61 research outputs found

    A Network Algorithm for 3D/2D IPTV Distribution using WiMAX and WLAN Technologies

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThe appearance of new broadband wireless technologies jointly with the ability to offer enough quality of service to provide IPTV over them, have made possible the mobility and ubiquity of any type of device to access the IPTV network. The minimum bandwidth required in the access network to provide appropriate quality 3D/2D IPTV services jointly with the need to guarantee the Quality of Experience (QoE) to the end user, makes the need of algorithms that should be able to combine different wireless standards and technologies. In this paper, we propose a network algorithm that manages the IPTV access network and decides which type of wireless technology the customers should connect with when using multiband devices, depending on the requirements of the IPTV client device, the available networks, and some network parameters (such as the number of loss packets and packet delay), to provide the maximum QoE to the customer. The measurements taken in a real environment from several wireless networks allow us to know the performance of the proposed system when it selects each one of them. The measurements taken from a test bench demonstrate the success of our system.This work has been partially supported by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, though the PAID-15-10 multidisciplinary projects, by the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), Portugal, and by National Funding from the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2011 Project.Lloret, J.; Cánovas Solbes, A.; Rodrigues, JJPC.; Lin, K. (2013). A Network Algorithm for 3D/2D IPTV Distribution using WiMAX and WLAN Technologies. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 67(1):7-30. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0929-4S730671Abukharis S, MacKenzie R, Farrell TO (2009) Improving QoS of Video Transmitted Over 802.11 WLANs Using Frame Aggregation. London Communications Symposium.. London, United Kingdom, September 03–04Alejandro Canovas, Fernando Boronat, Carlos Turro and Jaime Lloret (2009) Multicast TV over WLAN in a University Campus Network, The Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2009), Valencia (Spain), April 20–25Alfonsi B (2005) “I want my IPTV: Internet Protocol television predicted a winner,” IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol.6, no.2Birlik F, Gurbuz Ö, Ercetin O (2009) IPTV Home Networking via 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks: An Implementation Experience. IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 3Cai LX, Ling X, Shen X, Mark JW, Cai L (2009) Supporting voice and video applications over IEEE 802.11n WLANs. Wireless Networks 15:443–454Cunningham G, Perry P, Murphy J, Murphy L (2009) Seamless Handover of IPTV Streams in a Wireless LAN Network. Transactions on Broadcasting, IEEE 55(4):796–801Dai Z, Fracchia R, Gosteau J, Pellati P, Vivier G (2008) Vertical Handover Criteria and Algorithm in IEEE802.11 and 802.16 Hybrid Networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2008. ICC’08. Beijing, China, 19–23Gidlund M, Ekling J (2008) VoIP and IPTV distribution over wireless mesh networks in indoor environment. IEEE Trans Consum Electron 54(4):1665–1671Hellberg C, Greene D, Boyes T (2007) Broadband network architectures: designing and deploying triple-play services. Prentice Hall PTR Upper Saddle River, NJ, USAHsu H-T, Kuo F-Y, Lu P-H (2010) Design of WiFi/WiMAX dual-band E-shaped patch antennas through cavity model approach. Microw Opt Technol Lett 52(2):471–474IEEE 802.11 Working Group, At http://www.ieee802.org/11/index.shtml [last access: July 2011]IEEE Std 802.11™-2007 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) SpecificationsIEEE Std 802.16™-2009, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems. At http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/download/802.16-2009.pdf [last access: July 2011]inCode Telecom group Inc. (2006) The Quad-Play—the First Wave of the Converged Services Evolution. 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IEEE Commun Mag 43(10):49–56Lai C, Min Chen (2011) Playback-Rate Based Streaming Services for Maximum Network Capacity in IP Multimedia Subsystem, IEEE System Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2011.2165190Lee K-H, Trong ST, Lee B-G, Kim Y-T (2008) QoS-Guaranteed IPTV Service Provisioning in Home Network with IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN,” IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium. pp 71-76Marcelo Atenas, Sandra Sendra, Miguel Garcia, Jaime Lloret (2010) IPTV Performance in IEEE 802.11n WLANs, IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecomm 2010), Miami (USA), December 6–10Miguel Garcia, Jaime Lloret, Miguel Edo, Raquel Lacuesta (2009) IPTV Distribution Network Access System Using WiMAX and WLAN Technologies, International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2009), Munich (Germany), June 11–13Park AH, Choi JK (2007) “QoS guaranteed IPTV service over Wireless Broadband network”, The 9th Int. 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    Network reputation-based quality optimization of video delivery in heterogeneous wireless environments

