278 research outputs found

    A new approach related with group analysis and hodograph type transformation for constructing exact solutions

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    Conservation Laws, Hodograph Transformation and Boundary Value Problems of Plane Plasticity

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    For the hyperbolic system of quasilinear first-order partial differential equations, linearizable by hodograph transformation, the conservation laws are used to solve the Cauchy problem. The equivalence of the initial problem for quasilinear system and the problem for conservation laws system permits to construct the characteristic lines in domains, where Jacobian of hodograph transformations is equal to zero. Moreover, the conservation laws give all solutions of the linearized system. Some examples from the gas dynamics and theory of plasticity are considered

    Integrable viscous conservation laws

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    We propose an extension of the Dubrovin-Zhang perturbative approach to the study of normal forms for non-Hamiltonian integrable scalar conservation laws. The explicit computation of the first few corrections leads to the conjecture that such normal forms are parameterized by one single functional parameter, named viscous central invariant. A constant valued viscous central invariant corresponds to the well-known Burgers hierarchy. The case of a linear viscous central invariant provides a viscous analog of the Camassa-Holm equation, that formerly appeared as a reduction of a two-component Hamiltonian integrable systems. We write explicitly the negative and positive hierarchy associated with this equation and prove the integrability showing that they can be mapped respectively into the heat hierarchy and its negative counterpart, named the Klein-Gordon hierarchy. A local well-posedness theorem for periodic initial data is also proven. We show how transport equations can be used to effectively construct asymptotic solutions via an extension of the quasi-Miura map that preserves the initial datum. The method is alternative to the method of the string equation for Hamiltonian conservation laws and naturally extends to the viscous case. Using these tools we derive the viscous analog of the Painlevé I2 equation that describes the universal behaviour of the solution at the critical point of gradient catastrophe

    Group analysis and renormgroup symmetries

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    An original regular approach to constructing special type symmetries for boundary value problems, namely renormgroup symmetries, is presented. Different methods of calculating these symmetries, based on modern group analysis are described. Application of the approach to boundary value problems is demonstrated with the help of a simple mathematical model.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX LATeX file, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Refraction of dispersive shock waves

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    We study a dispersive counterpart of the classical gas dynamics problem of the interaction of a shock wave with a counter-propagating simple rarefaction wave often referred to as the shock wave refraction. The refraction of a one-dimensional dispersive shock wave (DSW) due to its head-on collision with the centred rarefaction wave (RW) is considered in the framework of defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) equation. For the integrable cubic nonlinearity case we present a full asymptotic description of the DSW refraction by constructing appropriate exact solutions of the Whitham modulation equations in Riemann invariants. For the NLS equation with saturable nonlinearity, whose modulation system does not possess Riemann invariants, we take advantage of the recently developed method for the DSW description in non-integrable dispersive systems to obtain main physical parameters of the DSW refraction. The key features of the DSW-RW interaction predicted by our modulation theory analysis are confirmed by direct numerical solutions of the full dispersive problem.Comment: 45 pages, 23 figures, minor revisio

    Gurevich-Zybin system

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    We present three different linearizable extensions of the Gurevich-Zybin system. Their general solutions are found by reciprocal transformations. In this paper we rewrite the Gurevich-Zybin system as a Monge-Ampere equation. By application of reciprocal transformation this equation is linearized. Infinitely many local Hamiltonian structures, local Lagrangian representations, local conservation laws and local commuting flows are found. Moreover, all commuting flows can be written as Monge-Ampere equations similar to the Gurevich-Zybin system. The Gurevich-Zybin system describes the formation of a large scale structures in the Universe. The second harmonic wave generation is known in nonlinear optics. In this paper we prove that the Gurevich-Zybin system is equivalent to a degenerate case of the second harmonic generation. Thus, the Gurevich-Zybin system is recognized as a degenerate first negative flow of two-component Harry Dym hierarchy up to two Miura type transformations. A reciprocal transformation between the Gurevich-Zybin system and degenerate case of the second harmonic generation system is found. A new solution for the second harmonic generation is presented in implicit form.Comment: Corrected typos and misprint