41,541 research outputs found

    Assessment of a photogrammetric approach for urban DSM extraction from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery

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    Built-up environments are extremely complex for 3D surface modelling purposes. The main distortions that hamper 3D reconstruction from 2D imagery are image dissimilarities, concealed areas, shadows, height discontinuities and discrepancies between smooth terrain and man-made features. A methodology is proposed to improve automatic photogrammetric extraction of an urban surface model from high resolution satellite imagery with the emphasis on strategies to reduce the effects of the cited distortions and to make image matching more robust. Instead of a standard stereoscopic approach, a digital surface model is derived from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery. This is based on an extensive multi-image matching strategy that fully benefits from the geometric and radiometric information contained in the three images. The bundled triplet consists of an IKONOS along-track pair and an additional near-nadir IKONOS image. For the tri-stereoscopic study a densely built-up area, extending from the centre of Istanbul to the urban fringe, is selected. The accuracy of the model extracted from the IKONOS triplet, as well as the model extracted from only the along-track stereopair, are assessed by comparison with 3D check points and 3D building vector data

    MAMUD : contribution of HR satellite imagery to a better monitoring, modeling and understanding of urban dynamics

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    In this treatise the discussion of a methodology and results of semi-automatic city DSM extrac-tion from an Ikonos triplet, is introduced. Built-up areas are known as being complex for photogrammetric purposes, partly because of the steep changes in elevation caused by buildings and urban features. To make DSM extraction more robust and to cope with the specific problems of height displacement, concealed areas and shadow, a multi-image based approach is followed. For the VHR tri-stereoscopic study an area extending from the centre of Istanbul to the urban fringe is chosen. Research will concentrate, in first phase on the development of methods to optimize the extraction of photogrammetric products from the bundled Ikonos triplet. Optimal methods need to be found to improve the radiometry and geometry of the imagery, to improve the semi-automatically derivation of DSM’s and to improve the postprocessing of the products. Secondly we will also investigate the possibilities of creating stereo models out of images from the same sensor taken on a different date, e.g. one image of the stereo pair combined with the third image. Finally the photogrammetric products derived from the Ikonos stereo pair as well as the products created out of the triplet and the constructed stereo models will be investigated by comparison with a 3D reference. This evaluation should show the increase of accuracy when multi-imagery is used instead of stereo pairs

    3D Capturing with Monoscopic Camera

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    This article presents a new concept of using the auto-focus function of the monoscopic camera sensor to estimate depth map information, which avoids not only using auxiliary equipment or human interaction, but also the introduced computational complexity of SfM or depth analysis. The system architecture that supports both stereo image and video data capturing, processing and display is discussed. A novel stereo image pair generation algorithm by using Z-buffer-based 3D surface recovery is proposed. Based on the depth map, we are able to calculate the disparity map (the distance in pixels between the image points in both views) for the image. The presented algorithm uses a single image with depth information (e.g. z-buffer) as an input and produces two images for left and right eye

    3D modeling of indoor environments by a mobile platform with a laser scanner and panoramic camera

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    One major challenge of 3DTV is content acquisition. Here, we present a method to acquire a realistic, visually convincing D model of indoor environments based on a mobile platform that is equipped with a laser range scanner and a panoramic camera. The data of the 2D laser scans are used to solve the simultaneous lo- calization and mapping problem and to extract walls. Textures for walls and floor are built from the images of a calibrated panoramic camera. Multiresolution blending is used to hide seams in the gen- erated textures. The scene is further enriched by 3D-geometry cal- culated from a graph cut stereo technique. We present experimental results from a moderately large real environment.

    Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) System for Ancient Documentary Artefacts

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    This tutorial summarises our uses of reflectance transformation imaging in archaeological contexts. It introduces the UK AHRC funded project reflectance Transformation Imaging for Anciant Documentary Artefacts and demonstrates imaging methodologies
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