2,123 research outputs found

    Word sense disambiguation criteria: a systematic study

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    This article describes the results of a systematic in-depth study of the criteria used for word sense disambiguation. Our study is based on 60 target words: 20 nouns, 20 adjectives and 20 verbs. Our results are not always in line with some practices in the field. For example, we show that omitting non-content words decreases performance and that bigrams yield better results than unigrams

    What attracts vehicle consumers’ buying:A Saaty scale-based VIKOR (SSC-VIKOR) approach from after-sales textual perspective?

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    Purpose: The increasingly booming e-commerce development has stimulated vehicle consumers to express individual reviews through online forum. The purpose of this paper is to probe into the vehicle consumer consumption behavior and make recommendations for potential consumers from textual comments viewpoint. Design/methodology/approach: A big data analytic-based approach is designed to discover vehicle consumer consumption behavior from online perspective. To reduce subjectivity of expert-based approaches, a parallel Naïve Bayes approach is designed to analyze the sentiment analysis, and the Saaty scale-based (SSC) scoring rule is employed to obtain specific sentimental value of attribute class, contributing to the multi-grade sentiment classification. To achieve the intelligent recommendation for potential vehicle customers, a novel SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to prioritize vehicle brand candidates from a big data analytical viewpoint. Findings: The big data analytics argue that “cost-effectiveness” characteristic is the most important factor that vehicle consumers care, and the data mining results enable automakers to better understand consumer consumption behavior. Research limitations/implications: The case study illustrates the effectiveness of the integrated method, contributing to much more precise operations management on marketing strategy, quality improvement and intelligent recommendation. Originality/value: Researches of consumer consumption behavior are usually based on survey-based methods, and mostly previous studies about comments analysis focus on binary analysis. The hybrid SSC-VIKOR approach is developed to fill the gap from the big data perspective

    New kernel functions and learning methods for text and data mining

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    Recent advances in machine learning methods enable increasingly the automatic construction of various types of computer assisted methods that have been difficult or laborious to program by human experts. The tasks for which this kind of tools are needed arise in many areas, here especially in the fields of bioinformatics and natural language processing. The machine learning methods may not work satisfactorily if they are not appropriately tailored to the task in question. However, their learning performance can often be improved by taking advantage of deeper insight of the application domain or the learning problem at hand. This thesis considers developing kernel-based learning algorithms incorporating this kind of prior knowledge of the task in question in an advantageous way. Moreover, computationally efficient algorithms for training the learning machines for specific tasks are presented. In the context of kernel-based learning methods, the incorporation of prior knowledge is often done by designing appropriate kernel functions. Another well-known way is to develop cost functions that fit to the task under consideration. For disambiguation tasks in natural language, we develop kernel functions that take account of the positional information and the mutual similarities of words. It is shown that the use of this information significantly improves the disambiguation performance of the learning machine. Further, we design a new cost function that is better suitable for the task of information retrieval and for more general ranking problems than the cost functions designed for regression and classification. We also consider other applications of the kernel-based learning algorithms such as text categorization, and pattern recognition in differential display. We develop computationally efficient algorithms for training the considered learning machines with the proposed kernel functions. We also design a fast cross-validation algorithm for regularized least-squares type of learning algorithm. Further, an efficient version of the regularized least-squares algorithm that can be used together with the new cost function for preference learning and ranking tasks is proposed. In summary, we demonstrate that the incorporation of prior knowledge is possible and beneficial, and novel advanced kernels and cost functions can be used in algorithms efficiently.Siirretty Doriast

    Word Sense Disambiguation: A Structured Learning Perspective

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    This paper explores the application of structured learning methods (SLMs) to word sense disambiguation (WSD). On one hand, the semantic dependencies between polysemous words in the sentence can be encoded in SLMs. On the other hand, SLMs obtained significant achievements in natural language processing, and so it is a natural idea to apply them to WSD. However, there are many theoretical and practical problems when SLMs are applied to WSD, due to characteristics of WSD. Beginning with the method based on hidden Markov model, this paper proposes for the first time a comprehensive and unified solution for WSD based on maximum entropy Markov model, conditional random field and tree-structured conditional random field, and reduces the time complexity and running time of the proposed methods to a reasonable level by beam search, approximate training, and parallel training. The update of models brings performance improvement, the introduction of one step dependency improves performance by 1--5 percent, the adoption of non-independent features improves performance by 2--3 percent, and the extension of underlying structure to dependency parsing tree improves performance by about 1 percent. On the English all-words WSD dataset of Senseval-2004, the method based on tree-structured conditional random field outperforms the best attendee system significantly. Nevertheless, almost all machine learning methods suffer from data sparseness due to the scarcity of sense tagged data, and so do SLMs. Besides improving structured learning methods according to the characteristics of WSD, another approach to improve disambiguation performance is to mine disambiguation knowledge from all kinds of sources, such as Wikipedia, parallel corpus, and to alleviate knowledge acquisition bottleneck of WSD