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    The mass-market adoption of high-end mobile devices and increasing amount of video traffic has led the mobile operators to adopt various solutions to help them cope with the explosion of mobile broadband data traffic, while ensuring high Quality of Service (QoS) levels to their services. Deploying small-cell base stations within the existing macro-cellular networks and offloading traffic from the large macro-cells to the small cells is seen as a promising solution to increase capacity and improve network performance at low cost. Parallel use of diverse technologies is also employed. The result is a heterogeneous network environment (HetNets), part of the next generation network deployments. In this context, this thesis makes a step forward towards the “Always Best Experience” paradigm, which considers mobile users seamlessly roaming in the HetNets environment. Supporting ubiquitous connectivity and enabling very good quality of rich mobile services anywhere and anytime is highly challenging, mostly due to the heterogeneity of the selection criteria, such as: application requirements (e.g., voice, video, data, etc.); different device types and with various capabilities (e.g., smartphones, netbooks, laptops, etc.); multiple overlapping networks using diverse technologies (e.g., Wireless Local Area Networks (IEEE 802.11), Cellular Networks Long Term Evolution (LTE), etc.) and different user preferences. In fact, the mobile users are facing a complex decision when they need to dynamically select the best value network to connect to in order to get the “Always Best Experience”. This thesis presents three major contributions to solve the problem described above: 1) The Location-based Network Prediction mechanism in heterogeneous wireless networks (LNP) provides a shortlist of best available networks to the mobile user based on his location, history record and routing plan; 2) Reputation-oriented Access Network Selection mechanism (RANS) selects the best reputation network from the available networks for the mobile user based on the best trade-off between QoS, energy consumptions and monetary cost. The network reputation is defined based on previous user-network interaction, and consequent user experience with the network. 3) Network Reputation-based Quality Optimization of Video Delivery in heterogeneous networks (NRQOVD) makes use of a reputation mechanism to enhance the video content quality via multipath delivery or delivery adaptation

    Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet

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    [DE] World Wide Web is the greatest boon towards the technological advancement of modern era. Using the benefits of Internet globally, anywhere and anytime, users can avail the benefits of accessing live and on demand video services. The streaming media systems such as YouTube, Netflix, and Apple Music are reining the multimedia world with frequent popularity among users. A key concern of quality perceived for video streaming applications over Internet is the Quality of Experience (QoE) that users go through. Due to changing network conditions, bit rate and initial delay and the multimedia file freezes or provide poor video quality to the end users, researchers across industry and academia are explored HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), which split the video content into multiple segments and offer the clients at varying qualities. The video player at the client side plays a vital role in buffer management and choosing the appropriate bit rate for each such segment of video to be transmitted. A higher bit rate transmitted video pauses in between whereas, a lower bit rate video lacks in quality, requiring a tradeoff between them. The need of the hour was to adaptively varying the bit rate and video quality to match the transmission media conditions. Further, The main aim of this paper is to give an overview on the state of the art HAS techniques across multimedia and networking domains. A detailed survey was conducted to analyze challenges and solutions in adaptive streaming algorithms, QoE, network protocols, buffering and etc. It also focuses on various challenges on QoE influence factors in a fluctuating network condition, which are often ignored in present HAS methodologies. Furthermore, this survey will enable network and multimedia researchers a fair amount of understanding about the latest happenings of adaptive streaming and the necessary improvements that can be incorporated in future developments.Abdullah, MTA.; Lloret, J.; Canovas Solbes, A.; García-García, L. (2017). Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 9(1-2):85-125. doi:10.5296/npa.v9i1-2.12412S8512591-

    Diseño y Desarrollo de un Sistema de Gestión Inteligente integrado de servicios de IPTV estándar, estereoscópico y HD basado en QoE

