1,578 research outputs found

    Resolution of seven-axis manipulator redundancy: A heuristic issue

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    An approach is presented for the resolution of the redundancy of a seven-axis manipulator arm from the AI and expert systems point of view. This approach is heuristic, analytical, and globally resolves the redundancy at the position level. When compared with other approaches, this approach has several improved performance capabilities, including singularity avoidance, repeatability, stability, and simplicity

    A complete analytical solution for the inverse instantaneous kinematics of a spherical-revolute-spherical (7R) redundant manipulator

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    Using a method based upon resolving joint velocities using reciprocal screw quantities, compact analytical expressions are generated for the inverse solution of the joint rates of a seven revolute (spherical-revolute-spherical) manipulator. The method uses a sequential decomposition of screw coordinates to identify reciprocal screw quantities used in the resolution of a particular joint rate solution, and also to identify a Jacobian null-space basis used for the direct solution of optimal joint rates. The results of the screw decomposition are used to study special configurations of the manipulator, generating expressions for the inverse velocity solution for all non-singular configurations of the manipulator, and identifying singular configurations and their characteristics. Two functions are therefore served: a new general method for the solution of the inverse velocity problem is presented; and complete analytical expressions are derived for the resolution of the joint rates of a seven degree of freedom manipulator useful for telerobotic and industrial robotic application

    Faster Motion on Cartesian Paths Exploiting Robot Redundancy at the Acceleration Level

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    The problem of minimizing the transfer time along a given Cartesian path for redundant robots can be approached in two steps, by separating the generation of a joint path associated to the Cartesian path from the exact minimization of motion time under kinematic/dynamic bounds along the obtained parameterized joint path. In this framework, multiple suboptimal solutions can be found, depending on how redundancy is locally resolved in the joint space within the first step. We propose a solution method that works at the acceleration level, by using weighted pseudoinversion, optimizing an inertia-related criterion, and including null-space damping. Several numerical results obtained on different robot systems demonstrate consistently good behaviors and definitely faster motion times in comparison with related methods proposed in the literature. The motion time obtained with our method is reasonably close to the global time-optimal solution along same Cartesian path. Experimental results on a KUKA LWR IV are also reported, showing the tracking control performance on the executed motions

    The dynamic control of robotic manipulators in space

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    Described briefly is the work done during the first half year of a three-year study on dynamic control of robotic manipulators in space. The research focused on issues for advanced control of space manipulators including practical issues and new applications for the Virtual Manipulator. In addition, the development of simulations and graphics software for space manipulators, begun during the first NASA proposal in the area, has continued. The fabrication of the Vehicle Emulator System (VES) is completed and control algorithms are in process of development

    Kinematically redundant robot manipulators

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    Research on control, design and programming of kinematically redundant robot manipulators (KRRM) is discussed. These are devices in which there are more joint space degrees of freedom than are required to achieve every position and orientation of the end-effector necessary for a given task in a given workspace. The technological developments described here deal with: kinematic programming techniques for automatically generating joint-space trajectories to execute prescribed tasks; control of redundant manipulators to optimize dynamic criteria (e.g., applications of forces and moments at the end-effector that optimally distribute the loading of actuators); and design of KRRMs to optimize functionality in congested work environments or to achieve other goals unattainable with non-redundant manipulators. Kinematic programming techniques are discussed, which show that some pseudo-inverse techniques that have been proposed for redundant manipulator control fail to achieve the goals of avoiding kinematic singularities and also generating closed joint-space paths corresponding to close paths of the end effector in the workspace. The extended Jacobian is proposed as an alternative to pseudo-inverse techniques

    Computational neural learning formalisms for manipulator inverse kinematics

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    An efficient, adaptive neural learning paradigm for addressing the inverse kinematics of redundant manipulators is presented. The proposed methodology exploits the infinite local stability of terminal attractors - a new class of mathematical constructs which provide unique information processing capabilities to artificial neural systems. For robotic applications, synaptic elements of such networks can rapidly acquire the kinematic invariances embedded within the presented samples. Subsequently, joint-space configurations, required to follow arbitrary end-effector trajectories, can readily be computed. In a significant departure from prior neuromorphic learning algorithms, this methodology provides mechanisms for incorporating an in-training skew to handle kinematics and environmental constraints

    Constrained trajectory optimization for kinematically redundant arms

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    Two velocity optimization schemes for resolving redundant joint configurations are compared. The Extended Moore-Penrose Technique minimizes the joint velocities and avoids obstacles indirectly by adjoining a cost gradient to the solution. A new method can incorporate inequality constraints directly to avoid obstacles and singularities in the workspace. A four-link arm example is used to illustrate singularity avoidance while tracking desired end-effector paths

    Singularity Avoidance for Cart-Mounted Hand-Guided Collaborative Robots: A Variational Approach

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    Most collaborative robots (cobots) can be taught by hand guiding: essentially, by manually jogging the robot, an operator teaches some configurations to be employed as via points. Based on those via points, Cartesian end-effector trajectories such as straight lines, circular arcs or splines are then constructed. Such methods can, in principle, be employed for cart-mounted cobots (i.e., when the jogging involves one or two linear axes, besides the cobot axes). However, in some applications, the sole imposition of via points in Cartesian space is not sufficient. On the contrary, albeit the overall system is redundant, (i) the via points must be reached at the taught joint configurations, and (ii) the undesirable singularity (and near-singularity) conditions must be avoided. The naive approach, consisting of setting the cart trajectory beforehand (for instance, by imposing a linear-in-time motion law that crosses the taught cart configurations), satisfies the first need, but does not guarantee the satisfaction of the second. Here, we propose an approach consisting of (i) a novel strategy for decoupling the planning of the cart trajectory and that of the robot joints, and (ii) a novel variational technique for computing the former in a singularity-aware fashion, ensuring the avoidance of a class of workspace singularity and near-singularity configurations

    Singularity avoidance of a six degree of freedom three dimensional redundant planar manipulator

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    AbstractThis paper focuses on the improvement of singularity avoidance of three dimensional planar redundant manipulators by increasing its degrees of freedom without increasing the number of motors controlling the manipulator. Consequently, the method to build a three dimensional planar manipulator with six-degrees of freedom using three motors instead of six is discussed in detail. A comparison of the manipulability index values for the proposed manipulator is made with the manipulability index values of PUMA arm to demonstrate the effectiveness of using the proposed manipulator for singularity avoidance