5 research outputs found

    ANOVA Method Applied to PEMFC Ageing Forecasting Using an Echo State Network

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    International audienceAccording to the International Energy Agency, an increase of the requests of energy of 40% could arise in the next decades, mainly due to the emergence of developing countries. The problem with the nowaday energy system is the use of fossil energy, which is limited and attempt to disappear in the near future. Thus an energy transition has to begin in order to replace the fossil fuels and anticipate their disappearance. Consequently, in recent years, the promotion and development of renewable energy have been realized. One of this renewable energy, the energy vector hydrogen, appears to be a promising solution, mainly due to interesting performance of Fuel Cells (FC) systems and hydrogen abundance on Earth (it is still important to underline that the hydrogen does not exist in natural form). However, this research area is still subject to scientific and technological bottlenecks. One of these major bottlenecks preventing the industrialization of FC systems is it limited useful lifetime. It is therefore important to develop reliable tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of FC system in order to optimize its efficiency. The aim of this article is to present the results of a sensibility analysis applied to a prognosis tools called Echo State Network

    Predicting the Remaining Useful Lifetime of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell using an Echo State Network

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    International audienceOne remaining technological bottleneck to develop industrial Fuel Cell (FC) applications resides in the system limited useful lifetime. Consequently, it's important to develop failure diagnostic and prognostic tools enabling the optimization of FC. The Prognostic and Heath Management (PHM) is a discipline involved in the process of industrial maintenance. The objective, in PHM, is to estimate the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of a system by predicting its future behavior. The RUL enables to predict the moment when a fault could occur on a system. It also allows identifying the relevant part of the system where a fault could happen. Then, a preventive maintenance could be performed to avoid non-reversible degradations. Three main prognosis approaches can be distinguished: model-based, data-based and hybrid methods. Data-based methods such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), aim to estimate the ageing behavior of the process without specific knowledges related to the physical system phenomenon. Nevertheless, the deployment of such an approach can be a tedious work, mainly due to the trial and error algorithm method, which represents a real problem for industrial applications where real-time complying algorithms must be developed. Among the various methods of this area, the tool chosen here is called Echo State Network (ESN). An ESN consists in the use of a dynamical neurons reservoir where the training step consists in performing a linear regression. The computation time of this algorithm is thus shorter while keeping the same modeling capability of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Created in 2001 by H. Jaeger, an ESN proposes a better human brain paradigm than traditional ANN, and are based on a reservoir of neurons randomly connected to each other. The aim of this paper is to study the application of ESN as a prognostics system enabling the estimation of the Remaining Useful Life of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell using an iterative predictive structure, which is the most common approach performing a one-step prediction. This estimation output value is used in the next step as one of the input regressor and these operations can be repeated until the desired prediction horizon. The results obtained thanks to this method exhibits good prediction and they will be detailed in this paper

    Fuel Cells prognostics using Echo State Network

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    International audienceOne remaining technological bottleneck to develop industrial Fuel Cell (FC) applications resides in the system limited useful lifetime. Consequently, it is important to develop failure diagnostic and prognostic tools enabling the optimization of the FC. Among all the existing prognostics approaches, datamining methods such as artificial neural networks aim at estimating the process' behavior without huge knowledge about the underlying physical phenomena. Nevertheless, this kind of approach needs huge learning dataset. Also, the deployment of such an approach can be long (trial and error method), which represents a real problem for industrial applications where realtime complying algorithms must be developed. According to this, the aim of this paper is to study the application of a reservoir computing tool (the Echo State Network) as a prognostics system enabling the estimation of the Remaining Useful Life of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Developments emphasize on the prediction of the mean voltage cells of a degrading FC. Accuracy and time consumption of the approach are studied, as well as sensitivity of several parameters of the ESN. Results appear to be very promising

    Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá rešerší používanými metodami umělé inteligence v diagnostiky technických soustav. První část práce je věnována rešerši používaných metod v oblasti diagnostiky technických soustav. V druhé části je uvedeno shrnutí vlastností a použití těchto metod. Závěr práce se věnuje aplikaci metody umělé neuronové sítě a hybridní metody „adaptivní neuro fuzzy inferenční systém“, jejímž základem je neuronová síť. Tato část se zabývá podrobným popisem a použitím těchto metod v reálných technických soustavách.This bachelor thesis deals with search for artificial intelligence methods used in the diagnostics of technical systems. The first part of the work is devoted to the search of used methods in the field of diagnostics of technical systems. The second part summarizes the characteristics and applications of these methods. The conclusion of the thesis deals with the application of the artifical neural network method and the hybrid method „adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systém“, which is based on the neural network. This part deals with a detailed description and use of these methods in real technical systems.

    Fault diagnosis in industrial process by using LSTM and an elastic net

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    [EN] Fault diagnosis is important for industrial processes because it permits to determine the necessity of emergency stops in a process and/or to propose a maintenance plan. Two strategies for fault diagnosis are compared in this work. On the one hand, the data are preprocessed using the independent components analysis for dimension reduction, then the wavelet transform is used in order to highlight the faulty signals, with this information an artificial neural network was fed. On the other hand, the second strategy, the main contribution of this work, is the implementation of a long short term memory. This memory is fed with the most representative variables selected by an elastic net to use both, the L1 and L2 norms. These strategies are applied in the Tennessee Eastman process, a benchmark widely used for fault diagnosis. The fault isolation had better results than those reported in the literature.[ES] El diagnóstico de fallas es importante en los procesos industriales, ya que permite determinar si es necesario detener el proceso en operación y/o proponer un plan de mantenimiento. En el presente trabajo se comparan dos estrategias para diagnosticar fallas. La primera realiza un preprocesamiento de datos usando el análisis de componentes independientes para reducir la dimensión de los datos, posteriormente, se emplea la transformada wavelet para resaltar las señales de falla, con esta información se alimenta una red neuronal artificial. Por su parte, la segunda estrategia, principal contribución de este trabajo, usa una memoria de corto y largo plazo. Esta memoria es alimentada por las variables más significativas seleccionadas mediante una red elástica para usar tanto la norma L1L_1 como la L2L_2. Como ejemplo de aplicación se utilizó el proceso químico Tennessee Eastman, un proceso ampliamente usado en el diagnóstico de fallas. El aislamiento de fallas mostró mejores resultados con respecto a los reportados en la literatura.Márquez-Vera, MA.; López-Ortega, O.; Ramos-Velasco, LE.; Ortega-Mendoza, RM.; Fernández-Neri, BJ.; Zúñiga-Peña, NS. (2021). Diagnóstico de fallas mediante una LSTM y una red elástica. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 18(2):164-175. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2020.13611OJS164175182Adewole, A., Tzoneva, R., Behardien, S., 2016. Distribution network fault section identification and fault location using wavelet entropy and neural networks. Applied Soft Computing 46, 296-306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2016.05.013Alkaya, A., Eker, I., 2011. Variance sensitive adaptive threshold-based PCA method for fault detection with experimental application. 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