlation and coherence measures performed best on stationary data with many samples. S-estimator, correntropy, mean-phase coherence (Hilbert), mutual information (kernel), nonlinear interdependence (S) and nonlinear interdependence (N) performed most reliably on non-stationary data with small to medium window sizes. Of these, correlation and S-estimator have execution times that scale slower with the number of channels and the number of samples

    The use of mechanical redundancy for fault detection in non-stationary machinery

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    The classical approach to machinery fault detection is one where a machinery’s condition is constantly compared to an established baseline with deviations indicating the occurrence of a fault. With the absence of a well-established baseline, fault detection for variable duty machinery requires the use of complex machine learning and signal processing tools. These tools require extensive data collection and expert knowledge which limits their use for industrial applications. The thesis at hand investigates the problem of fault detection for a specific class of variable duty machinery; parallel machines with simultaneously loaded subsystems. As an industrial case study, the parallel drive stations of a novel material haulage system have been instrumented to confirm the mechanical response similarity between simultaneously loaded machines. Using a table-top fault simulator, a preliminary statistical algorithm was then developed for fault detection in bearings under non-stationary operation. Unlike other state of the art fault detection techniques used in monitoring variable duty machinery, the proposed algorithm avoided the need for complex machine learning tools and required no previous training. The limitations of the initial experimental setup necessitated the development of a new machinery fault simulator to expand the investigation to include transmission systems. The design, manufacturing and setup of the various subsystems within the new simulator are covered in this manuscript including the mechanical, hydraulic and control subsystems. To ensure that the new simulator has successfully met its design objectives, extensive data collection and analysis has been completed and is presented in this thesis. The results confirmed that the developed machine truly represents the operation of a simultaneously loaded machine and as such would serve as a research tool for investigating the application of classical fault detection techniques to parallel machines in non-stationary operation.Master's These

    Diagnosis of the sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome : a comprehensive approach through an intelligent system to support medical decision

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    [Abstract] This doctoral thesis carries out the development of an intelligent system to support medical decision in the diagnosis of the Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (SAHS). SAHS is the most common disorder within those affecting sleep. The estimates of the disease prevalence range from 3% to 7%. Diagnosis of SAHS requires of a polysomnographic test (PSG) to be done in the Sleep Unit of a medical center. Manual scoring of the resulting recording entails too much effort and time to the medical specialists and as a consequence it implies a high economic cost. In the developed system, automatic analysis of the PSG is accomplished which follows a comprehensive perspective. Firstly an analysis of the neurophysiological signals related to the sleep function is carried out in order to obtain the hypnogram. Then, an analysis is performed over the respiratory signals which have to be subsequently interpreted in the context of the remaining signals included in the PSG. In order to carry out such a task, the developed system is supported by the use of artificial intelligence techniques, specially focusing on the use of reasoning mechanisms capable of handling data imprecision. Ultimately, it is the aim of the proposed system to improve the diagnostic procedure and help physicians in the diagnosis of SAHS.[Resumen] Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de un sistema inteligente de apoyo a la decisión clínica para el diagnóstico del Síndrome de Apneas-Hipopneas del Sueño (SAHS). El SAHS es el trastorno más común de aquellos que afectan al sueño. Afecta a un rango del 3% al 7% de la población con consecuencias severas sobre la salud. El diagnóstico requiere la realización de un análisis polisomnográfico (PSG) en una Unidad del Sueño de un centro hospitalario. El análisis manual de dicha prueba resulta muy costoso en tiempo y esfuerzo para el médico especialista, y como consecuencia en un elevado coste económico. El sistema desarrollado lleva a cabo el análisis automático del PSG desde una perspectiva integral. A tal efecto, primero se realiza un análisis de las señales neurofisiológicas vinculadas al sueño para obtener el hipnograma, y seguidamente, se lleva a cabo un análisis neumológico de las señales respiratorias interpretándolas en el contexto que marcan las demás señales del PSG. Para lleva a cabo dicha tarea el sistema se apoya en el uso de distintas técnicas de inteligencia artificial, con especial atención al uso mecanismos de razonamiento con soporte a la imprecisión. El principal objetivo del sistema propuesto es la mejora del procedimiento diagnóstico y ayudar a los médicos en diagnóstico del SAHS.[Resumo] Esta tese aborda o desenvolvemento dun sistema intelixente de apoio á decisión clínica para o diagnóstico do Síndrome de Apneas-Hipopneas do Sono (SAHS). O SAHS é o trastorno máis común daqueles que afectan ao sono. Afecta a un rango do 3% ao 7% da poboación con consecuencias severas sobre a saúde. O diagnóstico pasa pola realización dunha análise polisomnográfica (PSG) nunha Unidade do Sono dun centro hospitalario. A análise manual da devandita proba resulta moi custosa en tempo e esforzo para o médico especialista, e como consecuencia nun elevado custo económico. O sistema desenvolvido leva a cabo a análise automática do PSG dende unha perspectiva integral. A tal efecto, primeiro realizase unha análise dos sinais neurofisiolóxicos vinculados ao sono para obter o hipnograma, e seguidamente, lévase a cabo unha análise neumolóxica dos sinais respiratorios interpretándoos no contexto que marcan os demais sinais do PSG. Para leva a cabo esta tarefa o sistema apoiarase no uso de distintas técnicas de intelixencia artificial, con especial atención a mecanismos de razoamento con soporte para a imprecisión. O principal obxectivo do sistema proposto é a mellora do procedemento diagnóstico e axudar aos médicos no diagnóstico do SAHS