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    Las conexiones de acceso a Internet de banda ancha permiten a los proveedores de servicios de internet ofrecer servicios a los hogares tales como datos, voz sobre IP, Television sobre IP (IPTV) y actualmente TV--¿3D sobre IP (IPTV--¿3D). Es por esto que el número de proveedores de servicios de IPTV está aumentando enormemente en los últimos años. Una de las principales cuestiones a tener en cuenta por el proveedor de servicios de IPTV es garantizar la calidad de experiencia (QoE) percibida por el usuario final. Para ello proponemos un sistema de gestión inteligente basado en parámetros de QoE. El desarrollo de este sistema de gestión se basará en el estudio de aquellos parámetros que afecten a la degradación del flujo de vídeo recibido por el usuario final a través del servicio de IPTV. A nivel de red, identificaremos dichos parámetros como aquellos que afectan a la calidad de Servicio (QoS) como son el jitter, retardo y los paquetes perdidos principalmente. A nivel de usuario, los parámetros dependerán de la percepción subjetiva del propio usuario al visualizar el vídeo. Parámetros como la compresión, la cuantificación, el bitrate, etc afectarán a dicha percepción.Broadband Internet access connections allow internet service providers to offer services to households such as data, voice over IP, TV over IP (IPTV) and currentlyTV--¿3D over IP (IPTV--¿3D). Thus, the number of IPTV service providers is increasing hugely in the last years. One of the main issues to be considered by the IPTV service provider to ensure the quality of experience (QoE) perceived by the end user. We propose a intelligent management system based on QoE parameters. The development of this management system is based on the study of the parameters affecting the degradation of the vídeo stream received by the end user through the IPTV service. At the network level, identify those parameters as those affecting the quality of service (QoS) such as jitter, delay and packet loss mainly. At the user level, depend on subjective perception of the user to view the vídeo. Therefore, parameters such as compression, quantization, bitrate, etc. affect this perception.Cánovas Solbes, A. (2013). Diseño y Desarrollo de un Sistema de Gestión Inteligente integrado de servicios de IPTV estándar, estereoscópico y HD basado en QoE. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/34320Archivo delegad

    Estudio Experimental del Comportamiento de Métricas de QoS y QoE de Streamings de Video Multicast IPTV

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    Digital television is the most important advance in television technology. IPTV describes a mechanism for transporting a stream of video content over a network that uses the IP network protocol. IP Television must be a totally personalized experience that must guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), and QoE (Quality of Experience) within the organization, including the LAN Networks of a Television Channel, or the traditional LAN Networks. In the present research work, the behavior of IPTV traffic was analyzed in an experimental LAN network with controlled traffic. Different codecs were used for contrast, and detailed quantitative results of QoS metrics and, from them, indicative QoE values were established. The findings provide guidance on suitable software and network topology configurations for managing similar networks and provide detailed values for simulation analysts.XVII Workshop Arquitectura Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Diseño y Desarrollo de un Sistema de Gestión Inteligente de QoE para Redes HD y Estereoscópicas IPTV