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    Addressing ambiguity issues is an important step in natural language processing (NLP) pipelines designed for information extraction and knowledge discovery. This problem is also common in biomedicine where NLP applications have become indispensable to exploit latent information from biomedical literature and clinical narratives from electronic medical records. In this thesis, we propose an ensemble model that employs recent advances in neural word embeddings along with knowledge based approaches to build a biomedical word sense disambiguation (WSD) system. Specifically, our system identities the correct sense from a given set of candidates for each ambiguous word when presented in its context (surrounding words). We use the MSH WSD dataset, a well known public dataset consisting of 203 ambiguous terms each with nearly 200 different instances and an average of two candidate senses represented by concepts in the unified medical language system (UMLS). We employ a popular biomedical concept, Our linear time (in terms of number of senses and context length) unsupervised and knowledge based approach improves over the state-of-the-art methods by over 3% in accuracy. A more expensive approach based on the k-nearest neighbor framework improves over prior best results by 5% in accuracy. Our results demonstrate that recent advances in neural dense word vector representations offer excellent potential for solving biomedical WSD

    A Similarity Based Concordance Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation

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    This study attempts to solve the problem of Word Sense Disambiguation using a combination of statistical, probabilistic and word matching algorithms. These algorithms consider that words and sentences have some hidden similarities and that the polysemous words in any context should be assigned to a sense after each execution of the algorithm. The algorithm was tested with sufficient sample data and the efficiency of the disambiguation performance has proven to increase significantly after the inclusion of the concordance methodology

    Knowledge-based methods for automatic extraction of domain-specific ontologies

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    Semantic web technology aims at developing methodologies for representing large amount of knowledge in web accessible form. The semantics of knowledge should be easy to interpret and understand by computer programs, so that sharing and utilizing knowledge across the Web would be possible. Domain specific ontologies form the basis for knowledge representation in the semantic web. Research on automated development of ontologies from texts has become increasingly important because manual construction of ontologies is labor intensive and costly, and, at the same time, large amount of texts for individual domains is already available in electronic form. However, automatic extraction of domain specific ontologies is challenging due to the unstructured nature of texts and inherent semantic ambiguities in natural language. Moreover, the large size of texts to be processed renders full-fledged natural language processing methods infeasible. In this dissertation, we develop a set of knowledge-based techniques for automatic extraction of ontological components (concepts, taxonomic and non-taxonomic relations) from domain texts. The proposed methods combine information retrieval metrics, lexical knowledge-base(like WordNet), machine learning techniques, heuristics, and statistical approaches to meet the challenge of the task. These methods are domain-independent and automatic approaches. For extraction of concepts, the proposed WNSCA+{PE, POP} method utilizes the lexical knowledge base WordNet to improve precision and recall over the traditional information retrieval metrics. A WordNet-based approach, the compound term heuristic, and a supervised learning approach are developed for taxonomy extraction. We also developed a weighted word-sense disambiguation method for use with the WordNet-based approach. An unsupervised approach using log-likelihood ratios is proposed for extracting non-taxonomic relations. Further more, a supervised approach is investigated to learn the semantic constraints for identifying relations from prepositional phrases. The proposed methods are validated by experiments with the Electronic Voting and the Tender Offers, Mergers, and Acquisitions domain corpus. Experimental results and comparisons with some existing approaches clearly indicate the superiority of our methods. In summary, a good combination of information retrieval, lexical knowledge base, statistics and machine learning methods in this study has led to the techniques efficient and effective for extracting ontological components automatically

    A Similarity Based Concordance Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation

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    This study attempts to solve the problem of Word Sense Disambiguation using a combination of statistical, probabilistic and word matching algorithms. These algorithms consider that words and sentences have some hidden similarities and that the polysemous words in any context should be assigned to a sense after each execution of the algorithm. The algorithm was tested with sufficient sample data and the efficiency of the disambiguation performance has proven to increase significantly after the inclusion of the concordance methodology
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