25 research outputs found

    Best Operator Policy in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network

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    In this paper, we perform a business analysis of our hybrid decision algorithm for the selection of the access in a multi-operator networks environment. We investigate the ability of the operator to express his strategy and influence the access selection for his client. In this purpose, we study two important coefficients of the previously proposed cost function, Wu and Wop, and show that the value of these coefficients is not arbitrary. Simulation results show that the value of the ratio Wu/Wop enables a selection decision respecting operator's strategy and it affects the achieved global profit for all cooperating operators.Comment: ICeND, Beyrouth : Lebanon (2014

    Hybrid Decision Algorithm for Access Selection in Multi-operator Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a hybrid decision algorithm for the selection of the access in multi-operator networks environment, where competing operators share their radio access networks to meet traffic and data rate demands. The proposed algorithm guarantees the user satisfaction and a global gain for all cooperating operators. Simulation results prove the efficiency of the proposed scheme and show that the cooperation between operators achieves benefits to both users and operators; user acceptance as well as the operator resource utilization and the operator revenue increase.Comment: WCNC, Istanbul : Turkey (2014

    Fast Decision Algorithms in Low-Power Embedded Processors for Quality-of-Service Based Connectivity of Mobile Sensors in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    When a mobile wireless sensor is moving along heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, it can be under the coverage of more than one network many times. In these situations, the Vertical Handoff process can happen, where the mobile sensor decides to change its connection from a network to the best network among the available ones according to their quality of service characteristics. A fitness function is used for the handoff decision, being desirable to minimize it. This is an optimization problem which consists of the adjustment of a set of weights for the quality of service. Solving this problem efficiently is relevant to heterogeneous wireless sensor networks in many advanced applications. Numerous works can be found in the literature dealing with the vertical handoff decision, although they all suffer from the same shortfall: a non-comparable efficiency. Therefore, the aim of this work is twofold: first, to develop a fast decision algorithm that explores the entire space of possible combinations of weights, searching that one that minimizes the fitness function; and second, to design and implement a system on chip architecture based on reconfigurable hardware and embedded processors to achieve several goals necessary for competitive mobile terminals: good performance, low power consumption, low economic cost, and small area integration

    Network Selection Problems - QoE vs QoS Who is the Winner?

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    In network selection problem (NSP), there are now two schools of thought. There are those who think using QoE (Quality of Experience) is the best yardstick to measure the suitability of a Candidate Network (CN) to handover to. On the other hand, Quality of Service (QoS) is also advocated as the solution for network selection problems. In this article, a comprehensive framework that supports effective and efficient network selection is presented. The framework   attempts to provide a holistic solution to network selection problem that is achieved by combining both of the QoS and QoE measures.   Using this hybrid solution the best qualities in both methods are combined to overcome issues of the network selection problem According to ITU-R (International Telecommunications Union – Radio Standardization Sector), a 4G network is defined as having peak data rates of 100Mb/s for mobile nodes with speed up to 250 km/hr and 1Gb/s for mobile nodes moving at pedestrian speed. Based on this definition, it is safe to say that mobile nodes that can go from pedestrian speed to speed of up to 250 km/hr will be the norm in future. This indicates that the MN’s mobility will be highly dynamic. In particular, this article addresses the issue of network selection for high speed Mobile Nodes (MN) in 4G networks. The framework presented in this article also discusses how the QoS value collected from CNs can be fine-tuned to better reflect an MN’s current mobility scenario

    Handover Architectures for Heterogeneous Networks Using the Media Independent Information Handover (MIH)

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    In heterogeneous networks, network selection by nature is a multi-dimensional problem. Many parameters need to be considered for handover decision making. Apart from handover accuracy and efficiency, an important consideration is the scalability and signaling overhead of such handover algorithms. In this article we propose to break down a Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) based heterogeneous handover algorithm in two parts. The execution of the first part is carried out in an independent and proactive manner prior to the actual handover, assuming three different handover architectures. The handover architectures are differentiated based upon the level of the distribution of the handover algorithm among multiple network components. The Media Independent Handover (MIH) and its different services are used to retrieve and share information among MIH enabled nodes and for conformity among heterogeneous network standards. The proposed algorithm is evaluated with respect to handover accuracy, handover delay efficiency and signaling overhead. The evaluation is carried out for all three handover architectures using simulations. Only handovers between Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) and WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) networks are considered. But the handover framework is general and can be extended to consider other wireless and mobile communication networks

