17 research outputs found

    Аналіз стійкості систем з регулятором Такагі-Сугено

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    Розглянуто нелінійну динамічну систему n -го порядку, для якої побудовано нечіткий регулятор типу Такагі-Сугено. Досліджено стійкість за Ляпуновим такої, лінеаризованої в кількох точках, системи.В статье рассмотрена нелинейная динамическая система n-го порядка, для которой построено нечёткий регулятор типа Такаги-Сугено. По Ляпунову исследовано устойчивость такой, линеаризованной в нескольких точках, системы

    Stabilisation non quadratique locale pour des modèles continus de type Takagi-Sugeno

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    International audienceLe papier traite de la stabilité non quadratique des modèles quasi-LPV ou dits de Takagi-Sugeno. Le problème des fonctions non quadratiques est de pouvoir prendre en compte la dérivée des fonctions non linéaires qui de façon générale dépendent de l'état. L'idée développée dans ce travail est de réduire la stabilisation globale-qui n'est pas toujours ni réaliste, ni réalisable pour les systèmes non linéaires-à une stabilisation locale. Dans ce contexte, on montre que l'obtention d'inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI) peut-être fructueuse. Mots-clés-Inégalité Matricielle Linéaire (LMI), Fonctions de Lyapunov non quadratiques, Modèles Takagi-Sugeno

    A generalised integral polynomial Lyapunov function for nonlinear systems

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    [EN] This work generalises the line-integral Lyapunov function in (Rhee and Won, 2006) for stability analysis of continuous-time nonlinear models expressed as fuzzy systems. The referred result applied only to Takagi¿Sugeno representations, and required memberships to be a tensor-product of functions of a single state; these are generalised here so that membership arguments can be arbitrary polynomials of the state variables; in this way, systems for which earlier results cannot be applied are now covered. Both the modelling and the integral terms appearing in the Lyapunov functions are generalised to a fuzzy polynomial case. Illustrative examples show the advantage of the proposed method against previous literature, even in the TS case.The authors gratefully to the financial support of Spanish ministry of Economy and European Union, grant DPI2016-81002-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), the CONACyT/COECyT Sonora scholarship 383252, and Project ITSON-PROFAPI-CA 2017-0088.Gonzalez-German, IT.; Sala, A.; Bernal Reza, MÁ. (2019). A generalised integral polynomial Lyapunov function for nonlinear systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 356:77-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2018.02.005S779135

    A new fuzzy Lyapunov function approach for a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control system design

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    In this paper, a new fuzzy Lyapunov function approach is presented for a class of continuous-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control system. The proposed fuzzy Lyapunov function is formulated as a line-integral of a fuzzy vector which is a function of the state, and it can be regarded as the work done from the origin to the current state in the fuzzy vector field. Unlike the approaches using a fuzzy blending of multiple quadratic Lyapunov functions, the time-derivatives of membership functions do not appear in the proposed approach. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown through numerical examples. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.X11283sciescopu

