12 research outputs found

    Personnel recognition based on multistatic micro-Doppler and singular value decomposition features

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    The use of micro-Doppler signatures experimentally collected by a multistatic radar system to recognise and classify different people walking is discussed. A suitable feature based on singular value decomposition of the spectrograms is proposed and tested with different types of classifiers. It is shown that high accuracy of between 97 and 99% can be achieved when multistatic data are used to perform the classification

    Classification of unarmed/armed personnel using the NetRAD multistatic radar for micro-Doppler and singular value decomposition features

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    In this letter, we present the use of experimental human micro-Doppler signature data gathered by a multistatic radar system to discriminate between unarmed and potentially armed personnel walking along different trajectories. Different ways of extracting suitable features from the spectrograms of the micro-Doppler signatures are discussed, particularly empirical features such as Doppler bandwidth, periodicity, and others, and features extracted from singular value decomposition (SVD) vectors. High classification accuracy of armed versus unarmed personnel (between 90% and 97% depending on the walking trajectory of the people) can be achieved with a single SVD-based feature, in comparison with using four empirical features. The impact on classification performance of different aspect angles and the benefit of combining multistatic information is also evaluated in this letter

    Multistatic human micro-Doppler classification of armed/unarmed personnel

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    Classification of different human activities using multistatic micro-Doppler data and features is considered in this paper, focusing on the distinction between unarmed and potentially armed personnel. A database of real radar data with more than 550 recordings from 7 different human subjects has been collected in a series of experiments in the field with a multistatic radar system. Four key features were extracted from the micro-Doppler signature after Short Time Fourier Transform analysis. The resulting feature vectors were then used as individual, pairs, triplets, and all together before inputting to different types of classifiers based on the discriminant analysis method. The performance of different classifiers and different feature combinations is discussed aiming at identifying the most appropriate features for the unarmed vs armed personnel classification, as well as the benefit of combining multistatic data rather than using monostatic data only

    Representation of Radar Micro-Dopplers Using Customized Dictionaries

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    Human motions give rise to frequency modulations, known as micro-Dopplers, to continuous wave radar signals. Micro-Doppler signals have been extensively researched for the classification of different types of human motions as well as to distinguish humans from other moving targets. However, there are two main scenarios where the performance of existing algorithms deteriorates significantly—one, when the channel consists of multiple moving targets resulting in distorted signatures, and two, when the systems conditions during the training stage deviate significantly from the conditions during the test stage. In this chapter, it is demonstrated that both of these limitations can be overcome by representing the radar data through customized dictionaries, fine-tuned to provide sparser representations of the data, than traditional data-independent dictionaries such as Fourier or wavelets. The performances of the algorithms are evaluated with both simulated and measured radar data gathered from moving humans in indoor line-of-sight conditions

    Robust feature representation for classification of bird song syllables

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    A novel feature set for low-dimensional signal representation, designed for classification or clustering of non-stationary signals with complex variation in time and frequency, is presented. The feature representation of a signal is given by the first left and right singular vectors of its ambiguity spectrum matrix. If the ambiguity matrix is of low rank, most signal information in time direction is captured by the first right singular vector while the signal’s key frequency information is encoded by the first left singular vector. The resemblance of two signals is investigated by means of a suitable similarity assessment of the signals’ respective singular vector pair. Application of multitapers for the calculation of the ambiguity spectrum gives an increased robustness to jitter and background noise and a consequent improvement in performance, as compared to estimation based on the ordinary single Hanning window spectrogram. The suggested feature-based signal compression is applied to a syllable-based analysis of a song from the bird species Great Reed Warbler and evaluated by comparison to manual auditive and/or visual signal classification. The results show that the proposed approach outperforms well-known approaches based on mel-frequency cepstral coefficients and spectrogram cross-correlation

    Improved parametrized multiple window spectrogram with application in ship navigation systems

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    In analyzing non-stationary noisy signals with time-varying frequency content, it's convenient to use distribution methods in joint, time and frequency, domains. Besides different adaptive data-driven time-frequency (TF) representations, the approach with multiple orthogonal and optimally concentrated Hermite window functions is an effective solution to achieve a good trade-off between low variance and minimized stable bias estimates. In this paper, we propose a novel spectrogram method with multiple optimally parameterized Hermite window functions, with parameterization which includes a pair of free parameters to regulate the shape of the window functions. The computation is performed in the optimization process to minimize the variable projection (VP) functional problem. The proposed parametrized distribution method improves TF concentration and instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation accuracy, as shown in experimental results for synthetic signals and real-life ship motion response signals. With the optimization of nonlinear least-squares approximation of the ship response signals, the Hermite spectra are centralized, and only up to 15 basis functions are sufficient for concentration improvement in the TF domain

    Abnormal Gait Behavior Detection for Elderly Based on Enhanced Wigner-Ville Analysis and Cloud Incremental SVM Learning

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    A cloud based health care system is proposed in this paper for the elderly by providing abnormal gait behavior detection, classification, online diagnosis, and remote aid service. Intelligent mobile terminals with triaxial acceleration sensor embedded are used to capture the movement and ambulation information of elderly. The collected signals are first enhanced by a Kalman filter. And the magnitude of signal vector features is then extracted and decomposed into a linear combination of enhanced Gabor atoms. The Wigner-Ville analysis method is introduced and the problem is studied by joint time-frequency analysis. In order to solve the large-scale abnormal behavior data lacking problem in training process, a cloud based incremental SVM (CI-SVM) learning method is proposed. The original abnormal behavior data are first used to get the initial SVM classifier. And the larger abnormal behavior data of elderly collected by mobile devices are then gathered in cloud platform to conduct incremental training and get the new SVM classifier. By the CI-SVM learning method, the knowledge of SVM classifier could be accumulated due to the dynamic incremental learning. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is feasible and can be applied to aged care, emergency aid, and related fields