68 research outputs found

    Resource dedication problem in a multi-project environment

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    Resource dedication problem (RDP) in a multi-project environment is defined as the optimal dedication of resource capacities to dierent projects within the overall limits of the resources with the objective of minimizing the sum of the weighted tardinesses of all projects. The projects involved are in general multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problems (MRCPSP) with nish to start zero time lag and nonpreemtive activities. In general, approaches to multi-project scheduling consider the resources as a pool shared by all projects. When projects are distributed geographically or sharing resources between projects is too costly, then the resource sharing policy may not be appropriate and hence the resources are dedicated to individual projects throughout project durations. To the best of our knowledge, this point of view for resources is not considered in multi-project literature. In the following, we propose a solution methodology for RDP with a new local improvement heuristic by determining the resource dedications to individual projects and solving scheduling problems with the given resource limits

    A Meta-Heuristic Load Balancer for Cloud Computing Systems

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    This paper introduces a strategy to allocate services on a cloud system without overloading the nodes and maintaining the system stability with minimum cost. We specify an abstract model of cloud resources utilization, including multiple types of resources as well as considerations for the service migration costs. A prototype meta-heuristic load balancer is demonstrated and experimental results are presented and discussed. We also propose a novel genetic algorithm, where population is seeded with the outputs of other meta-heuristic algorithms

    A hybrid scatter search. Electromagnetism meta-heuristic for project scheduling.

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    In the last few decades, several effective algorithms for solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem have been proposed. However, the challenging nature of this problem, summarised in its strongly NP-hard status, restricts the effectiveness of exact optimisation to relatively small instances. In this paper, we present a new meta-heuristic for this problem, able to provide near-optimal heuristic solutions. The procedure combines elements from scatter search, a generic population-based evolutionary search method, and a recently introduced heuristic method for the optimisation of unconstrained continuous functions based on an analogy with electromagnetism theory, hereafter referred to as the electromagnetism meta-heuristic. We present computational experiments on standard benchmark datasets, compare the results with current state-ofthe-art heuristics, and show that the procedure is capable of producing consistently good results for challenging instances of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. We also demonstrate that the algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art existing heuristics.Algorithms; Effectiveness; Electromagnetism; Functions; Heuristic; Project scheduling; Scatter; Scatter search; Scheduling; Theory;

    Resource dedication problem in a multi-project environment

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    There can be different approaches to the management of resources within the context of multi-project scheduling problems. In general, approaches to multiproject scheduling problems consider the resources as a pool shared by all projects. On the other hand, when projects are distributed geographically or sharing resources between projects is not preferred, then this resource sharing policy may not be feasible. In such cases, the resources must be dedicated to individual projects throughout the project durations. This multi-project problem environment is defined here as the resource dedication problem (RDP). RDP is defined as the optimal dedication of resource capacities to different projects within the overall limits of the resources and with the objective of minimizing a predetermined objective function. The projects involved are multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problems with finish to start zero time lag and non-preemptive activities and limited renewable and nonrenewable resources. Here, the characterization of RDP, its mathematical formulation and two different solution methodologies are presented. The first solution approach is a genetic algorithm employing a new improvement move called combinatorial auction for RDP, which is based on preferences of projects for resources. Two different methods for calculating the projects’ preferences based on linear and Lagrangian relaxation are proposed. The second solution approach is a Lagrangian relaxation based heuristic employing subgradient optimization. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed approaches are powerful methods for solving this problem

    Multi-mode resource constrained multi-project scheduling and resource portfolio problem

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    This paper introduces a multi-project problem environment which involves multiple projects with assigned due dates; with activities that have alternative resource usage modes; a resource dedication policy that does not allow sharing of resources among projects throughout the planning horizon; and a total budget. There are three issues to face when investigating this multiproject environment. First, the total budget should be distributed among different resource types to determine the general resource capacities which correspond to the total amount for each renewable resource to be dedicated to the projects. With the general resource capacities at hand, the next issue is to determine the amounts of resources to be dedicated to the individual projects. With the dedication of resources accomplished, the scheduling of the projects' activities reduces to the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) for each individual project. Finally the last issue is the effcient solution of the resulting MRCPSPs. In this paper, this multi-project environment is modeled in an integrated fashion and designated as the Resource Portfolio Problem. A two-phase and a monolithic genetic algorithm are proposed as two solution approaches each of which employs a new improvement move designated as the combinatorial auction for resource portfolio and the combinatorial auction for resource dedication. Computational study using test problems demonstrated the effectiveness of the solution approach proposed
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