601 research outputs found

    A collision detection algorithm for telerobotic arms

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    The telerobotic manipulator's collision detection algorithm is described. Its applied structural model of the world environment and template representation of objects is evaluated. Functional issues that are required for the manipulator to operate in a more complex and realistic environment are discussed

    Geometrical and topological issues in octree based automatic meshing

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    Finite element meshes derived automatically from solid models through recursive spatial subdivision schemes (octrees) can be made to inherit the hierarchical structure and the spatial addressability intrinsic to the underlying grid. These two properties, together with the geometric regularity that can also be built into the mesh, make octree based meshes ideally suited for efficient analysis and self-adaptive remeshing and reanalysis. The element decomposition of the octal cells that intersect the boundary of the domain is discussed. The problem, central to octree based meshing, is solved by combining template mapping and element extraction into a procedure that utilizes both constructive solid geometry and boundary representation techniques. Boundary cells that are not intersected by the edge of the domain boundary are easily mapped to predefined element topology. Cells containing edges (and vertices) are first transformed into a planar polyhedron and then triangulated via element extractor. The modeling environments required for the derivation of planar polyhedra and for element extraction are analyzed

    Visualization And Collision Detection Of Direct Metal Deposition

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    Direct metal deposition (DMD) is a manufacturing technique that manufactures solid metal parts from bottom to top using powdered metal and a focused laser. In this research, the swept volume technique was used as framework to develop a computer program to perform volumetric visualization of the deposition process as a pre-processor, before the actual metal deposition commences

    Real-time computation of distance to dynamic obstacles with multiple depth sensors

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    We present an efficient method to evaluate distances between dynamic obstacles and a number of points of interests (e.g., placed on the links of a robot) when using multiple depth cameras. A depth-space oriented discretization of the Cartesian space is introduced that represents at best the workspace monitored by a depth camera, including occluded points. A depth grid map can be initialized off line from the arrangement of the multiple depth cameras, and its peculiar search characteristics allows fusing on line the information given by the multiple sensors in a very simple and fast way. The real-time performance of the proposed approach is shown by means of collision avoidance experiments where two Kinect sensors monitor a human-robot coexistence task

    Octree Approach for Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Toolpath

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    Machine simulation is an effective way of checking additive manufacturing tool paths for both interferences and errors in part produced. This paper presents an algorithm to visually simulate a multi axis additive manufacturing system as it executes a process plan. Simulation results are intended to be used as a verification step before physically producing the part. Verification is particularly important for large builds of expensive materials. The algorithm uses an octree approach to efficiently model the deposition of part geometry and its changes. This paper discusses development of the simulation algorithm, including both the representation of the additive manufacturing machine and the octree data model of the part being produced

    UVC Dose Mapping by Mobile Robots

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    As infeções adquiridas em ambientes hospitalares são um problema persistente e crescente e a sua prevenção envolve a desinfeção de áreas e superfícies. A necessidade de métodos de desinfeção eficazes aumentou muito em consequência da pandemia de Covid-19. Um método eficaz é a utilização de exposição UVC porque a radiação UVC é absorvida pelos ácidos nucleicos e, portanto, é capaz de inativar microrganismos. Este método também traz muitas vantagens quando comparado com os métodos tradicionais de desinfeção. A desinfeção UVC pode ser realizada por equipamentos fixos que têm de ser deslocados de um local para outro de modo a desinfetar toda uma área, ou por um equipamento móvel autónomo que requer intervenção humana mínima para desinfetar completamente um ambiente. Esta dissertação foca em robôs móveis que desinfetam um ambiente utilizando radiação UVC. Estes robôs móveis são capazes de se mover autonomamente enquanto mapeiam o ambiente à sua volta e simultaneamente o desinfetam. Os robôs mantêm registo da dose aplicada a cada área do ambiente de modo a construir um mapa da dose e diferenciar as áreas completamente desinfetadas das que não o estão. Esta solução tem a vantagem de o robô realizar a desinfeção UVC sem necessitar de parar em cada área nem ter conhecimentos prévios sobre o ambiente. A validação desta solução foi realizada utilizando o rviz, uma ferramenta do Robot Operating System (ROS), e a LiDAR Camera L515. A câmara foi utilizada para recolher a informação necessária para a criação do mapa do ambiente e o rviz foi utilizado para visualizar o mapa da dose.Hospital-acquired infections are a persistent and increasing problem and their prevention involves disinfecting areas and surfaces. The necessity for effective disinfection methods has highly increased in consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. An effective method is using UVC exposure because UVC radiation is absorbed by nucleic acids and, therefore, is able to inactivate microorganisms. This method also brings many advantages when compared with traditional disinfection methods. UVC disinfection can be performed by fixed equipments that have to be moved from place to place to disinfect an entire area, or by an autonomous mobile equipment that requires minimal human intervention to completely disinfect an environment. This dissertation is focused on mobile robots that disinfect an environment using UVC radiation. These mobile robots are able to move autonomously while mapping the surrounding environment and simultaneously disinfect it. The robots keep track of the dose applied to each area of the environment in order to build a dose map and differentiate areas that are completely disinfected from those that are not. This solution has the advantage of the robot performing UVC disinfection without needing to stop in each area nor having previous knowledge of the environment. The validation of this solution was performed using rviz, a Robot Operating System (ROS) tool, and the LiDAR Camera L515. The camera was used to capture the necessary information for creating the map of the environment and rviz was used to visualize the dose map