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    [EN] Broadband Internet access connections allow Internet Service Providers (ISP) to offer several types of services to home customers such as data, voice over IP (VoIP), Internet protocol television (IPTV) and now 3D Internet protocol television (3D- IPTV). That is why the number of IPTV service providers is increasing conside- rably in recent years. Thanks to the evolution at many levels of the communication systems, communication networks and devices, to deliver these services is possible, but the maximum quality is not always guaranteed. For this reason, one of the main issues to be considered by the IPTV service providers is to guarantee the Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by the end user. In order to achieve this goal, in this PhD Thesis we propose an intelligent management system based on inductive prediction methods to guarantee the QoE of the end-user. One of the important aspects to be considered in the development of the management system is to include all the parameters that affect the QoE. With this purpose, we will analyze the parameters that affect the degradation of the video stream received by the end user through the IPTV service. At the network level, we will identify the main parameters which affect the Quality of Service (QoS), such as jitter, delay, lost packets and bandwidth. At the user level, these parameters affect to the subjective perception of the user when watching the video. We also checked that effects derived from the compression, quantization, and bitrate affect this perception too.[ES] Las conexiones de acceso a Internet de banda ancha permiten a los Internet Service Provider (ISP) ofrecer servicios a los hogares tales como datos, Voice on IP (VoIP), Televisión sobre IP (IPTV) y actualmente 3D-TV sobre IP (3D-IPTV). Es por esto que el número de proveedores de servicios de IPTV está aumentando considerable- mente en los últimos años. Gracias a la evolución tanto a nivel de sistemas, como de redes de comunicación como de dispositivos, la entrega de este tipo de servicios es posible pero no siempre con las máximas garantías de calidad. Por este motivo, una de las principales cuestiones a tener en cuenta por parte del proveedor de servicios de IPTV es garantizar la calidad de experiencia (Quality of Experience (QoE)) percibida por el usuario final. Para conseguir este objetivo, en la siguiente tesis doctoral se propone un sistema de gestión inteligente basado en métodos induc- tivos de predicción para garantizar la QoE del usuario final. Uno de los aspectos importantes a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo del sistema de gestión es el incluir los parámetros que afectan a la QoE. Para ello, se analizarán aquellos parámetros que afecten a la degradación del flujo de vídeo recibido por el usuario final a tra- vés del servicio de IPTV. A nivel de red, se identificarán dichos parámetros como aquellos que afectan a la calidad de Servicio (Quality of Service (QoS)) como son el jitter, el retardo, los paquetes perdidos y el ancho de banda principalmente. A nivel de usuario, estos parámetros afectan a la percepción subjetiva del usuario al visualizar el vídeo. Comprobamos como efectos derivados de la compresión, la cuantificación, el bitrate, etc, afectan también a dicha percepción.[CA] Les connexions d'accés a Internet de banda ampla permeten als Proveïdors de Ser- vicis d'Internet (ISP) oferir servicis a les llars com ara dades, veu sobre IP (VoIP), Televisió sobre IP (IPTV) i actualment 3D-TV sobre IP (3D-IPTV). És per açò que el nombre de proveïdors de servicis d'IPTV està augmentant considerablement en els últims anys. Gràcies a l'evolució tant a nivell de sistemes, com de xarxes de comunicació com de dispositius, l'entrega d'este tipus de servicis és possible però no sempre amb les màximes garanties de qualitat. Per este motiu, una de les principals qüestions a tindre en compte per part del proveïdor de servicis d'IPTV és garantir la qualitat d'experiència (Quality of Experience, QoE) percebuda per l'usuari final. Per a aconseguir este objectiu, en la següent tesi doctoral es proposa un sistema de gestió intel·ligent basat en mètodes inductius de predicció per a garantir la QoE de l'usuari final. Un dels aspectes importants a tindre en compte en el desenrotllament del sistema de gestió es incloure els paràmetres que afecten la QoE. Per a això, s'analitzaran aquells paràmetres que afecten la degradació del flux de vídeo rebut per l'usuari final a través del servici d'IPTV. A nivell de xar- xa, s'identificaran dits paràmetres com aquells que afecten la qualitat de Servici (Quality of Service, QoS) com són el jitter, el retard, els paquets perduts i l'ample de banda principalment. A nivell d'usuari, estos paràmetres afecten la percepció subjectiva de l'usuari al visualitzar el vídeo. Comprovem com efectes derivats de la compresió, la quantificació, el bitrate, etc, afecten també a dita percepció.Cánovas Solbes, A. (2016). Diseño y Desarrollo de un Sistema de Gestión Inteligente de QoE para Redes HD y Estereoscópicas IPTV [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65074TESI

    Analyse intelligente de la qualité d'expérience (QoE) dans les réseaux de diffusion de contenu web et mutimédia

