7 research outputs found

    A Concise Fuzzy Rule Base to Reason Student Performance Based on Rough-Fuzzy Approach

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    A fuzzy inference system employing fuzzy if then rules able to model the qualitative aspects of human expertise and reasoning processes without employing precise quantitative analyses. This is due to the fact that the problem in acquiring knowledge from human experts is that much of the information is uncertain, inconsistent, vague and incomplete (Khoo and Zhai, 2001; Tsaganou et al., 2002; San Pedro and Burstein, 2003; Yang et al., 2005). The drawbacks of FIS are that a lot of trial and error effort need to be taken into account in order to define the best fitted membership functions (Taylan and Karagözoglu, 2009) and no standard methods exist for transforming human knowledge or experience into the rule base (Jang, 1993)

    Modular Approach to Big Data using Neural Networks

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    Machine learning can be used to recognize patterns, classify data into classes and make predictions. Neural Networks are one of the many machine learning tools that are capable of performing these tasks. The greatest challenges that we face while dealing with the IBM Watson dataset is the high amount of dimensionality, both in terms of the number of features the data has, as well the number of rows of data we are dealing with. The aim of the project is to identify a course of action that can be chosen when dealing with similar problems. The project aims at setting up and experimenting with different strategies of training neural networks in order to reduce training time and increase prediction accuracy. The project will contrast the advantages and disadvantages of using these modular approaches and provide a completely open source implementation of the system

    Soft computing for tool life prediction a manufacturing application of neural - fuzzy systems

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    Tooling technology is recognised as an element of vital importance within the manufacturing industry. Critical tooling decisions related to tool selection, tool life management, optimal determination of cutting conditions and on-line machining process monitoring and control are based on the existence of reliable detailed process models. Among the decisive factors of process planning and control activities, tool wear and tool life considerations hold a dominant role. Yet, both off-line tool life prediction, as well as real tune tool wear identification and prediction are still issues open to research. The main reason lies with the large number of factors, influencing tool wear, some of them being of stochastic nature. The inherent variability of workpiece materials, cutting tools and machine characteristics, further increases the uncertainty about the machining optimisation problem. In machining practice, tool life prediction is based on the availability of data provided from tool manufacturers, machining data handbooks or from the shop floor. This thesis recognises the need for a data-driven, flexible and yet simple approach in predicting tool life. Model building from sample data depends on the availability of a sufficiently rich cutting data set. Flexibility requires a tool-life model with high adaptation capacity. Simplicity calls for a solution with low complexity and easily interpretable by the user. A neural-fuzzy systems approach is adopted, which meets these targets and predicts tool life for a wide range of turning operations. A literature review has been carried out, covering areas such as tool wear and tool life, neural networks, frizzy sets theory and neural-fuzzy systems integration. Various sources of tool life data have been examined. It is concluded that a combined use of simulated data from existing tool life models and real life data is the best policy to follow. The neurofuzzy tool life model developed is constructed by employing neural network-like learning algorithms. The trained model stores the learned knowledge in the form of frizzy IF-THEN rules on its structure, thus featuring desired transparency. Low model complexity is ensured by employing an algorithm which constructs a rule base of reduced size from the available data. In addition, the flexibility of the developed model is demonstrated by the ease, speed and efficiency of its adaptation on the basis of new tool life data. The development of the neurofuzzy tool life model is based on the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (vl.0) of MATLAB (v4.2cl), a dedicated tool which facilitates design and evaluation of fuzzy logic systems. Extensive results are presented, which demonstrate the neurofuzzy model predictive performance. The model can be directly employed within a process planning system, facilitating the optimisation of turning operations. Recommendations aremade for further enhancements towards this direction

    International conference "Information technologies in education in the 21st century": Conference proceedings.

