1,851 research outputs found

    Multi-Stage Search Architectures for Streaming Documents

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    The web is becoming more dynamic due to the increasing engagement and contribution of Internet users in the age of social media. A more dynamic web presents new challenges for web search--an important application of Information Retrieval (IR). A stream of new documents constantly flows into the web at a high rate, adding to the old content. In many cases, documents quickly lose their relevance. In these time-sensitive environments, finding relevant content in response to user queries requires a real-time search service; immediate availability of content for search and a fast ranking, which requires an optimized search architecture. These aspects of today's web are at odds with how academic IR researchers have traditionally viewed the web, as a collection of static documents. Moreover, search architectures have received little attention in the IR literature. Therefore, academic IR research, for the most part, does not provide a mechanism to efficiently handle a high-velocity stream of documents, nor does it facilitate real-time ranking. This dissertation addresses the aforementioned shortcomings. We present an efficient mech- anism to index a stream of documents, thereby enabling immediate availability of content. Our indexer works entirely in main memory and provides a mechanism to control inverted list con- tiguity, thereby enabling faster retrieval. Additionally, we consider document ranking with a machine-learned model, dubbed "Learning to Rank" (LTR), and introduce a novel multi-stage search architecture that enables fast retrieval and allows for more design flexibility. The stages of our architecture include candidate generation (top k retrieval), feature extraction, and docu- ment re-ranking. We compare this architecture with a traditional monolithic architecture where candidate generation and feature extraction occur together. As we lay out our architecture, we present optimizations to each stage to facilitate low-latency ranking. These optimizations include a fast approximate top k retrieval algorithm, document vectors for feature extraction, architecture- conscious implementations of tree ensembles for LTR using predication and vectorization, and algorithms to train tree-based LTR models that are fast to evaluate. We also study the efficiency- effectiveness tradeoffs of these techniques, and empirically evaluate our end-to-end architecture on microblog document collections. We show that our techniques improve efficiency without degrading quality

    Index ordering by query-independent measures

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    Conventional approaches to information retrieval search through all applicable entries in an inverted file for a particular collection in order to find those documents with the highest scores. For particularly large collections this may be extremely time consuming. A solution to this problem is to only search a limited amount of the collection at query-time, in order to speed up the retrieval process. In doing this we can also limit the loss in retrieval efficacy (in terms of accuracy of results). The way we achieve this is to firstly identify the most “important” documents within the collection, and sort documents within inverted file lists in order of this “importance”. In this way we limit the amount of information to be searched at query time by eliminating documents of lesser importance, which not only makes the search more efficient, but also limits loss in retrieval accuracy. Our experiments, carried out on the TREC Terabyte collection, report significant savings, in terms of number of postings examined, without significant loss of effectiveness when based on several measures of importance used in isolation, and in combination. Our results point to several ways in which the computation cost of searching large collections of documents can be significantly reduced

    Managing tail latency in large scale information retrieval systems

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    As both the availability of internet access and the prominence of smart devices continue to increase, data is being generated at a rate faster than ever before. This massive increase in data production comes with many challenges, including efficiency concerns for the storage and retrieval of such large-scale data. However, users have grown to expect the sub-second response times that are common in most modern search engines, creating a problem - how can such large amounts of data continue to be served efficiently enough to satisfy end users? This dissertation investigates several issues regarding tail latency in large-scale information retrieval systems. Tail latency corresponds to the high percentile latency that is observed from a system - in the case of search, this latency typically corresponds to how long it takes for a query to be processed. In particular, keeping tail latency as low as possible translates to a good experience for all users, as tail latency is directly related to the worst-case latency and hence, the worst possible user experience. The key idea in targeting tail latency is to move from questions such as "what is the median latency of our search engine?" to questions which more accurately capture user experience such as "how many queries take more than 200ms to return answers?" or "what is the worst case latency that a user may be subject to, and how often might it occur?" While various strategies exist for efficiently processing queries over large textual corpora, prior research has focused almost entirely on improvements to the average processing time or cost of search systems. As a first contribution, we examine some state-of-the-art retrieval algorithms for two popular index organizations, and discuss the trade-offs between them, paying special attention to the notion of tail latency. This research uncovers a number of observations that are subsequently leveraged for improved search efficiency and effectiveness. We then propose and solve a new problem, which involves processing a number of related queries together, known as multi-queries, to yield higher quality search results. We experiment with a number of algorithmic approaches to efficiently process these multi-queries, and report on the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness trade-offs present with each. Ultimately, we find that some solutions yield a low tail latency, and are hence suitable for use in real-time search environments. Finally, we examine how predictive models can be used to improve the tail latency and end-to-end cost of a commonly used multi-stage retrieval architecture without impacting result effectiveness. By combining ideas from numerous areas of information retrieval, we propose a prediction framework which can be used for training and evaluating several efficiency/effectiveness trade-off parameters, resulting in improved trade-offs between cost, result quality, and tail latency

    Efficient query processing for scalable web search

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    Search engines are exceptionally important tools for accessing information in today’s world. In satisfying the information needs of millions of users, the effectiveness (the quality of the search results) and the efficiency (the speed at which the results are returned to the users) of a search engine are two goals that form a natural trade-off, as techniques that improve the effectiveness of the search engine can also make it less efficient. Meanwhile, search engines continue to rapidly evolve, with larger indexes, more complex retrieval strategies and growing query volumes. Hence, there is a need for the development of efficient query processing infrastructures that make appropriate sacrifices in effectiveness in order to make gains in efficiency. This survey comprehensively reviews the foundations of search engines, from index layouts to basic term-at-a-time (TAAT) and document-at-a-time (DAAT) query processing strategies, while also providing the latest trends in the literature in efficient query processing, including the coherent and systematic reviews of techniques such as dynamic pruning and impact-sorted posting lists as well as their variants and optimisations. Our explanations of query processing strategies, for instance the WAND and BMW dynamic pruning algorithms, are presented with illustrative figures showing how the processing state changes as the algorithms progress. Moreover, acknowledging the recent trends in applying a cascading infrastructure within search systems, this survey describes techniques for efficiently integrating effective learned models, such as those obtained from learning-to-rank techniques. The survey also covers the selective application of query processing techniques, often achieved by predicting the response times of the search engine (known as query efficiency prediction), and making per-query tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness to ensure that the required retrieval speed targets can be met. Finally, the survey concludes with a summary of open directions in efficient search infrastructures, namely the use of signatures, real-time, energy-efficient and modern hardware and software architectures