    Estimation et commande des systèmes descripteurs

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    This thesis addresses the estimation and control for nonlinear descriptor systems. The developments are focused on a family of nonlinear descriptor models with a full-rank descriptor matrix. The proposed approaches are based on a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) descriptor representation of a given nonlinear descriptor model. This type of TS models is a generalization of the standard TS ones. One of the mains goals is to obtain conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). In the existing literature, the observer design for TS descriptor models has led to bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) conditions. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, there are no results in the literature on controller/observer design for discrete-time TS descriptor models (with a non-constant and invertible descriptor matrix).Three problems have been addressed: state feedback controller design, observer design, and static output feedback controller design. LMI conditions have been obtained for both continuous and discrete-time TS descriptor models. In the continuous-time case, relaxed LMI conditions for the state feedback controller design have been achieved via parameterdependent LMI conditions. For the observer design, pure LMI conditions have been developed by using a different extended estimation error. For the static output feedback controller, LMI constraints can be obtained once an auxiliary matrix is fixed. In the discretetime case, results in the LMI form are provided for state/output feedback controller design and observer design; thus filling the gap in the literature. Several examples have been included to illustrate the applicability of the obtained results and the importance of keeping the original descriptor structure instead of computing a standard state-space.Cette thèse est consacrée au développement des techniques d’estimation et de commande pour systèmes descripteurs non linéaires. Les développements sont centrés sur une famille particulière de systèmes descripteurs non linéaires avec une matrice descripteur de rang plein. Toutes les approches présentées utilisent un formalisme de modélisation du type Takagi-Sugeno (TS) pour représenter les modèles descripteurs non linéaires. Un objectif très important est de développer des conditions sous la forme d’inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI, en anglais). Dans la littérature, les conditions pour l’estimation des modèles TS descripteurs s’écrivent sous forme d’inégalités matricielles bilinéaires (BMI, en anglais). En plus, à notre connaissance, il n’y pas de résultats dans la littérature concernant la commande/estimation pour les modèles TS descripteurs en temps discret (avec une matrice descripteur régulière non linéaire).Trois problèmes ont été examinés : commande par retour d’état, estimation de l’état et commande statique par retour de la sortie. Dans le cas continu, des conditions moins conservatives ont été développées pour la commande par retour d’état. Pour l’estimation d’état, des conditions LMI ont été obtenues (au lieu des usuelles BMI) en utilisant un différent vecteur d’erreur augmenté. Pour la commande statique par retour de la sortie, des conditions LMI sont proposées si une matrice auxiliaire est fixée. Pour le temps discret, des nouveaux résultats sous la forme LMI ont été développées pour la commande/estimation, comblant ainsi certains manques de la littérature. Des exemples ont été inclus pour montrer l’applicabilité de tous les résultats que nous avons obtenus et ainsi l’importance de garder la structure originale des descripteurs

    Actes des 22èmes rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, 10-11 octobre 2013, Reims, France

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    Contributions to fuzzy polynomial techniques for stability analysis and control

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    The present thesis employs fuzzy-polynomial control techniques in order to improve the stability analysis and control of nonlinear systems. Initially, it reviews the more extended techniques in the field of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems, such as the more relevant results about polynomial and fuzzy polynomial systems. The basic framework uses fuzzy polynomial models by Taylor series and sum-of-squares techniques (semidefinite programming) in order to obtain stability guarantees. The contributions of the thesis are: ¿ Improved domain of attraction estimation of nonlinear systems for both continuous-time and discrete-time cases. An iterative methodology based on invariant-set results is presented for obtaining polynomial boundaries of such domain of attraction. ¿ Extension of the above problem to the case with bounded persistent disturbances acting. Different characterizations of inescapable sets with polynomial boundaries are determined. ¿ State estimation: extension of the previous results in literature to the case of fuzzy observers with polynomial gains, guaranteeing stability of the estimation error and inescapability in a subset of the zone where the model is valid. ¿ Proposal of a polynomial Lyapunov function with discrete delay in order to improve some polynomial control designs from literature. Preliminary extension to the fuzzy polynomial case. Last chapters present a preliminary experimental work in order to check and validate the theoretical results on real platforms in the future.Pitarch Pérez, JL. (2013). Contributions to fuzzy polynomial techniques for stability analysis and control [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34773TESI

    Active fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems with wind turbine application