    A Proactive VHD Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks for Critical Services

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    Progress in the telecommunications sector has opened new scenarios where users want to access any application or service from any device anywhere at any time, connected to any network. In this environment, the Heterogenerous Wireless Networks (HWN) is the main operating infrastructure, intended to support the technical and quality needs that these users and services demand, along with the versatility and availability that comes with being able to connect to any interface. One of the most important characteristics of HWN is the possibility to connect many kinds of Radio AccessNetworks (RAN) like WiFi, WiMAX,GSM, UMTS, HSPA, LTE, among others. This brings many challenges in HWN surroundings, one of the most important is ensuring that a user terminal can move from one access network to another without losing connectivity and, of course, the service. The aim of this paper is to propose a Vertical Handover Decision Algorithm (VHODA) that enables a single user terminal to initiate a proactive decision based on user preferences and QoS parameters, while at the same time considering the networks conditions to avoid over burdening an interface. The development of our VHO-DA was addressed like a Multi Criteria Decision Making Problem (MCDM) in order to provide the best possible connection for critical services and maintaining load balancing in networks

    Comparison between access selection algorithms in multi-operator wireless networks

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    International audienceIn fifth generation mobile network, Radio Access Network sharing is an attractive solution for operators to counter the traffic growth and build cost-effective networks in order to improve coverage and capacity at reasonable investments and operational costs. It consists of sharing radio access resources between two or more operators. In such multi-operator environment access selection decision is an important issue for the mobile user and his home operator which the user has contract with. In literature, the majority of access selection algorithms are based on game theory which is very complex for implementation and the decision is slower in comparison with Multiple Attributes Decision Making (MADM) methods. In this paper, we use Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods and Nearest Performance Handover (NPH) algorithm for the access selection in a multi-operator environment. These algorithms based on MADM were initially conceived for the selection decision in a single operator environment. In addition, we compare the performance of these algorithms with our previously proposed cost function for the access selection in a multi-operator sharing network. Performance analyses are made in terms of user blocking percentages and global achieved profit. Simulation results showed that our decision algorithm guarantee the lowest blocking probability for all operators, it prevents overloading operator's with high numbers of guest users which affect own clients acceptance. In addition, it improves global achieved profits for all cooperating operators. However, SAW methods showed better performance than NPH concerning users blocking percentages, but NPH guarantees higher profits than SAW methods for the operators with limited capacity

    Performance improvement of vertical handoff algorithms for QoS support over heterogenuous wireless networks

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    During the vertical handoff procedure, handoff decision is the most important step that affects the normal working of communication. An incorrect handoff decision or selection of a non-optimal network can result in undesirable effects such as higher costs, poor service experience, degrade the quality of service and even break off current communication. The objective of this paper is to determine the conditions under which vertical handoff should be performed in heterogeneous wireless networks. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of different vertical handoff decision algorithms. To evaluate tradeoffs between their performance and efficiency, we propose two improved vertical handoff decision algorithm based on Markov Decision Process which are referred to as MDP_SAW and MDP_TOPSIS. The proposed mechanism assists the terminal in selecting the top candidate network and offer better available bandwidth so that user satisfaction is effectively maximized. In addition, our proposed method avoids unbeneficial handoffs in the wireless overlay networks

    Framework for a flexible comprehensive multiple-criteria network selection for mobile heterogeneous networks

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    In the last decade, a rapid growth of mobile communication networks based on technologies like UMTS, LTE, WLAN, WiMAX resulted in a heterogeneous communication environment consisting of networks with overlapping coverage. Additionally, the variety and number of mobile multimedia applications having multiple requirements with respect to net-work characteristics have increased. These two factors boosted research activities in the area of multiple-criteria (MC) network selection during handover. The studies investigating this topic applied different techniques mostly like Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), game theory, fuzzy logic and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Proposed algorithms and approaches reveal following gaps with respect to the configuration of the decision phase: weak flexibility, poor application sensibility, lack of consideration of the perspectives of different actors like user and service provider. In this study, we propose a solution addressing these gaps we called Flexible Application-Sensitive Handover Decision (FLASHED) framework. This framework enables a comprehensive configuration of network selection in a structured and flexible way