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    Proceedings of a conference which concluded TEMPUS project JEP 25008_200

    A Human-Centric Approach to Data Fusion in Post-Disaster Managment: The Development of a Fuzzy Set Theory Based Model

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    It is critical to provide an efficient and accurate information system in the post-disaster phase for individuals\u27 in order to access and obtain the necessary resources in a timely manner; but current map based post-disaster management systems provide all emergency resource lists without filtering them which usually leads to high levels of energy consumed in calculation. Also an effective post-disaster management system (PDMS) will result in distribution of all emergency resources such as, hospital, storage and transportation much more reasonably and be more beneficial to the individuals in the post disaster period. In this Dissertation, firstly, semi-supervised learning (SSL) based graph systems was constructed for PDMS. A Graph-based PDMS\u27 resource map was converted to a directed graph that presented by adjacent matrix and then the decision information will be conducted from the PDMS by two ways, one is clustering operation, and another is graph-based semi-supervised optimization process. In this study, PDMS was applied for emergency resource distribution in post-disaster (responses phase), a path optimization algorithm based ant colony optimization (ACO) was used for minimizing the cost in post-disaster, simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. This analysis was done by comparing it with clustering based algorithms under improvement ACO of tour improvement algorithm (TIA) and Min-Max Ant System (MMAS) and the results also show that the SSL based graph will be more effective for calculating the optimization path in PDMS. This research improved the map by combining the disaster map with the initial GIS based map which located the target area considering the influence of disaster. First, all initial map and disaster map will be under Gaussian transformation while we acquired the histogram of all map pictures. And then all pictures will be under discrete wavelet transform (DWT), a Gaussian fusion algorithm was applied in the DWT pictures. Second, inverse DWT (iDWT) was applied to generate a new map for a post-disaster management system. Finally, simulation works were proposed and the results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing it to other fusion algorithms, such as mean-mean fusion and max-UD fusion through the evaluation indices including entropy, spatial frequency (SF) and image quality index (IQI). Fuzzy set model were proposed to improve the presentation capacity of nodes in this GIS based PDMS

    Evolutionary and Reinforcement Fuzzy Control

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    Many modern and classical techniques exist for the design of control systems. However, many real world applications are inherently complex and the application of traditional design and control techniques is limited. In addition, no single design method exists which can be applied to all types of system. Due to this 'deficiency', recent years have seen an exponential increase in the use of methods loosely termed 'computational intelligent techniques' or 'soft- computing techniques'. Such techniques tend to solve problems using a population of individual elements or potential solutions or the flexibility of a network as opposed to using a rigid, single point of computing. Through use of computational redundancies, soft-computing allows unmatched tractability in practical problem solving. The intelligent paradigm most successfully applied to control engineering, is that of fuzzy logic in the form of fuzzy control. The motivation of using fuzzy control is twofold. First, it allows one to incorporate heuristics into the control strategy, such as the model operator actions. Second, it allows nonlinearities to be defined in an intuitive way using rules and interpolations. Although it is an attractive tool, there still exist many problems to be solved in fuzzy control. To date most applications have been limited to relatively simple problems of low dimensionality. This is primarily due to the fact that the design process is very much a trial and error one and is heavily dependent on the quality of expert knowledge provided by the operator. In addition, fuzzy control design is virtually ad hoc, lacking a systematic design procedure. Other problems include those associated with the curse of dimensionality and the inability to learn and improve from experience. While much work has been carried out to alleviate most of these difficulties, there exists a lack of drive and exploration in the last of these points. The objective of this thesis is to develop an automated, systematic procedure for optimally learning fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs), which provides for autonomous and simple implementations. In pursuit of this goal, a hybrid method is to combine the advantages artificial neural networks (ANNs), evolutionary algorithms (EA) and reinforcement learning (RL). This overcomes the deficiencies of conventional EAs that may omit representation of the region within a variable's operating range and that do not in practice achieve fine learning. This method also allows backpropagation when necessary or feasible. It is termed an Evolutionary NeuroFuzzy Learning Intelligent Control technique (ENFLICT) model. Unlike other hybrids, ENFLICT permits globally structural learning and local offline or online learning. The global EA and local neural learning processes should not be separated. Here, the EA learns and optimises the ENFLICT structure while ENFLICT learns the network parameters. The EA used here is an improved version of a technique known as the messy genetic algorithm (mGA), which utilises flexible cellular chromosomes for structural optimisation. The properties of the mGA as compared with other flexible length EAs, are that it enables the addressing of issues such as the curse of dimensionality and redundant genetic information. Enhancements to the algorithm are in the coding and decoding of the genetic information to represent a growing and shrinking network; the defining of the network properties such as neuron activation type and network connectivity; and that all of this information is represented in a single gene. Another step forward taken in this thesis on neurofuzzy learning is that of learning online. Online in this case refers to learning unsupervised and adapting to real time system parameter changes. It is much more attractive because the alternative (supervised offline learning) demands quality learning data which is often expensive to obtain, and unrepresentative of and inaccurate about the real environment. First, the learning algorithm is developed for the case of a given model of the system where the system dynamics are available or can be obtained through, for example, system identification. This naturally leads to the development of a method for learning by directly interacting with the environment. The motivation for this is that usually real world applications tend to be large and complex, and obtaining a mathematical model of the plant is not always possible. For this purpose the reinforcement learning paradigm is utilised, which is the primary learning method of biological systems, systems that can adapt to their environment and experiences, in this thesis, the reinforcement learning algorithm is based on the advantage learning method and has been extended to deal with continuous time systems and online implementations, and which does not use a lookup table. This means that large databases containing the system behaviour need not be constructed, and the procedure can work online where the information available is that of the immediate situation. For complex systems of higher order dimensions, and where identifying the system model is difficult, a hierarchical method has been developed and is based on a hybrid of all the other methods developed. In particular, the procedure makes use of a method developed to work directly with plant step response, thus avoiding the need for mathematical model fitting which may be time-consuming and inaccurate. All techniques developed and contributions in the thesis are illustrated by several case studies, and are validated through simulations