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    The thesis concerns the theoretical development of Active Fault-Tolerant Control (AFTC) methods for nonlinear system via T-S multiple-modelling approach. The thesis adopted the estimation and compensation approach to AFTC within a tracking control framework. In this framework, the thesis considers several approaches to robust T-S fuzzy control and T-S fuzzy estimation: T-S fuzzy proportional multiple integral observer (PMIO); T-S fuzzy proportional-proportional integral observer (PPIO); T-S fuzzy virtual sensor (VS) based AFTC; T-S fuzzy Dynamic Output Feedback Control TSDOFC; T-S observer-based feedback control; Sliding Mode Control (SMC). The theoretical concepts have been applied to an offshore wind turbine (OWT) application study. The key developments that present in this thesis are:• The development of three active Fault Tolerant Tracking Control (FTTC) strategies for nonlinear systems described via T-S fuzzy inference modelling. The proposals combine the use of Linear Reference Model Fuzzy Control (LRMFC) with either the estimation and compensation concept or the control reconfiguration concept.• The development of T-S fuzzy observer-based state estimate fuzzy control strategy for nonlinear systems. The developed strategy has the capability to tolerate simultaneous actuator and sensor faults within tracking and regulating control framework. Additionally, a proposal to recover the Separation Principle has also been developed via the use of TSDOFC within the FTTC framework.• The proposals of two FTTC strategies based on the estimation and compensation concept for sustainable OWTs control. The proposals have introduced a significant attribute to the literature of sustainable OWTs control via (1) Obviating the need for Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) unit, (2) Providing useful information to evaluate fault severity via the fault estimation signals.• The development of FTTC architecture for OWTs that combines the use of TSDOFC and a form of cascaded observers (cascaded analytical redundancy). This architecture is proposed in order to ensure the robustness of both the TSDOFC and the EWS estimator against the generator and rotor speed sensor faults.• A sliding mode baseline controller has been proposed within three FTTC strategies for sustainable OWTs control. The proposals utilise the inherent robustness of the SMC to tolerate some matched faults without the need for analytical redundancy. Following this, the combination of SMC and estimation and compensation framework proposed to ensure the close-loop system robustness to various faults.• Within the framework of the developed T-S fuzzy based FTTC strategies, a new perspective to reduce the T-S fuzzy control design conservatism problem has been proposed via the use of different control techniques that demand less design constraints. Moreover, within the SMC based FTTC, an investigation is given to demonstrate the SMC robustness against a wider than usual set of faults is enhanced via designing the sliding surface with minimum dimension of the feedback signals

    Nouveaux schémas de commande et d'observation basés sur les modèles de Takagi-Sugeno

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    This thesis addresses the estimation and controller design for continuous-time nonlinear systems. The methodologies developed are based on the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) representation of the nonlinear model via the sector nonlinearity approach. All strategies intend to get more relaxed conditions.The results presented for controller design are split in two parts. The first part is about standard TS models under control schemes based on: 1) a quadratic Lyapunov function (QLF); 2) a fuzzy Lyapunov function (FLF); 3) a line-integral Lyapunov functions (LILF); 4) a novel non-quadratic Lyapunov functional (NQLF). The second part concerns to TS descriptor models. Two strategies are proposed: 1) within the quadratic framework, conditions based on a general control law and some matrix transformations; 2) an extension to the nonquadratic approach based on a line-integral Lyapunov function (LILF) using non-PDC control law schemes and the Finsler’s Lemma; this strategy offers parameter-dependent linear matrix inequality (LMI) conditions instead of bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) constraints for second-order systems. On the other hand, the problem of the state estimation for nonlinear systems via TS models is also addressed considering: a) the particular case where premise vectors are based on measured variables and b) the general case where premise vectors can be based on unmeasured variables. Several examples have been included to illustrate the applicability of the obtained results.Cette thèse aborde l'estimation et la conception de commande de systèmes non linéaires à temps continu. Les méthodologies développées sont basées sur la représentation Takagi-Sugeno (TS) du modèle non linéaire par l'approche du secteur non-linéarité. Toutes les stratégies ont l'intention d'obtenir des conditions plus détendu. Les résultats présentés pour la conception de commande sont divisés en deux parties. La première partie est environ sur les modèles TS standard au titre des schémas de commande basés sur: 1) une fonction de Lyapunov quadratique (QLF); 2) une fonction de Lyapunov floue (FLF); 3) une fonction de Lyapunov intégrale de ligne (LILF); 4) un nouveau fonctionnelle de Lyapunov non-quadratique (NQLF). La deuxième partie concerne des modèles TS descripteurs. Deux stratégies sont proposées: 1) dans le cadre quadratique, des conditions basées sur une loi de commande général et quelques transformations de matrices; 2) une extension de l'approche non quadratique basée sur LILF utilisant un schéma de commande non-PDC et le lemme du Finsler; cette stratégie offre conditions sur la forme d’inégalité matricielles linéaires (LMI) dépendant des paramètres au lieu des contraintes sur la forme d’inégalité matricielles bilinéaires (BMI) pour les systèmes de second ordre. D'autre part, le problème de l'estimation de l'état pour les systèmes non linéaires via modèles TS est également abordé considérant: a) le cas particulier où les vecteurs prémisses sont basées sur les variables mesurées et b) le cas général où les vecteurs prémisse peuvent être basés sur des variables non mesurées. Plusieurs exemples ont été inclus pour illustrer l'applicabilité des résultats obtenus