4,446 research outputs found

    A CMV--based eigensolver for companion matrices

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    In this paper we present a novel matrix method for polynomial rootfinding. By exploiting the properties of the QR eigenvalue algorithm applied to a suitable CMV-like form of a companion matrix we design a fast and computationally simple structured QR iteration.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Fast Hessenberg reduction of some rank structured matrices

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    We develop two fast algorithms for Hessenberg reduction of a structured matrix A=D+UVHA = D + UV^H where DD is a real or unitary n×nn \times n diagonal matrix and U,V∈Cn×kU, V \in\mathbb{C}^{n \times k}. The proposed algorithm for the real case exploits a two--stage approach by first reducing the matrix to a generalized Hessenberg form and then completing the reduction by annihilation of the unwanted sub-diagonals. It is shown that the novel method requires O(n2k)O(n^2k) arithmetic operations and it is significantly faster than other reduction algorithms for rank structured matrices. The method is then extended to the unitary plus low rank case by using a block analogue of the CMV form of unitary matrices. It is shown that a block Lanczos-type procedure for the block tridiagonalization of ℜ(D)\Re(D) induces a structured reduction on AA in a block staircase CMV--type shape. Then, we present a numerically stable method for performing this reduction using unitary transformations and we show how to generalize the sub-diagonal elimination to this shape, while still being able to provide a condensed representation for the reduced matrix. In this way the complexity still remains linear in kk and, moreover, the resulting algorithm can be adapted to deal efficiently with block companion matrices.Comment: 25 page

    An efficient multi-core implementation of a novel HSS-structured multifrontal solver using randomized sampling

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    We present a sparse linear system solver that is based on a multifrontal variant of Gaussian elimination, and exploits low-rank approximation of the resulting dense frontal matrices. We use hierarchically semiseparable (HSS) matrices, which have low-rank off-diagonal blocks, to approximate the frontal matrices. For HSS matrix construction, a randomized sampling algorithm is used together with interpolative decompositions. The combination of the randomized compression with a fast ULV HSS factorization leads to a solver with lower computational complexity than the standard multifrontal method for many applications, resulting in speedups up to 7 fold for problems in our test suite. The implementation targets many-core systems by using task parallelism with dynamic runtime scheduling. Numerical experiments show performance improvements over state-of-the-art sparse direct solvers. The implementation achieves high performance and good scalability on a range of modern shared memory parallel systems, including the Intel Xeon Phi (MIC). The code is part of a software package called STRUMPACK -- STRUctured Matrices PACKage, which also has a distributed memory component for dense rank-structured matrices

    A numerical comparison of solvers for large-scale, continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations and LQR problems

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    In this paper, we discuss numerical methods for solving large-scale continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations. These methods have been the focus of intensive research in recent years, and significant progress has been made in both the theoretical understanding and efficient implementation of various competing algorithms. There are several goals of this manuscript: first, to gather in one place an overview of different approaches for solving large-scale Riccati equations, and to point to the recent advances in each of them. Second, to analyze and compare the main computational ingredients of these algorithms, to detect their strong points and their potential bottlenecks. And finally, to compare the effective implementations of all methods on a set of relevant benchmark examples, giving an indication of their relative performance
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