    Neuro-fuzzy modelling and control of robotic manipulators

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    The work reported in this thesis aims to design and develop a new neuro-fuzzy control system for robotic manipulators using Machine Learning Techniques, Fuzzy Logic Controllers, and Fuzzy Neural Networks. The main idea is to integrate these intelligent techniques to develop an adaptive position controller for robotic manipulators. This will finally lead to utilising one or two coordinated manipulators to perform upper-limb rehabilitation. The main target is to benefit from these intelligent techniques in a systematic way that leads to an efficient control and coordination system. The suggested control system possesses self-learning features so that it can maintain acceptable performance in the presence of uncertain loads. Simulation and modelling stages were performed using dynamical virtual reality programs to demonstrate the ideas of the control and coordination techniques. The first part of the thesis focuses on the development of neuro-fuzzy models that meet the above requirement of mimicking both kinematics and dynamics behaviour of the manipulator. For this purpose, an initial stage for data collection from the motion of the manipulator along random trajectories was performed. These data were then compacted with the help of inductive learning techniques into two sets of if-then rules that form approximation for both of the inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics of the manipulator. These rules were then used in fuzzy neural networks with differentiation characteristics to achieve online tuning of the network adjustable parameters. The second part of the thesis introduces the proposed adaptive neuro-fuzzy joint-based controller. To achieve this target, a feedback Fuzzy-Proportional-Integral-Derivative incremental controller was developed. This controller was then applied as a joint servo-controller for each robot link in addition to the main neuro-fuzzy feedforward controller used to compensate for the dynamics interactions between robot links. A feedback error learning scheme was applied to tune the feedforward neuro-fuzzy controller online using the error back-propagation algorithm. The third part of the thesis presents a neuro-fuzzy Cartesian internal model control system for robotic manipulators. The neuro-fuzzy inverse kinematics model of the manipulator was used in addition to the joint-based controller proposed and the forward mathematical model of the manipulator in an adaptive internal model controller structure. Feedback-error learning scheme was extended to tune both of the joint-based neuro-fuzzy controller and the neuro-fuzzy internal model controller online. The fourth part of the thesis suggests a simple fuzzy hysteresis coordination scheme for two position-controlled robot manipulators. The coordination scheme is based on maintaining certain kinematic relationships between the two manipulators using reference motion synchronisation without explicitly involving the hybrid position/force control or modifying the existing controller structure for either of the manipulators. The key to the success of the new method is to ensure that each manipulator is capable of tracking its own desired trajectory using its own position controller, while synchronizing its motion with the other manipulator motion so that the differential position error between the two manipulators is reduced to zero or kept within acceptable limits. A simplified test-bench emulating upper-limb rehabilitation was used to test the proposed coordination technique experimentally