    High-Performance Computing Algorithms for Constructing Inverted Files on Emerging Multicore Processors

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    Current trends in processor architectures increasingly include more cores on a single chip and more complex memory hierarchies, and such a trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future. These processors offer unprecedented opportunities for speeding up demanding computations if the available resources can be effectively utilized. Simultaneously, parallel programming languages such as OpenMP and MPI have been commonly used on clusters of multicore CPUs while newer programming languages such as OpenCL and CUDA have been widely adopted on recent heterogeneous systems and GPUs respectively. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop techniques and methodologies for exploiting these emerging parallel architectures and parallel programming languages to solve large scale irregular applications such as the construction of inverted files. The extraction of inverted files from large collections of documents forms a critical component of all information retrieval systems including web search engines. In this problem, the disk I/O throughput is the major performance bottleneck especially when intermediate results are written onto disks. In addition to the I/O bottleneck, a number of synchronization and consistency issues must be resolved in order to build the dictionary and postings lists efficiently. To address these issues, we introduce a dictionary data structure using a hybrid of trie and B-trees and a high-throughput pipeline strategy that completely avoids the use of disks as temporary storage for intermediate results, while ensuring the consumption of the input data at a high rate. The high-throughput pipelined strategy produces parallel parsed streams that are consumed at the same rate by parallel indexers. The pipelined strategy is implemented on a single multicore CPU as well as on a cluster of such nodes. We were able to achieve a throughput of more than 262MB/s on the ClueWeb09 dataset on a single node. On a cluster of 32 nodes, our experimental results show scalable performance using different metrics, significantly improving on prior published results. On the other hand, we develop a new approach for handling time-evolving documents using additional small temporal indexing structures. The lifetime of the collection is partitioned into multiple time windows, which guarantees a very fast temporal query response time at a small space overhead relative to the non-temporal case. Extensive experimental results indicate that the overhead in both indexing and querying is small in this more complicated case, and the query performance can indeed be improved using finer temporal partitioning of the collection. Finally, we employ GPUs to accelerate the indexing process for building inverted files and to develop a very fast algorithm for the highly irregular list ranking problem. For the indexing problem, the workload is split between CPUs and GPUs in such a way that the strengths of both architectures are exploited. For the list ranking problem involved in the decompression of inverted files, an optimized GPU algorithm is introduced by reducing the problem to a large number of fine grain computations in such a way that the processing cost per element is shown to be close to the best possible

    Versioned index data structures for time travel text search

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    In this work we develop a system for letting users search versioned documents – i.e.,\ncollections containing multiple versions for the same document – specifying their validity\nrange by means of time intervals. To this end, we decide to enhance the widely-used Terrier\nopen-source IR system by means of two strategies for index versioning: (i) the Baseline\nApproach (BA) and, (ii) the Mapping Approach (MA)ope

    Repeatability Corner Cases in Document Ranking: The Impact of Score Ties

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    Document ranking experiments should be repeatable. However, the interaction between multi-threaded indexing and score ties during retrieval may yield non-deterministic rankings, making repeatability not as trivial as one might imagine. In the context of the open-source Lucene search engine, score ties are broken by internal document ids, which are assigned at index time. Due to multi-threaded indexing, which makes experimentation with large modern document collections practical, internal document ids are not assigned consistently between different index instances of the same collection, and thus score ties are broken unpredictably. This short paper examines the effectiveness impact of such score ties, quantifying the variability that can be attributed to this phenomenon. The obvious solution to this non-determinism and to ensure repeatable document ranking is to break score ties using external collection document ids. This approach, however, comes with measurable efficiency costs due to the necessity of consulting external identifiers during query evaluation.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019

    Is searching full text more effective than searching abstracts?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the growing availability of full-text articles online, scientists and other consumers of the life sciences literature now have the ability to go beyond searching bibliographic records (title, abstract, metadata) to directly access full-text content. Motivated by this emerging trend, I posed the following question: is searching full text more effective than searching abstracts? This question is answered by comparing text retrieval algorithms on MEDLINE<sup>® </sup>abstracts, full-text articles, and spans (paragraphs) within full-text articles using data from the TREC 2007 genomics track evaluation. Two retrieval models are examined: <it>bm25 </it>and the ranking algorithm implemented in the open-source Lucene search engine.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Experiments show that treating an entire article as an indexing unit does not consistently yield higher effectiveness compared to abstract-only search. However, retrieval based on spans, or paragraphs-sized segments of full-text articles, consistently outperforms abstract-only search. Results suggest that highest overall effectiveness may be achieved by combining evidence from spans and full articles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Users searching full text are more likely to find relevant articles than searching only abstracts. This finding affirms the value of full text collections for text retrieval and provides a starting point for future work in exploring algorithms that take advantage of rapidly-growing digital archives. Experimental results also highlight the need to develop distributed text retrieval algorithms, since full-text articles are significantly longer than abstracts and may require the computational resources of multiple machines in a cluster. The MapReduce programming model provides a convenient framework for organizing such computations.</p