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    Today user experience is becoming a reliable indicator for service providers and telecommunication operators to convey overall end to end system functioning. Moreover, to compete for a prominent market share, different network operators and service providers should retain and increase the customers’ subscription. To fulfil these requirements they require an efficient Quality of Experience (QoE) monitoring and estimation. However, QoE is a subjective metric and its evaluation is expensive and time consuming since it requires human participation. Therefore, there is a need for an objective tool that can measure the QoE objectively with reasonable accuracy in real-Time. As a first contribution, we analyzed the impact of network conditions on Video on Demand (VoD) services. We also proposed an objective QoE estimation tool that uses fuzzy expert system to estimate QoE from network layer QoS parameters. As a second contribution, we analyzed the impact of MAC layer QoS parameters on VoD services over IEEE 802.11n wireless networks. We also proposed an objective QoE estimation tool that uses random neural network to estimate QoE from the MAC layer perspective. As our third contribution, we analyzed the effect of different adaption scenarios on QoE of adaptive bit rate streaming. We also developed a web based subjective test platform that can be easily integrated in a crowdsourcing platform for performing subjective tests. As our fourth contribution, we analyzed the impact of different web QoS parameters on web service QoE. We also proposed a novel machine learning algorithm i.e. fuzzy rough hybrid expert system for estimating web service QoE objectivelyDe nos jours, l’expérience de l'utilisateur appelé en anglais « User Experience » est devenue l’un des indicateurs les plus pertinents pour les fournisseurs de services ainsi que pour les opérateurs de télécommunication pour analyser le fonctionnement de bout en bout de leurs systèmes (du terminal client, en passant par le réseaux jusqu’à l’infrastructure des services etc.). De plus, afin d’entretenir leur part de marché et rester compétitif, les différents opérateurs de télécommunication et les fournisseurs de services doivent constamment conserver et accroître le nombre de souscription des clients. Pour répondre à ces exigences, ils doivent disposer de solutions efficaces de monitoring et d’estimation de la qualité d'expérience (QoE) afin d’évaluer la satisfaction de leur clients. Cependant, la QoE est une mesure qui reste subjective et son évaluation est coûteuse et fastidieuse car elle nécessite une forte participation humaine (appelé panel de d’évaluation). Par conséquent, la conception d’un outil qui peut mesurer objectivement cette qualité d'expérience avec une précision raisonnable et en temps réel est devenue un besoin primordial qui constitue un challenge intéressant à résoudre. Comme une première contribution, nous avons analysé l'impact du comportement d’un réseau sur la qualité des services de vidéo à la demande (VOD). Nous avons également proposé un outil d'estimation objective de la QoE qui utilise le système expert basé sur la logique floue pour évaluer la QoE à partir des paramètres de qualité de service de la couche réseau. Dans une deuxième contribution, nous avons analysé l'impact des paramètres QoS de couche MAC sur les services de VoD dans le cadre des réseaux sans fil IEEE 802.11n. Nous avons également proposé un outil d'estimation objective de la QoE qui utilise le réseau aléatoire de neurones pour estimer la QoE dans la perspective de la couche MAC. Pour notre troisième contribution, nous avons analysé l'effet de différents scénarios d'adaptation sur la QoE dans le cadre du streaming adaptatif au débit. Nous avons également développé une plate-Forme Web de test subjectif qui peut être facilement intégré dans une plate-Forme de crowd-Sourcing pour effectuer des tests subjectifs. Finalement, pour notre quatrième contribution, nous avons analysé l'impact des différents paramètres de qualité de service Web sur leur QoE. Nous avons également proposé un algorithme d'apprentissage automatique i.e. un système expert hybride rugueux basé sur la logique floue pour estimer objectivement la QoE des Web service

    Architecture and Protocol of a Semantic System Designed for Video Tagging with Sensor Data in Mobile Devices

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    Current mobile phones come with several sensors and powerful video cameras. These video cameras can be used to capture good quality scenes, which can be complemented with the information gathered by the sensors also embedded in the phones. For example, the surroundings of a beach recorded by the camera of the mobile phone, jointly with the temperature of the site can let users know via the Internet if the weather is nice enough to swim. In this paper, we present a system that tags the video frames of the video recorded from mobile phones with the data collected by the embedded sensors. The tagged video is uploaded to a video server, which is placed on the Internet and is accessible by any user. The proposed system uses a semantic approach with the stored information in order to make easy and efficient video searches. Our experimental results show that it is possible to tag video frames in real time and send the tagged video to the server with very low packet delay variations. As far as we know there is not any other application developed as the one presented in this paper