380 research outputs found

    Robust Mission Design Through Evidence Theory and Multi-Agent Collaborative Search

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    In this paper, the preliminary design of a space mission is approached introducing uncertainties on the design parameters and formulating the resulting reliable design problem as a multiobjective optimization problem. Uncertainties are modelled through evidence theory and the belief, or credibility, in the successful achievement of mission goals is maximised along with the reliability of constraint satisfaction. The multiobjective optimisation problem is solved through a novel algorithm based on the collaboration of a population of agents in search for the set of highly reliable solutions. Two typical problems in mission analysis are used to illustrate the proposed methodology

    Multi-Objective Constraint Satisfaction for Mobile Robot Area Defense

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    In developing multi-robot cooperative systems, there are often competing objectives that need to be met. For example in automating area defense systems, multiple robots must work together to explore the entire area, and maintain consistent communications to alert the other agents and ensure trust in the system. This research presents an algorithm that tasks robots to meet the two specific goals of exploration and communication maintenance in an uncoordinated environment reducing the need for a user to pre-balance the objectives. This multi-objective problem is defined as a constraint satisfaction problem solved using the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). Both goals of exploration and communication maintenance are described as fitness functions in the algorithm that would satisfy their corresponding constraints. The exploration fitness was described in three ways to diversify the way exploration was measured, whereas the communication maintenance fitness was calculated as the number of independent clusters of agents. Applying the algorithm to the area defense problem, results show exploration and communication without coordination are two diametrically opposed goals, in which one may be favored, but only at the expense of the other. This work also presents suggestions for anyone looking to take further steps in developing a physically grounded solution to this area defense problem

    A practical guide to multi-objective reinforcement learning and planning

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    Real-world sequential decision-making tasks are generally complex, requiring trade-offs between multiple, often conflicting, objectives. Despite this, the majority of research in reinforcement learning and decision-theoretic planning either assumes only a single objective, or that multiple objectives can be adequately handled via a simple linear combination. Such approaches may oversimplify the underlying problem and hence produce suboptimal results. This paper serves as a guide to the application of multi-objective methods to difficult problems, and is aimed at researchers who are already familiar with single-objective reinforcement learning and planning methods who wish to adopt a multi-objective perspective on their research, as well as practitioners who encounter multi-objective decision problems in practice. It identifies the factors that may influence the nature of the desired solution, and illustrates by example how these influence the design of multi-objective decision-making systems for complex problems. © 2022, The Author(s)

    A Practical Guide to Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning and Planning

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    Real-world decision-making tasks are generally complex, requiring trade-offs between multiple, often conflicting, objectives. Despite this, the majority of research in reinforcement learning and decision-theoretic planning either assumes only a single objective, or that multiple objectives can be adequately handled via a simple linear combination. Such approaches may oversimplify the underlying problem and hence produce suboptimal results. This paper serves as a guide to the application of multi-objective methods to difficult problems, and is aimed at researchers who are already familiar with single-objective reinforcement learning and planning methods who wish to adopt a multi-objective perspective on their research, as well as practitioners who encounter multi-objective decision problems in practice. It identifies the factors that may influence the nature of the desired solution, and illustrates by example how these influence the design of multi-objective decision-making systems for complex problems

    Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning approach that trains agents to maximize cumulative rewards through interactions with environments. The integration of RL with deep learning has recently resulted in impressive achievements in a wide range of challenging tasks, including board games, arcade games, and robot control. Despite these successes, there remain several crucial challenges, including brittle convergence properties caused by sensitive hyperparameters, difficulties in temporal credit assignment with long time horizons and sparse rewards, a lack of diverse exploration, especially in continuous search space scenarios, difficulties in credit assignment in multi-agent reinforcement learning, and conflicting objectives for rewards. Evolutionary computation (EC), which maintains a population of learning agents, has demonstrated promising performance in addressing these limitations. This article presents a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art methods for integrating EC into RL, referred to as evolutionary reinforcement learning (EvoRL). We categorize EvoRL methods according to key research fields in RL, including hyperparameter optimization, policy search, exploration, reward shaping, meta-RL, and multi-objective RL. We then discuss future research directions in terms of efficient methods, benchmarks, and scalable platforms. This survey serves as a resource for researchers and practitioners interested in the field of EvoRL, highlighting the important challenges and opportunities for future research. With the help of this survey, researchers and practitioners can develop more efficient methods and tailored benchmarks for EvoRL, further advancing this promising cross-disciplinary research field

    Automated Negotiation Among Web Services

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    Software as a service is well accepted software deployment and distribution model that is grown exponentially in the last few years. One of the biggest benefits of SaaS is the automated composition of these services in a composite system. It allows users to automatically find and bind these services, as to maximize the productivity of their composed systems, meeting both functional and non-functional requirements. In this paper we present a framework for modeling the dependency relationship of different Quality of Service parameters of a component service. Our proposed approach considers the different invocation patterns of component services in the system and models the dependency relationship for optimum values of these QoS parameters. We present a service composition framework that models the dependency relations ship among component services and uses the global QoS for service selection

    Sample-Efficient Multi-Objective Learning via Generalized Policy Improvement Prioritization

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    Multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) algorithms tackle sequential decision problems where agents may have different preferences over (possibly conflicting) reward functions. Such algorithms often learn a set of policies (each optimized for a particular agent preference) that can later be used to solve problems with novel preferences. We introduce a novel algorithm that uses Generalized Policy Improvement (GPI) to define principled, formally-derived prioritization schemes that improve sample-efficient learning. They implement active-learning strategies by which the agent can (i) identify the most promising preferences/objectives to train on at each moment, to more rapidly solve a given MORL problem; and (ii) identify which previous experiences are most relevant when learning a policy for a particular agent preference, via a novel Dyna-style MORL method. We prove our algorithm is guaranteed to always converge to an optimal solution in a finite number of steps, or an ϵ\epsilon-optimal solution (for a bounded ϵ\epsilon) if the agent is limited and can only identify possibly sub-optimal policies. We also prove that our method monotonically improves the quality of its partial solutions while learning. Finally, we introduce a bound that characterizes the maximum utility loss (with respect to the optimal solution) incurred by the partial solutions computed by our method throughout learning. We empirically show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art MORL algorithms in challenging multi-objective tasks, both with discrete and continuous state and action spaces.Comment: Accepted to AAMAS 202